Even Jews are converting to Islam




Even Jews are converting to Islam !!! Amazing:



"And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), those who believe in Allah, and that which has been revealed to you and in that which has been revealed to them, humbling themselves before Allah: They will not sell the Revelations of Allah for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and Allah is swift in account." {Holy Quran 3:199}

Discuss this amazing phenomena !
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
You are easily amazed, but that has been obvious for some time.

I asked to discuss how come some of the most staunch enemies of Islam ( the Jews ) are converting to Islam ?

you said this has been obvious for some time, do you have any more links about this really amazing developments ?
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I asked to discuss how come some of the most staunch enemies of Islam ( the Jews ) are converting to Islam?
The reason your amazed is that you are stereotyping people PS. All Jews are not staunch enemies of Islam. But even those that might consider themselves to be at some point are still capable of changing their mind. People do so all the time, it's an inherent faculty of the human mind. Religious people sometimes become Atheists and Atheists, Religious. Christians become Buddhists, Jews become Muslims, and I bet if you looked you would find Muslims that have converted to all of the above. Why then be amazed?

Originally posted by Pakman
I forgot that ignorance was still in this world.
Carry on, you're doing a great job of making me hate Islam, well done, your God will be proud of you.
Originally posted by Raithere
The reason your amazed is that you are stereotyping people PS. All Jews are not staunch enemies of Islam. But even those that might consider themselves to be at some point are still capable of changing their mind. People do so all the time, it's an inherent faculty of the human mind. Religious people sometimes become Atheists and Atheists, Religious. Christians become Buddhists, Jews become Muslims, and I bet if you looked you would find Muslims that have converted to all of the above. Why then be amazed?


Good post Raithere. Thank you for making a valid point.
Originally posted by Vienna
Carry on, you're doing a great job of making me hate Islam, well done, your God will be proud of you.

Na, you grew up hating it, it is the teaching you have been taught. Again you showed ignorance by saying *your* God. Don't you see your own ignorance when you say that?? I mean your God and my God?? what is this Is God some sort of Clothing good?? Or a piece of land?? You really amazes me.
Like I have already told you, before 9/11 I had respect for Islam. But that incident really held up the muslims in the light, and I didn't like what I saw and since that day I never have. Your comments and your fellow muslims comments on this forum only
confirm my feelings.
Tsk tsk tsk. I hope you know that 9/11 is not Islam. Do you think the Islam on TV is the real Islam? No, of course not. If they showed Christian people bombing abortion clinics, would you think that's how Christians are? Perhaps so.

Btw, even after 9-11, Islam is still the fastest growing religon. Why? Because people sat down, read about Islam, learned 9/11 was not Islam, and in the process, they became Muslims.

You probably won't read about Islam, but don't worry. I still like you.
Originally posted by Vienna
Like I have already told you, before 9/11 I had respect for Islam. But that incident really held up the muslims in the light, and I didn't like what I saw and since that day I never have. Your comments and your fellow muslims comments on this forum only
confirm my feelings.

No you didn't. You know it you never had respect for any other religion. It is not an over night process. You grew up with hate and that is what you will teach your children as well. Sad but true. :(

My comments were pretty straight forward and you failed to answer a single one of them. Your typical response is to start a new topic or totally ignore the post and move to new mockery. It is not the typical christian response. There are moderate christians and I live with them every day, but then there are like you.........a sad fact that is Fundamentalist Christians that is you.
Originally posted by Markx
No you didn't. You know it you never had respect for any other religion. It is not an over night process. You grew up with hate and that is what you will teach your children as well. Sad but true. :(

You don't know me at all

My comments were pretty straight forward and you failed to answer a single one of them. Your typical response is to start a new topic or totally ignore the post and move to new mockery. It is not the typical christian response. There are moderate christians and I live with them every day, but then there are like you.........a sad fact that is Fundamentalist Christians that is you.
I am not a true Christian, some occasions I'm pretty much atheist. Blame me for others hating you and yours if you want, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

I would have some respect for moderate muslims if they showed some opposition to the fundamentalist terrorist muslims - but they don't.

And oh yes, I will show my children the horrors of modern day terrorism and the people behind it. Why should I lie to them.
Originally posted by Markx
My comments were pretty straight forward and you failed to answer a single one of them.
I answer questions not comments, and I will try to answer any of your questions as long as they are not your typical stupid ones.
Suicide Bombing in the Bible:

Jews and Christians are really clear hypocrites! They condemn the Palestinian Suicide Bomber Martyrs who are defending their lands and trying to drive the Israeli occupation out of their lands with every way they can, while intentionally ignoring the fact that their very own Bible allows suicide bombing.

The story of the Mighty Samson:

"Self sacrifice" and giving your life away intentionally and taking as many enemy lives with you as possible for the sake of GOD Almighty and your people exists in the Bible. Let us look at the story of the Mighty Samson in the Bible:

"Samson said to the servant who held his hand, "Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them." Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. Then Samson prayed to the LORD, "O Sovereign LORD , remember me. O God, please strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes." Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines!" Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived. (From the NIV Bible, Judges 16:26-30)"

As we clearly see from the Bible, Samson gave his life for his people by killing as much from the enemy as possible.

Samson prayed to GOD to give him back his power (Samson lost his power after the seven braids of his hair were shaven by Delilah and her people while he was sleeping, Judges 16:1-20), and GOD Almighty granted him that revoked power back. Samson then was able to bring the temple down upon him and his enemies.
Y'know Muslims have to criticise other religions too…. blah, blah, blah. Quoting many belligerent verses from the old Testament, they start to demonstrate how bad it (i.e. Christianity and Judaism) was, forgetting the fact that by bringing out those barbaric verses from the old Testament, the Islamists were simply reinforcing and authenticating the ‘appalling elements’ of the Qur’an as well. Why?

Because, the Qur’an confirms the contents of those holy Books (i.e. the Old Testament and the Gospel). Here are a few verses where Allah authenticates the what He had written in those scriptures are also parts of the Qur’an:

The Qur’an confirms the old books; Moses was given the law, Jesus was given the Gospel...3:3

Quran confirms the previous scriptures and supersedes them; if God willed He could have made a single people; believers are to compete in righteousness...5:48

Quran confirms the previous scriptures…6:92

The Quran is from God, it confirms the revelations of the past; Quran is a fuller explanation of God’s book; it contains no doubt...10:37

The Quran confirms in Arabic the book of Moses...46:12

Therefore, shall we not assume that by ‘bashing’ the Bible, you inadvertently bash the Qur’an itself? How funny it can be, come to think of it!
Originally posted by Vienna
The Qur’an confirms the old books; Moses was given the law, Jesus was given the Gospel...3:3

The Quran is from God, it confirms the revelations of the past; Quran is a fuller explanation of God’s book; it contains no doubt...10:37

The Quran confirms in Arabic the book of Moses...46:12

Therefore, shall we not assume that by ‘bashing’ the Bible, you inadvertently bash the Qur’an itself? How funny it can be, come to think of it! [/B]


You see, our posts are working, this poor guys is realizing that Islam and the Quran are the truth....WELL DONE VIENNA.

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian

You see, our posts are working, this poor guys is realizing that Islam and the Quran are the truth....WELL DONE VIENNA.

LOL, I don't believe a word of crap in the qur'an. I qouted what Allah authenticated.

Bash the Bible and you bash the Qur'an LOL

Originally posted by Vienna

Bash the Bible and you bash the Qur'an LOL

Hang on a second ! are you saying the bible authenticates what in the Quran ??


I have something for your 2 kids, it is my gift on EID AL FITR:

