Evil is unaware, unintelligent and blind


Evil is unaware, unintelligent and blind, therefore it does not know itself. It has no clue of what it means to be real. Yet it can be completely sane.

And he said to the human race, "The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding."

Job 28:28

What happens simultaneously for one observer might seem sequential to another.

God is real. God designs the universe with respect to logic. Recall what I wrote in David Wolpert's article. Reality being defined according to God.

Each of us lives in the condition of distributed solipsism. This means that everything outside of our minds is basically an assumption. The information we perceive with the eye comes to us from no objective reality in particular. But is in the past, so there is no objective reality.

Every conscious being is one conscious being existing in parallel, experiencing themself as separate and distinct lifeforms.
Evil is not an entity.

It's an adjective that human beings use in situations of moral judgement.

It isn't a person or a cognitive agent. So expecting evil to be aware, intelligent and to know things seems to me to be a pretty serious category mistake.

I think that what Spellbound is doing is trying to keep evil as separate as he can from his own very peculiar concept of God. God is awareness, intelligence and knowledge in Spellbound's thinking (if you can call it that), and God is good, so evil can't have anything to do with awareness, intelligence or knowledge.

This seems like it should be in the religon folder.

I agree.

If somebody wants to make evil the topic of philosophical discussion, they probably should be inquiring into how the word 'evil' is typically used, what kind of things can be labeled evil and how we know them to be so, and whether all instances of evil share some distinctive quality in common, apart from people applying the same label to all of them.
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Evil is.......
The jinns(Evil also) have been made from smokeless fire. surah rehman verse no 15: from Quran. It means they are made of power/energy. I knew from some of Muslims that evil can transform himself into many other animal........ though it is about religious but I knew E=mc^2 also. And I think it doesn't prove the existence of the creature.
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It isn't a person or a cognitive agent. So expecting evil to be aware, intelligent and to know things seems to me to be a pretty serious category mistake.

I wouldn't be so sure. There are such things as predatory entities such as rapists and psychopathic killers. Conceivably there could be beings on other planets and in other dimensions which would fit the bill of evil as well. This is not to say they have some objective moral property so much as to say they are simply predatory, much as a spider is to a housefly. In the religion of houseflies, spiders are the Devil.

Evil is unaware, unintelligent and blind, therefore it does not know itself.
Then what are you worried about? Unintelligent evil won't triumph over intelligent good, surely?

God is real. God designs the universe with respect to logic. Recall what I wrote in David Wolpert's article. Reality being defined according to God.

Each of us lives in the condition of distributed solipsism. This means that everything outside of our minds is basically an assumption. The information we perceive with the eye comes to us from no objective reality in particular. But is in the past, so there is no objective reality.
Are you talking about what "reality is..." again?

You know where that should go, don't you?
There is too much cruelty in this world for a loving God to exist.

People are dying every day and God does nothing to prevent it. Also if there was a God then eternal death would not have to exist but the fact is that death is eternal.

Also if God was truly a loving God then he will definitely not allow people to be eternally tormented for mistakes they have committed during a finite lifetime on a finite and insignificant planet. That God would even allow himself to be concerned with such trivialities shows that God is simply childish.

If God exists then he must definitely be very sick and sadistic in my opinion.

I don't understand why people worship such a god who is clearly evil, he sends people to Hell, this always puzzled me, why would an all-loving God have people be tortured for eternity?

Think about that word ETERNITY here, no one deserves such misery no matter what they did. You can murder all of my loved ones and a thousand babies and it still wouldn't be just for you to be tormented (or tortured) for all of eternity.
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Evil is unaware, unintelligent and blind, therefore it does not know itself. It has no clue of what it means to be real. Yet it can be completely sane.

Sanity cannot exist without awareness. Only something that is aware can be sane or insane.

Your claim lacks a definition of evil. The evil as I define it (evil = entities which actively try to harm others for selfish reasons), is usually intelligent and vigilant. But as long as we do not know what the other labels as evil, this discussion will not lead anywhere. Thus I'm only pointing out that the state of "sane" is meaningless without awareness.
But you cannot have good without evil: this is theory of relativity. One thing is relative i.e. related, to another. Does not the sour make the sweet so much sweeter? Does this not DEFINE sweet and sour? We cannot have good without evil.
But you cannot have good without evil: this is theory of relativity. One thing is relative i.e. related, to another. Does not the sour make the sweet so much sweeter? Does this not DEFINE sweet and sour? We cannot have good without evil.


To me the Survival of Humanity has nothing to do with good or evil.
I don't understand why people worship such a god who is clearly evil, he sends people to Hell.
And what do you think about nature ? There are many children borned without legs, hands and with more problems. But now we have Medical science that seems going well.
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And what do you think about nature ? There are many children borned without legs, hands and with more problems. But now we have Medical science that seems going well.

Nature works with what she has. Every time she shuffles the genetic deck, quirks will occur. We should be grateful for how well it comes out most the time.
Evil is unaware, unintelligent and blind, therefore it does not know itself. It has no clue of what it means to be real. Yet it can be completely sane.

And he said to the human race, "The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding."

Job 28:28

What happens simultaneously for one observer might seem sequential to another.

God is real. God designs the universe with respect to logic. Recall what I wrote in David Wolpert's article. Reality being defined according to God.

Each of us lives in the condition of distributed solipsism. This means that everything outside of our minds is basically an assumption. The information we perceive with the eye comes to us from no objective reality in particular. But is in the past, so there is no objective reality.

Every conscious being is one conscious being existing in parallel, experiencing themself as separate and distinct lifeforms.

There are certain paths that optimize humans. Not all paths will lead to the same optimized result. For example, adequate exercise and good nutrition is good path for health. If one is unaware or blind to this optimization, the result in less than optimization.

Mathew 7-13; "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."

Good nutrition and exercise sets limits, while deviation is wide open.

The question becomes, why would a person choose a less than optimized path? It might have to do with impulse; overeat junk food, conformity to the sedate lifestyle of your peers, unconsciousness to cause and affect, or ignorance of optimization.

The concepts of good and evil is fundamentally based on one path leading to optimization; few will find it, and all the other paths that are less optimized. This extra paths appear due to impulse, conformity, unconsciousness and ignorance.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, is connected to a conscious awareness one is moving away from optimization. As an example, say we know eating well is needed for good health. However, one can't help their unconscious urges and impulses to eat too much cake and candy. We know this is not good/optimized for us, but we do it anyway, but with some level of fear and regret. This fear is the beginning of wisdom, in the sense reason; light, is appearing, apart from blind impulse.

Evil has no fear, because it is fear. When evil is confronted with deviating from personal and collective optimization, it will blindly follow impulse and unconsciousness and never know the better. All paths are relative when it comes to good health, therefore there is no need to be conscious and rational. One can live by impulse without fear, until the crap hits the fan.
Evil can know, it's called ignorance. But it's not evil it's virtue who plays the devil. Maybe both.