


a few questions

is it ever right for another person to end the life of a terminally ill patient who is in severe pain or enduring other suffering?
if euthanasia is sometimes right, under what circumstances is it right?
is there any moral difference between killing someone and letting them die?
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Originally posted by Asguard
so no god said so in ethics anymore

under the new forum policies the religious objections to euthanasia cannot be discussed here. however a half assed discussion is better than none so.........
oh wait lemme start a euthanasia thread in religion!
Tisk tisk,

I remember discussing this a while ago. Why not ressurect it? I'm on a break right now...

-Speaking to the external voices now...
The definition of life is a touchy subject. We don't even really understand beyond physiological and chemical means. Is there a soul? I don't think we'll be able to prove that in your life time.

Anyways, my opinion is that Euthanasia (sp?) is wrong. You can look at it two ways: 1) It gives the doctor much more power over their patients. 2) It puts an end to the patients suffering.

Is it ethical to allow for #1/2? I don't think so. The doctors job is to tell you whats wrong and to offer a remedy. You're job is to choose whats best for you. Now, if you want to end your own life, thats perfectly fine. It's a decision between you and yourself. You should legally be aloud to terminate yourself. You should be aloud to go out, and buy something specifically designed to kill you. BUT, the measure of whether or not your ready to die on your own terms can guaged by your resolve. If you can kill yourself at your own hand, then you have the resolve to die and it becomes ethical to everyone involved. Keep in mind, though, This is MUCH different than Euthanasia .

With Euthanasia, you "give" the doctor the power to kill yourself. You've given him complete power over you at the moment of your death. You've surrendered all your power to a person other than yourself. In other words, you've given up on yourself. Thats the biggest sin of all in my opinion. The worst deaths are always the ones where you are powerless. I mean, they used to say that death on a sinking ship was a horrible death no matter what side you were on. But you still had some power didn't you? You could still fight the ocean until it killed you.

Some people still like to argue though, and say they aren't surrendering anything. Rather that the disease is taking their life and they want to kill it. Leave it powerless and die a victor. But I'll argue against that anyday (ahemm, we know who you are). You're not killing the disease, your helping it. And you're still surrendering power if you don't die at your own resolve.

I like the old cliche "power is given, control is taken; take control"
It really applies to what I'm trying to say. Keep power, and take control. I like to keep control over my own life, and turn it in a positive direction. I mean life itself is the ultimate struggle. Disease is a test. Do you got what it takes to ascend higher spiritually until you reach the octave and become one with the universe? (yaa, a bit unscientific I know...)

My point: Euthanasia is wrong in the sense that it ultimately surrenders humaties one asset - our ability to controlour surroundings. And yes, even ythough I'm making no sense to you philisophes right now, I'll try to explain later cause my friends are nagging me, and I Got back froma test and I have to go and write another and Ahhhhh the sky is falling. Take control Aaron :cool:
I think that Euthanasia needs to be legal, just like abortion. There will always be cases where it is necessary. If your mother was in a car accident, and somehow a shard of metal flew into her car and sut her in half, what would you do?

Most people would go into shock, of course, but if she is still alive and wriggling would you shoot her in the head, or let her bleed out while choking on her own blood? I have seen some pretty disgusting things in my life, and I can tell you: the people who are against euthanasia have never had a goregasm.

The name says it all: EU-thanasia. It is designed to help. If you are hunting deer, and you bring one down, you shoot it again so so that it will stop gurgling itself to death. Seriously, you have to get over the fact that people do die. I hate when people die, but atleast I dont lie to myself.
rubbish. the real argument against this is

God has forbidden it
o virtually all religions with a supreme God have a command from God in their scriptures that says "you must not kill"
o this is usually interpreted as meaning "you must not kill innocent human beings"
o this rules out euthanasia (and suicide) as well as murder, as carrying out any of these would be against God's orders, and would be an attack on the sovereignity of God
Human life is sacred
o human lives are special because God created them
o therefore human life should be protected and preserved, whatever happens
o therefore we shouldn't interfere with God's plans by shortening human lives
Human life is special
o human beings are made in God's image
o therefore they have a special value and dignity
o this value doesn't depend on the quality of a particular life
o taking a life violates that special value and dignity
+ even if it's one's own life
+ even if that life is full of pain and suffering

Most people would go into shock, of course, but if she is still alive and wriggling would you shoot her in the head, or let her bleed out while choking on her own blood? I have seen some pretty disgusting things in my life, and I can tell you: the people who are against euthanasia have never had a goregasm.

Its not a question of whether or not it should be legal. It's a question of whether or not it's ethical. Lots of things are legal yet could be argued unethical as you've pointed out - such as abortion.

How could you argue it ethical? Of coarse theres the extremes. Somebody gets chopped in half :bugeye: . But how often does that happen? More importantly, how can you be completely sure that they REALLY want to die at that moment? Maybe they want to see there family or something? Maybe they want to enjoy choking on their own blood and their last moments on earth. I know I would. Painful or not life is to be savoured.

So what does this mean? You've probably got the impression that I'm afraid of death but thats completely wrong. I'm not. People die and I'm comfortable with it. Same for all the assholes that live.

And finally, theres one last thing I'd like to point out. Has it ever occured to you guys that euthanasia could exist partly to end the pain or suffering of family members (as in those taking care of the dying one, watching each of his cells slowly shut down)?

he Hague -- Euthanasia in The Netherlands is "beyond effective control", according to a report which shows that one in five assisted suicides is without explicit consent.

British opponents of assisted suicide say that the figures are a warning of the dangers of decriminalising euthanasia, as Holland did in 1984. By 1995 cases of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Holland had risen to almost 3 per cent of all deaths.

The Dutch survey, reviewed in the Journal of Medical Ethics, looked at the figures for 1995 and found that as well as 3,600 authorized cases there were 900 others in which doctors had acted without explicit consent. A follow-up survey found that the main reason for not consulting patients was that they had dementia or were otherwise not competent.

But in 15 percent of cases the doctors avoided any discussion because they thought they were acting in the patient's best interests.

Michael Howitt Wilson, of the Alert campaign against euthanasia, said: "A lot of people in Holland are frightened to go into hospital because of this situation."

Involuntary Euthanasia is Out of Control in Holland

god is watching
:rolleyes: :mad:

hell, why don't we just shoot everyone over the age of 65? that way the big govt. won't have to deal with sending out social security checks and whatnot.
Maybe they want to enjoy choking on their own blood and their last moments on earth. I know I would. Painful or not life is to be savoured.

Oh cut the bullshit. How much self pain do you inflict on yourself? I can tell you that a knife on my arm feels pretty shitty, but I still do it alot. Being cut in half is NOT a fun experience. I will personally some to your house and shop your hands off if you will pay the expenses. Its part of the experiences of life, correct? Euthanaisia is ethical in my eyes because it has a positive outcome. It only becomes unethical when the agressing party is unethical.
hell, why don't we just shoot everyone over the age of 65?

You are distorting the philosophy of euthanasia. It is meant to relieve physical pain. DEEP physical pain, not this frilly "I cut my foot off" crap. Dont change ideas to suit your point.
i think it's you that's distorting this very distorted idea[euthanasia] . i have to leave now, and, i don't have time to repsond properly, but, i will when i return.