Event Horizon Crossing...


Valued Senior Member
What happens when we cross event horizon in a black hole?...lets speculate...(assuming that we dont get destroyed,off course ;))

No ones exactly sure what happens besides the get infinitely streched part.

But many things could happen:
Time could stop,speed up, or slow down.
Matter thats absorbed by the black hole may become part of it.
There could even be worm holes that go to other times and places.
It may even lead to another universe.
Or things that we can't even think of now.

So the answer really is that it is a mystery.

An a fairly strange one at that. :cool:
Given a big enough black hole, nothing much seems to happen as you cross the event horizon. But, once inside, you find that it is impossible to move away from the singularity any more. In fact, it is impossible to even stay still in one place. As you move inexorably towards the singularity, tidal forces stretch your body until you are "spaghettified" into a long strand. At this stage, you are dead, but your remains continue until they hit the singularity. What happens then, nobody knows.
ummm...James R could perhaps speculate what happens next?...personal theories?...thats what this thread is all about...;)

Actually, the OP asked what happens after crossing the event horizon, not what happens after hitting the singularity. :p
I bet you just hit the core and something weird happens (like strings unraveling and compacting or something) that's ok in string theory but makes classical and quantum theories go kaplooey.
Hawking now suggests that the event horizon is only an "apparent" horizon and that an event horizon never really forms. And now it appears there are a few from Caltech and JPL who disagree with him:
