ETI contact...............


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Check out the following and also this unrelated link

Tony Topping Talks for the first time about his experiences.


If you met Tony for the first time you would not have any idea that this man has seen beyond our world.It makes television drama programmes like the X-files, The Visitor, and Millennium very close to the mark of reality.

Q. Tony tell them a bit about you?

T. I am 29 years of age and live in a small town in North Yorkshire, I have been subjected to some extraordinary experiences. I hold a responsible full time job. I love to read cycle, play radio, do my web site, listen to music, I am a big Seal fan. Currently single at this time lost one girlfriend because of these experiences she found it quite shocking. Best of friends now and actually believes me. I am also a big
wrestling fan.

Q. You are a contact of ETI what exactly does that mean?

T. I am a man who has the ability to “SEE” into other dimensions of time and space. Life that resides in that space has stepped forward and shaken my hand, to put in simple terms.

Q. So do aliens exist?

T. Yes they do, and at many levels because our universe is multidimensional. A standard blue print of two arms, two legs and a head, is the norm. Cultures that look like us also reside in these dimensions.

Q. So what happens when one of these beings sees you.

T. It is known that communication between other beings should always carry a feeling around it of deep and meaningful communication. The closest example we get to give readers an example is the film Contact, where Jodie Foster meets her dead father on a beach. It is not her father but an extraterrestrial, who indicates too her that it is easier for her to deal with if they appear in this way. That is because “they”
can look quite frightening in terms of the eyes. There is one group that are pure green in colour and have brilliant white eyes. They look disturbing but are very friendly. They are in a Galaxy far away from us, but are waiting for the day when we will meet them. Contact starts in stages leading to interaction, and at times it is scary. They are very careful not to frighten the hell out of you. (not all)
Q. So what do these groups look like?

T. There are many groups out there that are aware of earth. To diverse slightly, earth shares a massive diversity of life. One group in particular is seen quite often, and they are the ones who are like us but have triangular faces. It is this group that behaves very oddly and has also done some rather alarming things. Almost akin to the problems we face as a race in that amongst them lays an element that is by nature the
human equal too behaving like “A SET OF IRESPONSIBLE CHILDREN”. As you work in this subject you must realise that not all of them behave like enlightened space brothers. It is probable to suggest these are the ones that cause no end of headaches as our air forces of the UK and US go up after them, when
they have a habit of joy riding in our airspace. And I am being very serious here, this element amongst this race are also the ones who have been attacked. And frowned upon by some of the other races. Yet there is also amongst them what appear to be beings of high intelligence, who have repeatedly given warnings regarding nuclear development. They have even pointed out the country they are watching, in terms of nuclear development this is not the United States for some reason. A number of them have also given
environmental warnings regarding the pollution of our oceans, and concern regarding toxic waste. The ones known as Nordics, (tall blonde) are the ones I see a lot of. There is also the grouping that abducted Alec Newald in New Zealand. Alec is not making it up they are blue skinned, and they are trapped in another dimension. Read his book Co-evolution from Nexus magazine. The one group that fascinates me are the ones that look exactly like us, but are in a higher dimension, and these guys are something else. The nearest we get to evidence of them, is at a site called Wingmakers. This site is labelled a hoax, as is the story. Yet I am amazed to see a striking similarity of the information given by them which is close to what I have experienced. My web site details the fact of one of them constantly appearing in my dreams taking notes and asking questions about my
school life. My schooling was a nightmare. I will never forget seeing this guy perched in sphere with a headset on watching me. He once said, “You may call me Friar Stephenson”. Imagine dreaming and seeing one of them walk in and speak too you. Perhaps the earth is a bigger supporter of life than we realise. I hypothetically suggest that one group might be within the framework of the planet, yet in another dimension and flow of time. Nuclear weapons would definitely disturb this flow in some way.

Q. What do you think of UFO research?

T. Despite the massive differences of opinion in this subject field. Researchers do a lot of hard graft trying to get to the bottom of it all. They are as a community labelled as cranks, or are slated by journalists who
simply quote them out of context. The fundamental drive behind it is their quest for knowledge of our origins, and who we are. They know and have been shouting from the roof tops that ET does exist. Because democratic Government refuses to acknowledge what it knows honestly about UFO’s it has
caused all kinds of problems, and placed an atmosphere of complete paranoia in the subject. Anybody who has been abducted is subjected to a barrage of labelling, in the UK it is known as temporal lobe epilepsy or even schizophrenia. Our science fails to acknowledge human beings are dimensional in nature, and these people suffer a trauma they have no right to suffer. In general then researchers are doing the best they can. I am a little mind blowing, so I tend to stay away from researchers and groups. But will assist all I can should they require it. From my point of view there are a number of glaring errors about communications with such beings.

Q. Is the Government responsible for a cover up?

T. This requires a rather long explanation. I believe in a democratic system and individuals of great vision work in our Government, and our Parliament I admire Tony Blair but do not agree with his policy on a
number of things. Democracy is so that I may talk freely about this subject and not be carted off. That is democracy. However if the core of democracy is based on a linear hidden elite, who deems me as part of an underclass, one who is genetically of the wrong stock. Then I am not entitled to know about this subject. I am entitled to get a job, and be conned by an economic system that is doing very nicely thank you. The whole core of the problem of cover up lies in the fact that the military have genuine concerns from their point of view. But the scientists who know what is going on are doing rather well at keeping it for themselves. Therefore we are not part of the club. Members of Parliament and Ministers who are genuine in their vision for Britain would not be part of the club either. So they also do not have the right to

The whole reason for the cover up could be pointed at the fact of the continual promotion of Eugenics and survival of the fittest. If you have a quiet and unwritten command that the majority of the population are not genetically correct, or have low IQ, and are viewed simply to serve those of the right stock, then you have a major problem on your hands. I recommend the reader to take a look at the articles at WWW.TRUFAX.ORG under Eugenics, there you will see the horrifying reality of man making the wrong choice. Here is an example of the thinking of such people.

©1995-1998 Theodore D. Hall, Ph.D., Leading Edge International Research Group

“In the opening half of the nineteenth century throughout Europe. Members of the ruling classes gathered to discuss the newly discovered "Population problem" and to devise ways of implementing the Malthusian mandate, to increase the mortality rate of the poor: "Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets arrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations," and so forth and so on.”

If this way of thinking although unspoken of is still present, then you would not be entitled to know of the existence of such things. If this mindset went as high as Government, then we the genetically unfit, are too immature and not grown up enough to handle such information. A bit of balls up occurs then when certain members of the genetically unfit, as some of us are classed start having interactions with beings from other planets who also know that this thinking is a complete load of bollocks. Beings more evolved than man, as well as our ancient traditions know that man is not a genetic accident, oh no, man is an example of the manifested universe in physical form. In years to come our scientists will discover that the theory of Eugenics was flawed. We are quantum intelligent beings. The reason is to do with intelligent co-operation. Rather neatly any articles talking about intelligent co-operation in the field of nature have been swept aside.

Q. That is horrifying, but hang on our radio telescopes search the skies. Our scientists tell us that nothing has been found.

T. I assure you the truth has not be told, under the ridiculous premise the our society would collapse, am I not correct in thinking, that our so called advanced society is on the verge of collapse. Also these cultures have studied us very closely. They would say:

“If we wish to interact with your race we would do so using your language and your ways. Nobody would believe it if we turned up on some place on your planet and commenced interaction.”

Also this comment from an Air Force Colonel is of interest.

“Aliens do exist, but in the public eye it is taken for granted (to put it mildly). NASA's SETI project is complete rubbish, "cover-up" at its worst. They scan for "ET" transmissions at one to ten Gigahertz. No
alien transmission occurs above a hundred cycles and NASA knows this. The transmissions are all compressed in time, like subspace communication on Star Trek. Nothing else has comparable efficiency. Light takes perhaps fifteen minutes to reach another planet, but is all but instantaneous with compression.

