ET's Evolution


Registered Senior Member
G'day :D

Im not saying I believe one hundred percent in the description Given of Aliens that seems to be most popular amongst UFO and ET fanatics/ abduction victims etc.
The closet Ive been to an alien is my ex mother in law.

But humour me if you will.
Lets say for instance these descriptions of big eyed aliens with large almond eyes and tall slim features,pale skin etc is genuine. do you think this could be due to possible environmental factors on their home planet.

As humans we are rather muscular, because we have strong gravity and because of our planets environment etc etc.
Our eyes are small and designed around our planets light and to best aid us in our daily life.
we have hair for warmth etc etc etc..

If our planet was dark, warm, with low gravity, and hospitable terrain, would we have evolved (if u believe in evolution) to be thinner, taller, with less body hair, pale of complexion and have larger eyes? Just like these universal so called Alien descriptions.

If you can see where im going with this then I'd love some feed back.

There is a large underground colony of greys in Mars. Keep an eye for them - however small it is....

These greys went underground when a major meteor struck on Mars. Very soon we will have proof - unless the greys blow up all the Mars probes.

It is fun to speculate....
I will say that the disapearance of so many probes is....disconcerting.

I was thinking around the same lines as you, razz, about outward appearances of creatures. On low gravity worlds you'd probably have winged species and larger animals (like in that Orsen Wells movie about invaders from mars) while on high gravity worlds you might have very small, fast animals.

They become fast or slow when they are introduced to Earth's environment.
I read an article at a website I can't now find that thoerized that one of the moons of Mars was actually an alien spacecraft and that is why the Russian probe was destroyed, because it was moving in to examine the moon.

On that same site I read a different article that theorized one, or both, of the moons of Mars had impacted the surface of Mars and that was what had caused the great dust storm that has been ongoing for several months.

If it was true, and the moons of Mars were gone, how would anyone know?
Martians are coming..? or are they here? Have they told the Earthling Govts to keep quiet or else? They must be the greys....

Big Consipiracy....:D

Are the greys back again? Oh nooooo.....
Yes they have come to see your Booty shake!
:D :D :D