Ever Wonder...

Ah, kinda interesting flash. Very entertaining. I so do like propaganda (no matter from where it comes)

But I really do not like that singing. Just out of curiosity, does it mean anything special?
Ever wonder
When a nun covers herself she oppressed too
By the reverend father (she has to follow her religion to the letter)

When someone grows a beard there all extremists .
especially if he's grown it for is religion

When a child follows a religion it‘s because the want's to be like dad
And he ‘s been brain washed.give him no religion until he’s a man and he wont follow any . so therefore wont kill
and no child is hopeless

Religion is the main reason anyone kills be it muslim jew christian hinduism buddhism etc

you should link to this sight PM it's about religious bigotry
But I really do not like that singing. Just out of curiosity, does it mean anything special?

Ghurabaa’ wa li ghairillaahi laa nahnil jibaa
Ghurabaa’ do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah

Ghurabaa' war tadhainaa haa syi’aaran lil hayaa
Ghurabaa’ have chosen this to be the motto of life

Ghurabaa’ wa li ghairillaahi laa nahnil jibaa
Ghurabaa’ do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah

Ghurabaa’ war tadhainaa haa syi’aaran lil hayaa
Ghurabaa’ have chosen this to be the motto of life

Inta sal ‘anna fa inna laa nubaali biththughaa
If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants

Nahnu jundullaahi dawman darbunaa darbul-ubaa
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

Inta sal ‘anna fa inna laa nubaali biththughaa
If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants

Nahnu jundullaahi dawman darbunaa darbul-ubaa
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

Lan nubaali bil quyuud, bal sanamdhii lil khuluud
We never care about the chains, rather we’ll continue forever

Lan nubaali bil quyuud, bal sanamdhii lil khuluud
We never care about the chains, rather we’ll continue forever

Fal nujaahid wa nunaadhil wa nuqaatil min jadiid
So let us make Jihad, and battle, and fight from the start

Ghurabaa’ hakadzal ahraaru fii dunya-al ‘abiid
Ghurabaa’ this is how they are free in the enslaved world

Fal nujaahid wa nunaadhil wa nuqaatil min jadiid
So let us make Jihad, and battle, and fight from the start

Ghurabaa’ hakadzal ahraaru fii dunya-al ‘abiid
Ghurabaa’ this is how they are free in the enslaved world

Kam tadzaakarnaa zamaanan yawma kunna su’adaa`
How many times when we remembered a time when we were happy

Bi kitaabillaahi nahfuzh-hu shabaahan wa masaa`
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening

Kam tadzaakarnaa zamaanan yawma kunna su’adaa`
How many times when we remembered a time when we were happy

Bi kitaabillaahi nahfuzh-hu shabaahan wa masaa`
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening

May Allah (swt) dishonour all those who stand in the way of Al-Ghurabaa' (The Strangers)
Thank you Stacy for the translation, I hope people here watched the flash and got some wisdom out of it.
I can't believe anyone could accept such distorted reasoning.

-It is not neccessary for nuns to wear habits, it is just traditional, they do not wear them all the time any more than I wear a suit all the time. However, in Islam it is required, and if you have the misfortune to live in Iran, a woman risks her life to dress as she likes.
-I don't think anyone has anything against muslims just for their beards. I have never heard that beards are a tenet of Islam.
-In western countries, moms may stay home if they like, it is a voluntary thing. This is inherently different than muslim culture where this is expected.
-A child that dedicates themselves to a particular subject has good career potential. If they study Islam exclusively, their career choices are limited, even muslims know this.
- Jews and Christians rarely kill for their religion, with muslims, this is a creed; Jihad.
- Again the "fastest growing religion" justification. Do people convert to Islam for themselves or because it gains them entrance to an international social club?