EEG wave telepathy is another cover-up, even though brain-related signals have never been detected anywhere else on our spectrum. By mutual exchange of information, "links" can be made through lightlines, which convey force, energy, or information even through walls. This gives complete control over reality itself, and it is hard to overstate its importance. Communication with the dead and eternal life are easy, so too manufacturing directly from mind to product. Truth be told, this planet will be Socialist,
but only when matter is so ridiculously easy to manipulate anyone who says "pay me" will have to mean it as a joke. Telepathy is only thought from "fast time", or excitation field (as in the brain), while matter is only thought "frozen" in slow time, or gravity field; but since gravity and excitation are one spectrum, there is no separation between mind and reality, life or death.

In summary, the public has been misled contemptuously. They have told you that aliens are not visiting the Earth and do not exist. Rather than spacecraft, people are seeing the whole planet Venus fly across the
sky. Then they start an "effort" to find signals from intelligent beings, which they have already detected below 100 cycles. There have been signals picked up even on the frequencies they scan for, but all signals
aliens normally use are below 100 cycles and can never be picked up with conventional equipment.

Finally comes the ultimate insult. The world can be better than science fiction has ever dreamt of. With devices to beam information directly into brains for virtual reality, access information from any source, which would make the Internet pale in comparison, derive energy from the sun through its lines, and literally construct anything as if by magic. Everyone on this planet who has died since 1967 did not have to; the only cure for AIDS, cancer, and particularly genetic diseases lies in these lightlines. This is what the public is being kept in the dark about. Perhaps the United States government has reasons for keeping this secret, but they are not in my opinion good ones.

Ultimately it is not the Air Force's problem that the public does not presently enjoy these things, if you know what I mean. To be heard one has to make some noise. “

Sincerely, James Stephens

Q. Why are you selected for contact? T. Because I am daft enough to get involved that is why. I assure you I could leave the subject behind just as easily as I found it. However this is now with me for the rest
of my life. As yet the reason is not clear.

Q. You describe yourself as a Toltec. What is a Toltec?

T. A Toltec in the modern sense means “Man or Woman of Knowledge”. In the Star Wars films the term “May the Force be With You” is used. To a Toltec this force is known as "KNOWLEDGE” and it is a very real force. Are we the Jedi then, well for entertainment sake yes but yet we all are Jedi as a race. However the Toltec system is a massive system of teaching known to be man’s natural heritage. As such information is deemed to be open to all and not to the few. In Toltec terms no man has the right to keep knowledge from anyone. Man was once known as “Toltec”. Other stories tell of the human race being
seeded by aliens, who will one day return to earth and save us. In the Toltec tradition dating to the time of when they said Atlantis roamed upon the earth it is written that man came to earth with what was known as the priest “seers”, approximately 18 million years ago. I assure you that the problems of man will not be solved by any alien race. They are truly ours to be solved by us and us alone. It is known that man is from the fourth dimension of time and space. Who descended into physical matter. U.

Q. You also indicate that the Toltecs are very wary of UFO’s can you explain more?

T. As a Warrior I am told in no uncertain terms that we as Toltecs are not performing circus animals for anybody. The tradition is not one for public entertainment value. It is a serious tradition. It was the tradition that saved me when I thought I was going mad. In the summer of 95 I felt I was going mental
with it all. The Tradition was very familiar with this subject it guided me to safety, it still does to this day. As I have had some very scary moments. Here is an extract from the Teachings on UFO’s. It makes many people nod in agreement. The main issue for me, is that technology never will be, and never has
been a mark of wisdom upon any race.

The Nahal or Spiritual Leader of the Toltecs states with a cold logic the following:

“These visitors form Outer Space, who just happen to naively to bumbof man far out weigh the issues of visitation. The world is not as it appears to be.

