
I honestly can't see how anyone could be against it.
Whats "wrong" about dying one way as opposed to another? Whats "right" about suffering and dying slowly?
Well I guess it could be said that its cheating and everything suffers to death and considering we live the most comfortable lives in the animal kingdom it would be an injustice to get the most comfortable death as well, but I doubt that would be the retort of anti-euthanasia people, sounds more like something I would say.
I think the youth in asia should be euthanised for the good of the planet
The fact they rhyme with the procedure is no coincidence:p

Shut up, I'm just kidding:rolleyes:... I think the youth in lots of countries should be euthanised, oldies too;)
I happen to live in a country where euthanasia is tolerated under very strict conditions:

the attending physician must:
- be statisfied that the patient has made a voluntary and well considered request
- be statisfied that the patient's suffering is unbearable and that there is no prospect of improvement
- have informed the patient about his or her situation and prospects
- have come to the conclusion that together with the patient, that there is no reasonable alternative in the light of the patient's situation
- have consulted at least one other physician, who must have seen the patient and given a written opinion on the due care criteria
- have termininated the patient's life or provided assistance with suicide with due medical care and attention and
- report the cause of death to the municipal coroner

On a personal level i strongly feel that euthanasia must be an open option. Living in unbearable conditions, prolonging the inevitable with weeks or months of continious pain is, in my oppinion, not a worthy ending. To avoid statements as "dutch doctors are killers, not healers", "the weak and the elderly are the preys of ruthless doctors" or even "dutch medical services reminds us of german practices during WWII", let me state again that the request must be made voluntarily. If this, or any of the other points stated above, can not be proven, the physician will be prosecuted to the full extend of the law.

For those who feel that this is not the way of God, or Allah, or whatever deity you happen to believe in, forget it. The dutch government has stated that this is an option for those who want it. If your believes prevent you from euthanasia, then you probably want to ignore the option and wait for a natural death. No problem. Nevertheless, the issue is that it should be available, for those who do not feel these religious constraints and meet the criteria.
Euthanasia is bad idea. Three problems with it come immediately to mind. First, people sometimes don't think clearly, especially when they are having suicidal tendencies. It would be hard to judge whether someone wants to die because his life is hopeless or just because in some confused mental state he thinks his life is hopeless. Second, greedy relatives might encourage doctors to euthanize dependent less-clear-thinking relatives (like the elderly) merely because they can't be bothered taking care of them. Third, allowing any kind of killing makes it seem that society less considers life as sacred, which could, e.g., create a more homicidal or genocidal climate in the world.
people sometimes don't think clearly, especially when they are having suicidal tendencies. It would be hard to judge whether someone wants to die because his life is hopeless or just because in some confused mental state he thinks his life is hopeless.
This is why the list of requirements made up by the dutch government states that the situation must be considered medically hopeless by two physicians and the patient itself.

Second, greedy relatives might encourage doctors to euthanize dependent less-clear-thinking relatives (like the elderly) merely because they can't be bothered taking care of them.
A physician has to submit proof that his or her patient made a well considered request (i.e. still with a sane and sound mind) and make an acceptable case that the situation for prolonging life only would have resulted in more suffering. Relatives can influence a physician, but if the physician can not make a solid case, prosecution would start.

Third, allowing any kind of killing makes it seem that society less considers life as sacred, which could, e.g., create a more homicidal or genocidal climate in the world
Not at all. Euthanasia is not about losing respect for life, it is about providing a choice in ending it. I value human life dearly, but i also have the understanding that one should have some control over one's own destiny.

The dutch law does not provide in a way for suicidal people to end their lives. It also does not facilitate greedy relatives in getting rid of a burden. It does give an exit for those who genuinely have no prospect of a cure or even effective ways of pain relief and choose to end life.
The problem I see with euthenasia is how easy such a system can be abused. I have read statistics that involuntary euthenasias occur just as much as voluntary ones in countries it is legal. It also makes a great cover for your doctor to get rid of a malpractice suit.

I see it too as another smack at the older and elderly. Throw them in nursing homes and neglect them, then when they realize just how unwanted they are they will seek the needle... no fuss for you. Leave them to die.
I have read statistics that involuntary euthenasias occur just as much as voluntary ones in countries it is legal.
Where did you read these statistics? I'd be appalled if this is true... it would not get me to change my oppinion about the availability of euthanasia, but i would surely vote for a more complete checking of the "due care" criteria.

I see it too as another smack at the older and elderly. Throw them in nursing homes and neglect them, then when they realize just how unwanted they are they will seek the needle...
Yes, but this is why dutch law states that people have to be terminally ill and in continous suffering before they can apply for euthanasia. A request for the needle in itself is not enough.
I think euthanasia is a good idea, but it can be shaddy me-thinks.

I mean with break threws in medicine I don't want to be a 130 year old brain in a jar. I know a woman that had that condition where your brain didn't get enough oxygen when you were born. It destroys the connections inbetween muscles. She tried to live a normal life using the wrong muscles to move. Now she is terrible pain and immoble. The only thing that gets her threw is that she has enough pain killers to end it forever.

If I get really old im gonna O.D. with a prostitue while sky diving.