Evidence for a Global Flood & Tower of Babel is Accurate!


Registered Senior Member
Almost every fossel found has been in sedamentry rock. That is it was found in flood waters. There is much evidence of the global flood. All the evidence used to prove an astriod impact can also be interpreted as a global flood. All you have to do is look at the evidence.

The Tower of Babel is accurate and cannot be disproven: The tower of babel was described in terms of a human observer and to them it looked like is could reach to the heavens. It was never finished becouse god confused there languages and spread them over the earth.

It is a true story.
Almost every fossel found has been in sedamentry rock.
Yes, because sedimentation is the best way to preserve fossils. It's like saying almost every ice cube has been found in a freezer.
How do you explain fossils found in caves, or in tarpits?
There is much evidence of the global flood.
Where is it, then? Apart from in your belief system, I mean.
All the evidence used to prove an astriod impact can also be interpreted as a global flood. All you have to do is look at the evidence.
There have been several impacts from asteroids. The larger impactors, like the Chixulub event that wiped out the dinosaurs, probably caused a lot of flooding from massive tidal waves. But that one also caused global fires that wiped out most of the continental forests. Earthquakes and atmospheric shockwaves would have caused a lot of damage too, so it wasn't restricted to flooding.
The Tower of Babel is accurate and cannot be disproven
The Tower of Babel can be doubted, since as you go on to point out, the myth was based on word of mouth. There is no actual archeological evidence surviving, unlike say, the pyramids.
It is a true story.
It's true that it's a story, yes. But you can't conclude that it really existed based on someone's word, even if it got written down.

Do you believe in Santa Claus? The tooth fairy?
Yes, because sedimentation is the best way to preserve fossils. It's like saying almost every ice cube has been found in a freezer.
How do you explain fossils found in caves, or in tarpits? Where is it, then? Apart from in your belief system, I mean.There have been several impacts from asteroids. The larger impactors, like the Chixulub event that wiped out the dinosaurs, probably caused a lot of flooding from massive tidal waves. But that one also caused global fires that wiped out most of the continental forests. Earthquakes and atmospheric shockwaves would have caused a lot of damage too, so it wasn't restricted to flooding.The Tower of Babel can be doubted, since as you go on to point out, the myth was based on word of mouth. There is no actual archeological evidence surviving, unlike say, the pyramids.It's true that it's a story, yes. But you can't conclude that it really existed based on someone's word, even if it got written down.

Do you believe in Santa Claus? The tooth fairy?

So far nothing but words. Prove it! None the less lets say you are right. All the bible says is that for the inhabitants of babylon the languages were confused so as to stop them from building the tower of bable. This would not rule out other languages being in use else were on earth. Man is very intellagent. He could make up a new language any time he likes. He does not need god to do it for him fool.
So far nothing but words. Prove it! None the less lets say you are right. All the bible says is that for the inhabitants of babylon the languages were confused so as to stop them from building the tower of bable. This would not rule out other languages being in use else were on earth. Man is very intellagent. He could make up a new language any time he likes. He does not need god to do it for him fool.

let's say, just for fun, that the story is true. And that God really did screw up their language so they couldnt complete it. If God was so afraid to let us complete a tower, why did he allow us to send probes outside our solar system in spite of our mixture of languages. Surely our space probes have gone higher than any tower man could have tried to build back then.

Maybe our story teller was just like.... high?
let's say, just for fun, that the story is true. And that God really did screw up their language so they couldnt complete it. If God was so afraid to let us complete a tower, why did he allow us to send probes outside our solar system in spite of our mixture of languages. Surely our space probes have gone higher than any tower man could have tried to build back then.

Maybe our story teller was just like.... high?

Anything else?
Anything else?

feel free to ignore the suggestion that anyone was high, can you explain the rationale a god would use to justify freaking out over a tower but not freaking out over space probes?

I think one question at a time is being polite and it makes it easier on you to focus on just one idea at a time. I'm not trying to confuse you.
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neverfly said:
http://www.talkorigins.org/origins/faqs-flood.html All the answers you want have been researched, organized, provided, cited and sourced right here.

Good cite. There's a lot of good factual material there to meet or beat all objections to the contrary .

seagypsy said:
feel free to ignore the suggestion that anyone was high, can you explain the rational god would use to justify freaking out over a tower but not freaking out over space probes? I think one question at a time is being polite and it makes it easier on you to focus on just one idea at a time. I'm not trying to confuse you.

Speaking in tongues is plausibly connected to being stewed. Revelations reads like a hallucination. All of the rest - flaming chariots, walking on water - are practically prophetic anticipations of Animal House or Alice B. Toklas. Give the story of the gathering on the mount with the miracle of the loaves and fishes to Nostradamus and you could expect to get back Woodstock or a Grateful Dead concert.

Of course it's understood that the Israelites were in captivity in Babylon so as far as they were concerned the locals were speaking a foreign language and behaving badly. Their version of the story wouldn't read like a travel guide, gushing over the hanging gardens, the exotic cuisine, the quaint architecture and the rosy cheeked peasant girls in colorful costume. Who knows if they were allowed to have wine - they would at least bootleg it - but as captives we would expect to see a dependency somewhere in the back story. Give a detainee a stylus or a scroll and he's going to tell it, with or without immediate chemical inducement.
I always took the gathering on the mount to reflect that sharing means caring.

Think about it.
Buncha people showed up. Many didn't think ahead, but many did and packed a sack lunch.
So those that had a lunch kinda hid it under their robes, or the beggers will mooch it all away leaving the one that had the foresight to pack away some vittles with scraps.

Well, here Jesus is in front, sharing his supply.

Shucks. Our leader is sharing... FINE!
So they pull out their own food and kinda may act surprised as they pass it along. Ohh- miracle...

The miracle wasn't in making one fish feed a bunch of people. It was in getting the crowd to give up being selfish for a while.
Yes, and that kind of story - about the church picnic, when the little squall set in - is just fodder for the spinsters and myth makers. The fact that these are myths and legends just doesn't appeal to the believer, who has so many chips riding on the bet that it's literally true.

No doubt it would have been better to render it as a story in sharing, without the smoke and mirrors. At least it would reach a wider audience, for whatever that may be worth. Evidently a certain amount of spin was required back in the day just to give the Gospels traction.
Yes, and that kind of story - about the church picnic, when the little squall set in - is just fodder for the spinsters and myth makers. The fact that these are myths and legends just doesn't appeal to the believer, who has so many chips riding on the bet that it's literally true.

No doubt it would have been better to render it as a story in sharing, without the smoke and mirrors. At least it would reach a wider audience, for whatever that may be worth. Evidently a certain amount of spin was required back in the day just to give the Gospels traction.

It also would teach wisdom and human participation to make a difference.

To make it just miraculous removes that element and makes it pretty... worthless.