Q. What has been your scariest moment?

T. It has to be the seeing of a ball of light while dreaming, and as shown in the footage section. This ball of light attacked two entities who were going to get me. I will never forget the look of shock on both their
faces as this ball of light bombarded them with thousands of darts of light. My whole mind was a war zone with darts of light fired off in all directions. To this day I have no idea why this happened, but it was I believe a real event. The balls of light appear to belong to a group dimensional in nature. Either those who look human, or the ones with the triangular faces.

The other was being filmed by an unmarked helicopter that was scary I felt that I had gone too far with it all and expected to be carted off. I filmed them they filmed me.

That’s what happens when average Joe starts having above average things going on around him. Unmarked and bristling with camera gear.

Q. Ah so you are part of a special international task group dedicated to
presenting to the public this information?

T. Gosh rumbled. No I am not part of any Government team, or agency this web site acts as an information point for democratic Government and the public. I am a one man contact intelligence organisation. It is normal for some jerk to try and hack into my computer thinking I know far more than I
am saying.

Q. We believe you Tony?

T. Please do just look at my bank balance that says it all.

Q. You have been responsible for filming some of the most staggering UFO footage in Europe if not the world. Did you contact them? Do they know you are there.

T. Short answer yes. For personal reasons I unable to advise how this is done, the danger akin to being on the Internet and suddenly having the appearance of a lot of hackers going in and looking at your PC. In other words the reality we call dreaming, takes on a vivid reality during sleep, and is mentally exhausting and very scary. If you have intelligence in another dimension that wishes to drive a sports car for example. They will simply sample an emotional memory and use it to find out more. Regardless of the effect it has upon the mind. That is quite scary. So it is extremely dangerous. The Tibetan Bon Tradition is familiar with dealing with this problem.

Q. What does Telepathy feel like?

T. Communication with beings from other worlds always will have a meaningful content about it. Telepathy with ETI is usually outside the self, heard in the air around whispered, not in the head. Anything that is negative, or designed to mislead will be heard inside the head, as if you are hearing voices. The Nordic group for example communicated that they had seen “Development problems in our children”. Sometimes you will see a full blown ETI close it’s eye’s and communicate with you. At other times it is
very colourful. The females of these cultures appear to be very deep creatures in their communication.

Q. How deep have they gone with you?

T. The beings that look exactly like us, have guided me in certain areas of development that are of a personal nature. My childhood was pretty awful emotionally, they appeared to have looked at this area extensively. What astounds me is that I recall a female spected ETI who or where she was I have no idea, indicate that these people have also helped her.

Q. Aliens with problems?

T. I do believe they have assisted other cultures. It is mystery as to who they are.

Q. On the footage section we see one of these craft illuminating a television aerial. You say they have explained why. Can you say more?

T. The craft is seen to illuminate the aerial and I was baffled. I later was told in a vision that the shape of it resembles the flow of time across a multidimensional universe. The elements, being the different
multidimensional realities in it. It is also flat. Our Scientists are correct the universe is flat. I am not a scientist but this was an intentional action to highlight a theory they know. I am not sure which group the craft belongs to. I do believe it to be extraterrestrial in origin. Feel free to see the footage in action on this site.

