Everyone is at least 99% atheist/agnostic


Into the future
Registered Senior Member
Marlin said in Mormom Teachings,
Yes, I really do believe the LDS scriptures are true and inspired of God. I believe this because I was born and raised LDS, and because I have received a spiritual witness that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. There are no factual errors that I am aware of in the BofM or the BofA, unless you are counting the "mistakes of men" which are alluded to, and which are to be expected in any text (including the Bible). Joseph Smith never gave one false prophecy.
Kerry Shirts said in Big time mormon scholar lands on SciForums ...,
Certainly. I suspect largely because I was born LDS, and that's been my raising and culture, and besides, I really do believe in it. The ideology seems rather close to what I think the meaning of life is.

Special Note: Quotations were made in a respectful way. I sincerely offer my apologies if any of you got a wrong impression of my intentions.

These statements clearly show the influence of the circumstances in which the personality of an individual is conditioned by the society, thus dividing us further apart.

One could hear almost the same explanation every time when respectfully asking:

“Why you chose [Put any religion here] over all of the available religions around the world?”
Certainly. I suspect largely because I was born [Put any religion here], and that's been my raising and culture, and besides, I really do believe in it. The ideology seems rather close to what I think the meaning of life is.

“Do you believe the [Put any sacred(s) book(s)/text(s) here] was/were inspired by God(s)?”
Yes, I really do believe the [Put any sacred(s) book(s)/text(s) here] are true and inspired of [Put the corresponding deity/deities here]. I believe this because I was born and raised [Put the corresponding religion here], and because I have received a spiritual witness that the [Put the corresponding religious organization] is true.

If we were in ancient Egypt more than 4500 years ago, we would get probably a similar answer:

An Imaginary Heliopolis citizen saying,
Certainly. I suspect largely because I was born an Atum worshipper, and that's been my raising and culture, and besides, I really do believe in it. The beliefs seems rather close to what I think the meaning of life is.


Assuming that there are 2,500 gods through recorded history, I have disbelief/skepticism of all 2,500 whereas others have disbelief/skepticism of 2,499 gods.

Let’s celebrate the fact that just like with ADN, each and every one of us are at least 99% the same, as atheists/agnostics that we are.
ranger welcome.
nicely put, but it just a long way to say this.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

Stephen Roberts
i believe that most, if not all of those gods are actual spiritual entities.
i choose to worship none of them.
where does that put me, i wonder?
I like that quote geeser.
Its like all those fools had something in common - they all thought their god was the right one.

Why do people have to refer to non-believers as "atheists"?
Why can't people just use a word that indicates that not believing in "god" is the norm? rather than an absence of a belief?
no, i'm not atheist, agnostic or a theist. i know "god" exists, but god is not what people think it is.
i dont know what G-d is, other than infinite in every way.
therefore, i do not worship ANYTHING.
to do so, would be like limiting myself to only coca-cola when i love all cola flavored beverages equally.
The Devil Inside said:
i am jewish.
i do not worship gods though.
perhaps I'm just thick but you dont pray or sing hymns, or go to the synagogue, you dont think god is devine.

perhaps these meanings dont mean worship:

1, a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.
b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.
2, Ardent devotion; adoration.

The Kedushah prayer quotes Isaiah 6:3: "Holy, holy, holy is Adonai of Hosts! The whole earth is full of God's glory." The Hasidic response to this verse is Ayei m'kom k'vodo? "Where is the place of God's glory?"

like I said perhaps I have the meaning of worship all wrong.
Very nice geeser.

I would like to make a remark regarding the quote:
“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

Stephen Roberts

We have to know in advance how many Gods the person believes in order to properly construct the above statement.

For example, if I use the above statement with a person who believes in 12 Gods that would imply that I believe in 11 Gods, "..one fewer god than you do..".

What do you think?
ranger said:
Special Note: Quotations were made in a respectful way. I sincerely offer my apologies if any of you got a wrong impression of my intentions.

These statements clearly show the influence of the circumstances in which the personality of an individual is conditioned by the society, thus dividing us further apart.

One could hear almost the same explanation every time when respectfully asking:

“Why you chose [Put any religion here] over all of the available religions around the world?”
Certainly. I suspect largely because I was born [Put any religion here], and that's been my raising and culture, and besides, I really do believe in it. The ideology seems rather close to what I think the meaning of life is.

“Do you believe the [Put any sacred(s) book(s)/text(s) here] was/were inspired by God(s)?”
Yes, I really do believe the [Put any sacred(s) book(s)/text(s) here] are true and inspired of [Put the corresponding deity/deities here]. I believe this because I was born and raised [Put the corresponding religion here], and because I have received a spiritual witness that the [Put the corresponding religious organization] is true.

If we were in ancient Egypt more than 4500 years ago, we would get probably a similar answer:


Assuming that there are 2,500 gods through recorded history, I have disbelief/skepticism of all 2,500 whereas others have disbelief/skepticism of 2,499 gods.

Let’s celebrate the fact that just like with ADN, each and every one of us are at least 99% the same, as atheists/agnostics that we are.

