Evidence Of Gulf Stream Circling Arctic Basin During Ice Age


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
Muskox bone found on Banks Island, NW Canada tells a story of a possible warm refugium in the cold Arctic Muskox Bone of Possible Wisconsin Age from Banks Island, Northwest Territories

ABSTRACT. Part of a metacarpal of Ovibos was found in 1963 on Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, near 121"54'W., 73"23'N. The bone was indistinguishable from Ovibos moschatus. A Carbon-14 date in excess of 34,000 years was determined. The possible existence of a Wisconsin refugium on Banks Island is discussed. Evidence suggests that a refugium existed there isolated from Beringia. In addition to plant species, two small mammal species (Lemmus sibiricus and Lepus arcticus) and possibly muskoxen survived in the Banks Island refugium.

There's also the tricky question of how the ice age climate supported hundreds of thousands of mega-fauna north of the arctic circle!
I reckon that the solar tidal gravity increases during the ice age. This increases the currents in general. The Gulf Stream increases into the Arctic basin where it forms deep water. Sea ice would melt during the summer, so further increasing temperature.
I reckon that the solar tidal gravity increases during the ice age. This increases the currents in general. The Gulf Stream increases into the Arctic basin where it forms deep water. Sea ice would melt during the summer, so further increasing temperature.
Wow. Gosh. Sheesh! :shrug:
I've said it before, I'll say it again, go and seek professional help. You are delusional my young friend. Sooner or later you will cause yourself harm.
But I'll lay odds they didn't claim that a 'solar tidal gravity increases' was either the result, or the cause, or in anyway associated with the warmer climate.
There's top reports that state that there must have been extreme arctic penetration of the warm gulf stream though.
But they didn't claim that a 'solar tidal gravity increases' was either the result, or the cause, or in anyway associated with the warmer climate. This is what you claimed. Will you now concede that your claim was unfounded?
Here's the scientific evidence of the Gulf Stream penetrating the Artic basin during the glacial age Holocene Treeline History and Climate Change Across Northern Eurasia

The development of forest and expansion
of treeline likely reflects a number of complimentary
environmental conditions, including heightened summer insolation,
the demise of Eurasian ice sheets, reduced sea-ice cover,
greater continentality with eustatically lower sea level, and extreme
Arctic penetration of warm North Atlantic waters

Why this occurs is open to question.