Everything is blown out of proportion and overthought.


Registered Senior Member
Maybe I'm being guilty of the crime by posting this, but doesn't it seem that every single subject nowadays has to have some huge explanation, whereas it was never like this?

Everyone has a huge theory or sayings about every event.

Enough is enough, lets be poignant when we convey ideas. By saying so much people are trying to prove that their really intelligent.

Does anyone agree with me?

I dont think theres anything wrong with discussing a subject. Sure subjects get mauled to pieces until there's nothing left to discuss, but there really isnt anything wrong with having your own theory or opinion on something. And isnt the point of these forums to discuss and debate stuff?

BTW I dont think that ALL people try to prove they are intelligent, at least I dont. I just like to get my word into a conversation. I know some people just try to act like a brilliant savant, but hey, theres nothing wrong with that. Most people on sciforums actually are more intelligent than average because were all here discussing SCIENCE not contemplating the meaning of string. Well some people on this site contemplate the meaning of string but thats still okay.

Anyway, I dont know if I'm just speaking for myself. Does anyone agree with me?
The World is flat! I need not explain why!

Does anyone accept this? Don't I need to prove (provide supporting evidence) why I believe that the world is flat?

"The Earth is the center of all things! The sun revolves around it"

"The Earth is only 5000 years old! Does anyone believe that today?"

"I don't need to hear the testimony of the witnesses and the evidence in a murder trial, I can tell a murderer just by lookin at him."

Does anyone see a pattern here?:cool: ;) :cool:
Can't say I agree with you on this one, the whole point of these forums is to express and debate ideas intelligently. Granted some people try to sound smarter than they are, but they make good cannon fodder.

If you're looking for short posts with no intelligence behind them you could try www.yahooka.com

But even the stoners start ranting and thinking for themselves on occasion.
You're not going into calhoots with Tony1 are you?

On somethings we stay to long and "beat it to death". There are others that start out with the most silly or whimsical thoughts. Some through the presistance of the members require that it be explained to death. Often to the dissatisfaction of some.

It is a free and easy forum to a large extent and guided by the comments of all.
If the only subject to be discussed by all members at Sci-forums was a single grain of sand......

If every participating member were to make observations and post opinions about the characteristics of this grain of sand....

If every scientist that has ever lived, did nothing else with their time but study this one grain of sand.....

we would still only know a small fraction of the total information that could be derived by the study of a grain of sand.

<i>Summary points may be great for town meetings and debates, but understanding and truth are a result of unrelenting examination. </i>

But don't believe me, I'm just another one of those ranting stoners!
People, sometimes in an effort to sound intelligent, vomit words which made sense to them when they ate it but when it comes back up no one can figure it out.

Some people just say simple stupid shit.

Possibly such words as the above.

If someone starts going off on tangets simple direct questions will work wonders in getting it back on track. It also forces the original poster to think about their position a little more.

Which words would those be, KalvinB?

Possibly such words as the above.
I'm just curious, because aside from the fact that, as thecurly1 fears, we're beating the topic of beating dead horses, I think this is a pretty good subject whose time at Sciforums is due. I'm amused that everyone's posting somewhat short here ... come on, everyone ... I want to see those big complex explanations .... :D

Tiassa :cool:
Hmm... I want a new thought/idea, and maybe one is hiding within these many piles of many words. Sometimes a splendid gem will surface out of the most typical exchange. I don't know, should we suppress the possibilities? Is it worth the wait, the exacerbation?
Explaining one concept in different ways reflects (of course) the different ways it can be seen or approached. If some people reiterate an idea in a certain light, it may provide the path of understanding for one person while another misses it entirely, requiring another approach. This redundancy can make a post much longer.
Discussion is what forums are, literally. Things can always be said much easier, but where's the sense of satisfaction?
If everyone concurred, there would be no discussion, and so no "intelligent" forum.
Then again, when one person states all the apparent answers in one long dialogue, what's the point of posting? Another aspect of the forum is a person's personality, expressed through posting. Unless it's concurrence no one is able to show themselves unique.
I say say what's necessary to get a point across and give yourself a little room in case someone doesn't get it (provided by restating something a few times). When you have a lot to say and to you all of it's important and you feel someone can benefit from it, speak. Unless someone speaks out against someone specifically, there's nothing to fear. If you honor what they say truly, you'll truly hold back with your words. Better not to affect agreement and remain true to your beliefs.

"Conversation is an art in which a man has all mankind for competitors."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson ( 1803 - 1882 )

But I think that more often than not now, we grab on to something hype it up and tend to blow it out of proportion.

Doing this can create fear over things that aren't needed.
Say what?

I'm not that smart really, however I come here for the cookies and milk and get to read a little light reading. But this troubles me, you think:
"Maybe I'm being guilty of the crime by posting this, but doesn't it seem that every single subject nowadays has to have some huge explanation, whereas it was never like this?"

Ok, you show me a time in history when things were not blown out of porpotion, when every debate was agreed upon by all parties, and when all religious creeds saw eye to eye?
I wasn't saying that this is entirley a modern day occurance, but it has grown more prevalant in the past 20 years with mass media outlets exploding in number.

Hope that clairfies things.
Now you've done it!!!.

Originally posted by thecurly1
I wasn't saying that this is entirley a modern day occurance, but it has grown more prevalant in the past 20 years with mass media outlets exploding in number.

Hope that clairfies things.

LOL,LOL, I agree with you about the mass media, however the arguments have allways been there, "ps. This got me & my girlfriend debating" She agree's with you, she says " it's the time one has nowadays to sit in front of your computer and enter these forums and debate any idea you don't see eye to eye with anyone else". Well that's all for now, I'm sure I'll come up with somemore stuff laters.
How ironic, discussing the idea of too much discussion. I kind of agree with both sides, yes, some things are just beaten to death, especially in the commercial market, no doubt.

But on the other hand, the only crime one could commit would be the suppression of free thinking AND THE EXPRESSION OF ONE'S THOUGHTS. Every post I read, no matter what the topic, sheds more light into the darkness, and that's a good thing. Eventually, I guess, I can lose interest in a particular subject, or I feel like I will probably have no more to offer no matter how much I read, but that's my own fault. Maybe if it seems like ranting and raving insignificantly, one should consider taking a few days off from Sciforums to give one's brain a little break.
I'm not saying that speech should be limited, or that any restriction should be placed.

But don't you think people could save some energy and pay attention to things that matter, or look at something unimportant and not try to make it IMportant.
The importance of an issue is relative to the discusser though, right? If it's not particularly important to you, move along to something that is. If I choose to discuss or debate a topic or issue, it must be important enough to me, but it doesn't have to be to you. Just my opinion.
Alright, let's use this example to back up my theorm:

At the start of the Chandra Levy thing, did we all have to whig out about them POSSIBLY having a relation? There had been no crime committed, no suspects.

At the time it was, "oh I wonder if they humped and he killed her afterwards?" That was blown out of proportion, because a congressman and an intern have had relations before. This dates back to the beginning of the US.

I would give the attention more validitiy when it officialy became a missing person's case, which happened only a few days before the Condit-Chung interview at the beginning of Aug.

That was blown out of proportion because there was no case, and at the time no known relationship with the intern.