Evangelical Teen Sex


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Hey, my title is taken from the link that led me to this story.

Recent books and studies seem to indicate disturbing sexual trends among evangelical Christians. And this time we're not talking about their pastors or political leaders. The new attention is on evangelical teenagers, who reportedly start sex earlier than their mainline Protestant peers.

One gleeful headline on an Internet site recently read: "Evangelical Girls Are Easy." That is not the way I remember it.

Now, in the cruel march of years, I have a child on the verge of joining the tribe of the teenager, and its rituals hold sudden interest. In this circumstance, a parent has a choice between turning to sociology or turning to drink. So I called a bright young sociologist at the University of Virginia named W. Bradford Wilcox in search of consolation.

Wilcox argues, in a paper for the Russell Sage Foundation, that the facts are more complicated and more hopeful than the sniggering media caricature.

Before we all go off on hypocrisy, it is important to recognize that the academic view on this seems to be that the numbers suggest the power of cultural and environmental factors compared to individual belief. To the other, sociologist Wilcox notes that the numbers also suggest the difficulty of morality for teens on their own.

Look, just remember that Christians are humans, too. Even if they forget.

But, man ... if I'd known about this when I was younger, I would have had a reason to go to church. Sad, but true.


Gerson, Michael. "The Kind of Village It Takes". Washington Post, July 27, 2007; pg. A21. See http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/26/AR2007072601846.html
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Hey, my title is taken from the link that led me to this story.

Recent books and studies seem to indicate disturbing sexual trends among evangelical Christians. And this time we're not talking about their pastors or political leaders. The new attention is on evangelical teenagers, who reportedly start sex earlier than their mainline Protestant peers.

One gleeful headline on an Internet site recently read: "Evangelical Girls Are Easy." That is not the way I remember it.

Now, in the cruel march of years, I have a child on the verge of joining the tribe of the teenager, and its rituals hold sudden interest. In this circumstance, a parent has a choice between turning to sociology or turning to drink. So I called a bright young sociologist at the University of Virginia named W. Bradford Wilcox in search of consolation.

Wilcox argues, in a paper for the Russell Sage Foundation, that the facts are more complicated and more hopeful than the sniggering media caricature.

Before we all go off on hypocrisy, it is important to recognize that the academic view on this seems to be that the numbers suggest the power of cultural and environmental factors compared to individual belief. To the other, sociologist Wilcox notes that the numbers also suggest the difficulty of morality for teens on their own.

Look, just remember that Christians are humans, too. Even if they forget.

But, man ... if I'd known about this when I was younger, I would have had a reason to go to church. Sad, but true.


Gerson, Michael. "The Kind of Village It Takes". Washington Post, July 27, 2007; pg. A21. See http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/26/AR2007072601846.html
M*W: After all, the churchy teens have been taught that their's is a religion of forgiveness. They can do anything they want, and still be forgiven. Sex is all the more forbidden for churchy teens. They've probably been preached to more intensively by their church, their parents, and their community than that of their non-churchy peers, thus making it all the more desirable to them.

Perhaps a bit of rebellion plays the part in some of the churchy teens. They might be rebelling from their parent's worst nightmare of them losing their virginity. Or worse, the social stigma that goes with it should a pregnancy occur and the shame their parents would have to face in the community. I think those churchy people live behind the fear of shame, and it consumes them. It brings with it a false sense of acceptance in the community which could only mean that they are failures as parents who maybe weren't as christian in their parenting as they pretended to be.

I'm sure you've heard the expression that the "preacher's kids are the worst of all." There may be some truth to that. The more they are preached to, the more they are expected to behave in an unreproachable manner, the more they may rebel.

We all hear reports of young teens being held hostage by their parents and even chained to their beds. I completely understand this. Hopefully, with good family support and sex education in the home, it'll all pass. We may have a few more gray hairs from it, but it will pass. Years from now you'll think back to your child when she was this age and relish in your contentment and say, "I must have done something right."
Orleander said:

I guess I'm not clear on what an evangelical chistian is. ????

When you hear people complaining about meddling Christians, bully pulpits, and the Christian Right that isn't either, they're talking about evangelical Christians.

There are millions of Christians out there who will evangelize if you ask them, but you wouldn't necessarily know they're there because they try to stay the hell out of your business otherwise.
I recall seeing studies seeing studies a few years ago that teens who were heavily exposed to “abstinence education” were statistically significantly more likely to engage in anal sex than those who weren’t. Apparently it “doesn’t count”.
I recall seeing studies seeing studies a few years ago that teens who were heavily exposed to “abstinence education” were statistically significantly more likely to engage in anal sex than those who weren’t. Apparently it “doesn’t count”.

Neither does oral sex. Its how I stayed a virgin for so long.
Given my experience with this certain christian lass, I can tell you that bottled up sexuality will explode (in more ways than one). Sexual desires, to her, were part of this huge guilt trip. We'd fool around (we never had sex) and she'd cry, and I'd feel bad because she wouldn't stop calling herself a slut.

We went through this numerous times.

What I'm trying to say is that she had bottled up these urges for so long that she really couldn't control herself. She had been taught that anything pleasurable was Satan working on her.

Oh, and she broke up with me for being an Atheist.
I think they see so much hypocrisy in the adults, they live it as well. Say one thing, do another.
Hey, my title is taken from the link that led me to this story.

Recent books and studies seem to indicate disturbing sexual trends among evangelical Christians. And this time we're not talking about their pastors or political leaders. The new attention is on evangelical teenagers, who reportedly start sex earlier than their mainline Protestant peers.

One gleeful headline on an Internet site recently read: "Evangelical Girls Are Easy." That is not the way I remember it.

Now, in the cruel march of years, I have a child on the verge of joining the tribe of the teenager, and its rituals hold sudden interest. In this circumstance, a parent has a choice between turning to sociology or turning to drink. So I called a bright young sociologist at the University of Virginia named W. Bradford Wilcox in search of consolation.

Wilcox argues, in a paper for the Russell Sage Foundation, that the facts are more complicated and more hopeful than the sniggering media caricature.

Before we all go off on hypocrisy, it is important to recognize that the academic view on this seems to be that the numbers suggest the power of cultural and environmental factors compared to individual belief. To the other, sociologist Wilcox notes that the numbers also suggest the difficulty of morality for teens on their own.

Look, just remember that Christians are humans, too. Even if they forget.

But, man ... if I'd known about this when I was younger, I would have had a reason to go to church. Sad, but true.


Gerson, Michael. "The Kind of Village It Takes". Washington Post, July 27, 2007; pg. A21. See http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/26/AR2007072601846.html

I admire this Tiassa, you are willing to discuss good topics. Yes you are right, and Christians are evil anyway so we must all be weary of their behaviors.
Given my experience with this certain christian lass, I can tell you that bottled up sexuality will explode (in more ways than one). Sexual desires, to her, were part of this huge guilt trip. We'd fool around (we never had sex) and she'd cry, and I'd feel bad because she wouldn't stop calling herself a slut.

We went through this numerous times.

What I'm trying to say is that she had bottled up these urges for so long that she really couldn't control herself. She had been taught that anything pleasurable was Satan working on her.

Oh, and she broke up with me for being an Atheist.

I echo Gondolin here, Christianity represses sexuality to such a grotesque extent that when these kids finally get a taste of it, they go mad out of realized starvation. The fact that it is condemned only strengthens the backlash. You stretch that rubber band too much church, and it'll either snap or pop you in the face.
I am positive you guys do not know women much, i am sure i have been with more women than you guys. Very rarely are going to tell you the truth as to why they broke up with you, the truth would hurt too much. The real truth is they dont like YOU. Most likely they never will, you cannot usually do much to change this. Move on and make yourself a better person or find someone more compatible.
We'd fool around (we never had sex) and she'd cry, and I'd feel bad because she wouldn't stop calling herself a slut.

That's hot.

Very rarely are going to tell you the truth as to why they broke up with you, the truth would hurt too much.

Very Rarely is going to? Are who? R2-D2?
I am positive you guys do not know women much, i am sure i have been with more women than you guys. Very rarely are going to tell you the truth as to why they broke up with you, the truth would hurt too much. The real truth is they dont like YOU. Most likely they never will, you cannot usually do much to change this. Move on and make yourself a better person or find someone more compatible.

Bragging about how many women you've been with isn't something I would think a professing Christian would want to do, if just for reputation purposes.
That's hot.

I know. I just got into this sexual rage. :bugeye:

john99 said:
I am positive you guys do not know women much, i am sure i have been with more women than you guys.

Well aren't you awesome?

Very rarely are going to tell you the truth as to why they broke up with you, the truth would hurt too much. The real truth is they dont like YOU.

I'm 99.9% certain she broke up with me for that reason, the reason being I didn't absolutely love her God.

Move on and make yourself a better person or find someone more compatible.
You mean not dating crazy chicks?
I think i gave you good advice. I am not trying to be awesome, it is no big deal, anyone who goes by quantitiy is an idiot.

That being said, maybe you are right. At this point does it matter? Could have been a different religion, it could have been something else.

Crazy chicks? i dont know,. making them crazy...um, yeah that heppens too:D .

ALso, i dont know any Evangelicals personally.