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FEATURE: The Montauk Project's Time Portal
August 23, 2000 08:10 CDT

One of the unsolved mysteries in what's believed to be advanced experiments by the U.S. military is the Montauk Project, an exercise reported to have been undertaken by the Navy as far back as 1943--"cloaking" the USS Eldridge into invisibility and opening the portals of time travel.

"The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time," by Peter Moon in 1992 delved into the mystery and called it "one of the most amazing and secretive research projects in recorded history."

In 1943, the Eldridge was a newly commissioned destroyer escort vessel, stationed in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. "The objective of this experiment was to make the ship undetectable to radar and while that was achieved, there was a totally unexpected and drastic side effect. The ship became invisible to the naked eye and was removed from time and space as we know it," says Moon.

"Although this was a remarkable breakthrough in terms of technology, it was a catastrophe to the people involved. Sailors had been transported out of this dimension and returned in a state of complete mental disorientation and horror. Some were even planted into the bulkhead of the ship itself. Those who survived were discharged as 'mentally unfit' or otherwise discredited and the entire affair was covered up," he says.

The complex and frequently bizarre tale of the Montauk Project and Moon's research are detailed at http://www.time-travel.com/skybooks/new_page_1.htm.

As Moon tells it, the experiments continued at Brookhaven National Laboratories after World War II, under the direction of mathematician and computer Dr. John von Neumann , who had directed the technical aspects of the Philadelphia Experiment. "His new orders were to find out what made the mind of a man tick and why people could not be subjected to inter-dimensional phenomena without disaster," says Moon, adding that Von Neumann drew on data from Nazi psychological research during the war.

"Von Neumann attempted to couple computer technology with sophisticated radio equipment in an attempt to link people's minds with machines. Over time, his efforts were quite successful," says Moon.

"After years of empirical experimentation, human thoughts could eventually be received by esoteric crystal radio receivers and relayed into a computer which could store the thoughts in terms of information bits. This thought pattern could in turn be displayed on a computer screen and printed out on a piece of paper. These principles were developed and the techniques were enhanced until a virtual mind reading machine was constructed. Ultimately, the Montauk Project obtained a superior understanding of how the mind functions and achieved the sinister potential for mind control."

Congress halted the project in the late 1960s, said Moon, but it started up again in 1972 as a "massive private mind control experimentation" at an decommissioned Air Force research facility at Camp Hero, at Montauk Point, New York.

"Over the years, the Montauk researchers perfected their mind control techniques and continued to delve further into the far reaches of human potential. By developing the psychic abilities of different personnel, it eventually got to the point where a psychic's thoughts could be amplified with hardware and illusions could be manifested both subjectively and objectively. This included the virtual creation of matter. All of this was unparalleled in the history of what we call ordinary human experience," said Moon.

"Once it was discovered that a psychic could manifest matter, it was observed that the manifestation could appear at different times, depending upon what the psychic was thinking. It was this line of thinking and experimentation, which led to the idea that one, could bend time itself. After years of empirical research, time portals were opened with massive and outrageous experiments being conducted. The Montauk Project eventually came to a bizarre climax with a time vortex being opened back to 1943 and the original Philadelphia Experiment."

Moon said he began his research into the USS Eldridge and the Montauk project after meeting Preston Nichols, an electronics engineer who was working for a Long Island defense contractor in research into psychic telepathy. Nichols found that persistent radio waves were interfering with his research, and traced the waves to Montauk. There, says Moon, Nichols found that personnel recognized him as having worked there, although Nichols had no such memory.

Together, Moon and Nichols found others who had distant memories of Montauk and concluded that some of these workers had experienced lives in two separate, but parallel times. And, they found links to the Montauk site from the Pyramids and ancient ritual grounds of the New York Montauk Indians.

Moon said the Montauk project ended in August of 1983, when "a full-blown time portal was fully functioning, but things were out of control." One of the previous workers at the site, he said, recalled being a subject on the original USS Eldridge. He "called together a group of people and decided to crash (destroy) the project. People who had been working on the base suddenly abandoned it. The air shafts and entrances to the major underground facility beneath the base were subsequently filled with cement. The full circumstances behind all of this remain a mystery to this day."

Today, working on a fourth book on the Montauk experiment, Moon and Nichols believe that the site is among several ancient grid point vortices on Earth, capable of transportation into other dimensions of time and space.

You might check this one out, this webbie is perhaps the best yet, as it shows pics & vids of the machines & the people behind it all. Enjoy!




A Visit to Montauk
( Ken Wheaton, March, 1996 )

Here are a few emails received from Ken Wheaton who lives on
Long Island and tried to explore the abandoned base at Montauk.


Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 22:31:03 -0800
From: cajunken@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth J. Wheaton, Jr. )
Subject: Montauk Project (from Montauk)
To: rjoshua@sprintmail.com

To whom it may concern,

As a resident of the East End of Long Island for the last five years, I've heard a bit about the so-called Montauk project. In 1994 I went to the abandoned Camp Hero base with a couple of friends and turned up nothing. Contrary to the claims of Nichols et al, the radar tower was not sealed shut. But as it is a concrete building and probably has lead-lined walls, we could not see much -- it was a day trip and we had no flash lights.

But I have been in the tower itself. On March 17/18 of this year, some friends and I went to the base (still no activity) and climbed to the very top of the radar tower. Only two things of interest were found. The first was that the view from the roof of the building is probably one of the best on Long Island. The second was a small bronze plaque within the main rotor-drive of the dish (located on the top-most inner level of the structure) that read, simply, "Philadelphia." Of course this could have been a reference to Philadelphia textile. Still, it did provide a thrill -- especially when an obviously upset pigeon scared the living daylights out of us.

But the fact remains that the base, for all practical purposes, seems abandoned. Six large turbines that probably powered the base have been destroyed. And judging by the drives that rotate the dish itself, that part of the base has not been used in awhile. As to the claims that the underground is being used, I have no proof either way. Most of the bunker entrances (they were set up as fortifications during World War II) have been sealed with concrete. I'm moving away from the area in two weeks, but I plan to go back out there and see if I can gain entrance to the underground. On our first trip we did come across and interesting building that appeared to be a small guard house. This building had a ladder going down to a lower level. The lower level, however, was filled with stagnant water. It must also be pointed out that the cliffs of Montauk literally ooze with water that is apparently trapped within these old bunkers.

The State of New York technically owns the Camp Hero base and is supposed to use it as a state park. Most of it is used thusly, but the authors of the Montauk Project are right in stating that the inner base itself is off-limits. But in my three trips out there (went again today) I have yet to be harassed. And judging by the amount of grafiti inside the radar tower, not many other people are harassed.

I wanted desperately to believe that there is a Montauk project. The Philadelphia Experiment fascinates me as does time travel and UFOs. But after reading Montauk Revisited and the Pyramids of Montauk (oddly enough I couldn't find a copy of the first book), I've just about given up. Aleister Crowley, Atlantean Montauk Indians? As far as pyramids are concerned, anyone walking around the Montauk area -- especially in the Nappeague stretch -- can point out literally hundreds of dunes that look exactly like the "pyramids" discussed in the third book. As far as a particle accelerator is concerned, I haven't searched for one thoroughly yet. But there are numerous concrete circles scattered about the base that used to serve as the foundations for large guns.

It may be of interest to your readers that the State of New York is currently conducting feasibility studies to consider the possiblity of turning much of the Camp Hero property into a golf course. Whether or not the Montauk Project is true, I think that a golf course on the site would be a tragedy. As managing editor of the Montauk Pioneer (a Dan's Papers publication -- both of which are mentioned in the books), I have written editorial opposing the golf course. The property, though somewhat in shambles after years of military use, does provide for an interesting day. It's sort of like a nature walk and archaeolgical expedition combined.

Anyway, as stated above, I'm moving from the area in a couple of weeks. I've enjoyed what I've read of your site so far and I hope that these pages are kept up. As for what I've written so far, I just wanted to shed some first-hand light on the subject.


Kenneth J. Wheaton, Jr.
17 Canal Road
Hampton Bays, NY 11946

- or -

577 Sandpiper Lane
Opelousas, LA 70570


Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 20:21:20 -0800
From: cajunken@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth J. Wheaton, Jr. )
Subject: Re: Montauk Project (from Montauk)
To: "Joshua Shapiro" {rjoshua@sprintmail.com}

Dear Joshua,

Feel free to use what I write you, but I'd like to make on correction or addition. I mentioned that the bunkers were flooded and that the author's of Montauk Project had neglected to mention that. But upon reaching the final chapters of Pyramids of Montauk (the third book in the series), Preston Nichols did mention that the bunkers were indeed flooded within the last two years.

Ken Wheaton


Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 20:04:23 -0800
From: cajunken@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth J. Wheaton, Jr. )
Subject: Re: Montauk Project (from Montauk)
To: "Joshua Shapiro" {rjoshua@sprintmail.com}


I just wanted to make it clear that upon completing the third book, I realized that Nichols had accounted for the flooding. I think that I had mentioned that he didn't in my first e-mail.


Ken Wheaton
I'm curious about something. Although the Montauk story is very interesting, it has more to do with the presentation of your posts and the way they come across (at least to my eyes). Are you selling something?

I don't mean any offense, I'm just curious.
Funny you should ask me that Oxygen, I do not recall asking anyone for anything!

Would you mind elaborating?

* what about my "presentation" gives you the idea that I am attempting to "$ell anything?

* other than providing info, & the links to display as to where I received my information from, how does this come accross to you that this is connected to someone who has intention to "Sell" something? Hmmmm???

[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited August 24, 2000).]