Q. We could go on for ever with questions how do people contact you?

T. Here is what we know?

The universe is multidimensional in it is life older than mankind. Mankind is essentially from elsewhere and is not of this dimension. Extraterrestrial life does exist. However some of it may not be friendly. An
attempt has been made on a number of occasions by female ETI to sexual come on to the male. This can be quite disturbing. A spirit world exists within the framework of the planet. These cultures have given an
indication of the ability to time travel. Bases are known to be on earth. Jupiter’s moons possess life. It is known that the further into space you go the less human life looks. Cultures that look similar to us are
local. One culture in particular constantly gives warning of nuclear pollution, and has intentionally highlighted a country where these activities are unstable. This same culture may occupy the planet but in another dimension of time and space. In this culture possesses a goon squad mentality. This has resulted in pointless joy riding across air space by UFO’s resulting in all kinds of headaches for our air forces. Nordics use two craft, one is boomerang in shape. The other is triangular and capable of cloaking. There
is a universal greeting known by these races. It is to do with the projection of universal knowing. It has been pointed out that man can speak to the divine in creation. We are equipped to do this. Man desires emergence into the wider universe around him. Any race that indicates they are saving man, should be
viewed as suspect. No space aliens are here to save us. Communication is with telepathy and not channelling. The United States despite it’s massive mistakes upon this planet will be the first nation to build an interplanetary craft. Races far out in other Galaxies expect a few hundred years from now, that mankind will meet them. It is predicted that the human race will be known as one of the most respected races in the universe, when it comes to maturity. I am unsure as to the locations of these cultures and what planets they come from. But will endeavour to find out. The Nordic grouping, are by their nature music players. The group known as Wingmakers although branded a hoax, may actually exist based on my experiences and communications given. You could walk past ET in the street and never know. The footage taken of them flying over says it all. Cover up is the result of a Eugenics orientated mentality that will fail us. Children of these various cultures express concern at the attitude of men towards children, themselves, and the planet. It has been indicated that. Observation of development problems in the
children of our planet have been observed. Life after death does exist. God is a proper living force. This force is termed KNOWLEDGE.
While I think this guy is a nut, (Toltec is the name of an ancient American tribe, not a word meaning "A man or woman of knowledge". I think the Toltecs had their share of idiots.), I found the link to trufax really cool. Some of the articles are really out there, but a lot are good meat. I never did find the one about eugenics that he refers to. Do you know where it is?
The name Toltec does mean the man or women of knowledge. Do you now anything about this tribe, about their lauguage, their culture, their living ect. I dont think you do.

And by the way i have talked to the person, through email. I may go meet him in person one day.

Any way oxy did you check out his videos?

Yep here it is the stuff on Eugenics

Heres some more interesting articles within.
Dr. Richard Boylan, Ph.D., MSW, M.S.Ed.
Researcher, Behavioral Scientist, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, University Instructor (emeritus)
Mana-Nothing personal, but I checked out the link for the definition of Toltec. It's a new-age site. Many of these people claim to have received their knowledge from "mystic spirits" and what-not. Direct me to an archaeological site, something based on science, (which I will also look for on my own, just to be fair), and I will cede the field to you.

I didn't view the videos. I didn't have time. I probably will this weekend, though.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
From Tony Topping

Thank you very much for the comments at this forum. I do not take drugs. My experiences are not the product of some circus side show. It is a very serious business, as for being a nut hmmmmmm. My site is very serious material for those who know. I have seen ufo's and the accompanied life first hand. Don't think it is a circus. My tradition is not, repeat not, to be confused with the American Tribe of the same. Toltecs are people of honour, and I am proud to make such a statement. I have no need of anybodys approval. Yet what happened too me has indeed happened. It a long and hard path.

Blessings all

yeah, sure mate......what make syou so different from ever other wanna be out there? In all honesty I want to believe you, but my cynical nature denies this, and it does sound kinda crazy if you know what I mean
Hi Tony, sorry i posted some of your stuff on the board, without your premission.

Any way I have read the book on Alec Newald, I must says its interesting, and alot of the information is link/related to other contactees ect..

And all so has anyone downloaded online book it is a must read for anyone interested.

The Mars Records - Biofeedback meter sessions where a man regained hidden memories of military service on Mars. 375 Pages.
Mars, Remote Viewing, Mind Control, Jumpgate, Time Travel, Al Bielek, Phil Schneider,Age Regression, Teleportation, Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk Project, Greys, Grays, Aliens, Reptillians, United States Navy. And other stuff.

I say read the bite on 'The Fire Fight Dulce Base'.

Also keep on checking i say about every week or so. See whats happening up space.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited June 03, 2000).]
well then.... triangle heads??? ummmm ya..... well u are pretty crazy dude. interdimentional communications and life???? i think i will stick dto extraterrestial stuff

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)