What an idiotic, foolish argument.

I can also make a post "Everyone is illiterate" because we are born and raised to learn how to read, write, etc...
ranger said:
Special Note: Quotations were made in a respectful way. I sincerely offer my apologies if any of you got a wrong impression of my intentions.

These statements clearly show the influence of the circumstances in which the personality of an individual is conditioned by the society, thus dividing us further apart.

One could hear almost the same explanation every time when respectfully asking:

“Why you chose [Put any religion here] over all of the available religions around the world?”
Certainly. I suspect largely because I was born [Put any religion here], and that's been my raising and culture, and besides, I really do believe in it. The ideology seems rather close to what I think the meaning of life is.

“Do you believe the [Put any sacred(s) book(s)/text(s) here] was/were inspired by God(s)?”
Yes, I really do believe the [Put any sacred(s) book(s)/text(s) here] are true and inspired of [Put the corresponding deity/deities here]. I believe this because I was born and raised [Put the corresponding religion here], and because I have received a spiritual witness that the [Put the corresponding religious organization] is true.

If we were in ancient Egypt more than 4500 years ago, we would get probably a similar answer:


Assuming that there are 2,500 gods through recorded history, I have disbelief/skepticism of all 2,500 whereas others have disbelief/skepticism of 2,499 gods.

Let’s celebrate the fact that just like with ADN, each and every one of us are at least 99% the same, as atheists/agnostics that we are.
It would be interesting to know how many of those that only believe in -one- God.
VitalOne said:
What an idiotic, foolish argument.

I can also make a post "Everyone is illiterate" because we are born and raised to learn how to read, write, etc...

:) Greetings VitalOne,

We can see throughout history that the majority of a population within a society learns and adopts the beliefs/traditions that their society teaches them.

If a person is born on an island and the majority of the island population believed in a God named Golly-Whizzo, you bet, that most probably, the person would believe truthfully in Golly-Whizzo too.

Does that make Golly-Whizzo real?
sure thing that golly whizzo is real :) well, in two ways... for those ppl that he is real for, he helps them to live their life the way they live it, second, i dont think that god changes who he is based on what you call him.

VitalOne, i understand why you are arguing, but its kinda out of place. Ranger does have a point here. if you read into sociology you will find that the form of religion goes together with the form of society and goverment. whether we should believe or disbelieve in religious writings is a choice that you have to make for yourself...

whether you think that those writings are there to influence the crowd, or that it has more value to it. i personally believe that it is both :) you have the sheep that dont think for themselves and just swallow things that they dont know what to think of, and for those it is a tool to keep them in line. but i also think that if you will look beyond that and use your fucking brains you will see much more beyond.
ranger said:
:) Greetings VitalOne,

We can see throughout history that the majority of a population within a society learns and adopts the beliefs/traditions that their society teaches them.

If a person is born on an island and the majority of the island population believed in a God named Golly-Whizzo, you bet, that most probably, the person would believe truthfully in Golly-Whizzo too.

Does that make Golly-Whizzo real?

But your argument has no valid point.

Everyone is born without any knowledge, they are neither theists, atheists, agnostic, etc....

So what is the point of saying you were born and raised theist so you're theist?

There's lots of born and raised ATHEISTS so what? I can say that the only reason you believe the earth revolves around the sun is ONLY because you were born and raised to.

Do you have the actual evidence that the earth revolves around the sun, or have you just "read" about it? If not, then you're just a victim of society

the main point is...SO WHAT?

we're all born and raised to do lots of things....

it does not mean ANYTHING
barabas said:
VitalOne, i understand why you are arguing, but its kinda out of place. Ranger does have a point here. if you read into sociology you will find that the form of religion goes together with the form of society and goverment. whether we should believe or disbelieve in religious writings is a choice that you have to make for yourself...

whether you think that those writings are there to influence the crowd, or that it has more value to it. i personally believe that it is both :) you have the sheep that dont think for themselves and just swallow things that they dont know what to think of, and for those it is a tool to keep them in line. but i also think that if you will look beyond that and use your fucking brains you will see much more beyond.
Ok, but his main point is that everyone is 99% atheist/agnostic which is false

He's saying the reason we believe what we do is because we're born and raised too....but that's the same reason we believe 99% of the things we believe...so what's the point of raising that argument?

why do you read and write in English? because I was born and raised too....ok so what?
lol a lot of threads here have not much reason, ppl just talk about what is on their minds, so what?
the statement that everyone is 99% atheist or agnostic is ridiculous.

its about as ridiculous as saying that everyone is born toilet trained. it is learned behavior.

just because you wish something, doesnt necessarily make it so.
VitalOne said:
Ok, but his main point is that everyone is 99% atheist/agnostic which is false
It could be false, all we need to do is to find a person who believes in more than 25 gods.


2474 (the gods a person have disbelief/skepticism) / 2500 (total gods, although there are more) = 98.96% atheist/agnostic

Now, how many people do we know that believe in more than 25 gods?