Ever notice...?


Registered Member
Ever notice that religion routinely generates twice as much interest as other subjects…and this in a forum for science-minded people? Why do you suppose that is? I think it’s because religion has a bigger role in their lives than most people are willing to admit. Or, perhaps, people need vindication for their “disbelief” and think science gives them a proper forum in which to vent with approval from others—I don‘t know. But referring to God as a “sky bully” or “sky being” or likening God to Zeus or a unicorn indicates they really do believe in God—just not in a way with which they are comfortable. They may call themselves atheist, but clearly they are not. As vehemently as they may deny a belief in God, their words and actions betray them.

I’m sure there are real atheists out there, but there is no doubt that there are far fewer than the postings indicate. I made the mistake lumping believers who say they do not believe with real atheists. For that, I am sorry.
Its simply that you can only try to educate the ignorant and the religous section provides more 'science ignorant' people than any other section of this forum.
Many people that think they are theist actually aren't, like those who profess belief in a "higher power", but not a personal God. They resemble Deists or atheists like Einstien.
To argue that Reality is not a blind energy but a “living principle, an “impersonal super-consciousness,” or an “impersonal Mind” is merely to play with words and indulge in terminological contradictions. A “living principle means about as much as a black whiteness, and to speak of an “impersonal mind” is like talking about a circular square….From many points of view the term “personal” is badly chosen, but it means simply that God is alive in the fullest possible way.
Alan Watts
a real atheist wouldn't post on a religion forum

Its a fact that the topic of god gets some people really really mad - if god is imaginary, it would hardly warrant anger (like for instance people who hate christmas don't get anywhere near as much peeved by santa claus as a staunch atheist on a rant about the evils of god)
I don't see how not accepting an assertion as truth without supportive evidence somehow raises the ego to a point where it considers complex methods of human relationship beneath them.

I don't see how repetive assertions of "its all imagination/fairy tales" deal with the social issue s you indicate
I guess all we need is a thiest who can stay lucid long enough to see such has been presented in doves by several people here.

from my experience it is commonly the atheist that breaks out in ad homs and other fallacies of logic

feel free to reiterate some of these brilliant presentations you have access to
a real atheist wouldn't post on a religion forum

Religion is controversial and that is the reason why it provokes reactions amongst those with faith, or without it.

Its a fact that the topic of god gets some people really really mad - if god is imaginary, it would hardly warrant anger

It's precisely the fact that god is imaginary combined with the fact it causes so much strife that gets some people mad.

(like for instance people who hate christmas don't get anywhere near as much peeved by santa claus as a staunch atheist on a rant about the evils of god)

Well if a belief in santa motivated people to be intolerant of human rights for gays, blacks, women, other faiths and even atheists, then we would be quite right in being 'peeved'. If not for secularism, then perhaps that large crowd outside parlament protesting against a new law that would improve the rights of homosexuals, then perhaps that mob would have went for a spot of lynching.
Ive been posting a fair bit on the religion forum section this past month, i think its because ultimately (i cant speak for others) im interested in psychology and what motivates people more than anything else. And religion tells you so much about the very deepest of human desires/fears/yearnings etc.
from my experience it is commonly the atheist that breaks out in ad homs and other fallacies of logic

feel free to reiterate some of these brilliant presentations you have access to

Thanks for admitting it.;)

Feel free to do your own work and look back at my points, this time taking you head out of your holy ass.

Easy with infractions kids!

I've reversed both this time, but try not to abuse this option again.


LG actually wrote 'atheist', not 'theist' in his post.

Don't mess with someone's words and don't edit other users' posts anymore!