euthanasia and cruelty to animals


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
i was watching an RSPCA show on TV and it got me thinking, why do we treat our pets better than we treat those we care about?

on one of these shows there was a case that stood out in my mind, a person who had a cat which had lost its ability to use its back legs so the owner had created a sort of trolly for it to pull itself around in using only its front legs.

This owner was charged with cruelty because they didnt put the animal which was in ovious destress down. It was sad to watch this poor cat and though i could sympathise with the owners desire not to lose the animal, i also agree that euthanasia was the best option for this animal.

yet at the same time we force people to live on in horendious circumstances when it is there own desire to die. why?

some of the situations i have seen with my own eyes are just apaling, pts with there faces eaten off by tumors forced to live against there own wishes. pts with end stage MS, pts who are suffering ovious destress because of azimers. i could go on, when will we have the same rights we give the "lower creatures"?
I know exactly what you mean, its funny because I was just thinking that earlier today - so weird.

I came to a conclusion that we as humans don't take death easily. To a point where we really don't accept it, and maybe even don't understand the idea of someone wanting to end their lives.

I think it really depends on the situation too, I am against suicide because I know some people who wanted to kill themselves who happen to be happy and better now, and are extremely fortunate they did not succeed in killing themselves.

However for people who are terminally ill, I guess if there is no hope left they do have a right to die.

Which leads me to another conclusion... do people sometimes let their loved ones suffer through a slow death because its too difficult for them to see them die?

I'm sure it happens often.
It is pretty weird, I'm just glad it is legal to euthanise animals, I don't really care about human suffering, very few people will reach old age without deserving more suffering, so whatever.
Have you heard about the new 'Death With Dignity' act in WA state? It is horrible, allowing the families of invalids to euthanize them. Where is the morality and social justice of this?
I think my state, Oregon, have a "right to die" act. Anyway, it's not cruel to make a trolley for a pet that can't use either the front or back legs, it's a common treatment.

I don't think I've ever loved a pet that much. My sister-in-law's at had breast cancer. Do you realize how many breasts a cat has!? Surgery after surgery after surgery. They took her all the way to Lansing to the University because they were willing to do it. I think the vets here were strongly suggesting putting the cat down.
i cant find any act from Westen australia called that. the closest match was a bill to give to power back to the NT act and some stuff from washinton