ETI: Any believer is wrong

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Registered Senior Member
This is for all the believer's of UFO's out there. You are all a bunch of fools whose resources might otherwise be found a use for in some other field of REAL science.

You are wrong and you are ignorant, alien contact is a long way off for the human race and it has never occured on this planet.

Go get lives.
Why did you put an apostrophe in "believer's" and "UFO's"?
"whose resources might otherwise be found a use for in some other field of REAL science" This sentence contradicts itself, if you don't believe that researching UFOs (notice the abscence of an apostrophe) is real science then why do you suggest our resources be used in "some other field of REAL science?"
Go get lives? pretty good advice coming from someone whose idea of entertainment is posting opinions on the internet that are not backed up by either reason or fact.

Geez, this is really getting to you isn't it? If the loud proclaimation was not enough, a seperate topic to denounce us :D

You know, I don't mean to be funny. You said you believed in God, yet there is barely an ounce of evidence for God's existence. Yet, for ETI there are mountains of evidence, and not only do you do not believe, you call it wrong, ignorant, and foolish. Now that is an epitome of hypocrisy.

You are wrong and you are ignorant, alien contact is a long way off for the human race and it has never occured on this planet.

That is funny! So now you accept ETI contact is possible? Hmmm
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you don't mean to be funny? who says that? clearly your trying to sound funny.

Go get lives? yeh! go get lives.

how old are you anyway?
Hey Neb,

If you consider this topic to be such a waste of time, then why are you here debunking it?

Sounds like you're the one who needs to get a life?
Vrob, it seems like Nebu is a closet believer, and is finding it hard to come to terms with it, as he's a religious fanatic.
VRob said:
Hey Neb,

If you consider this topic to be such a waste of time, then why are you here debunking it?

Sounds like you're the one who needs to get a life?

i'll try getting one then :bugeye:
What if, we create a poll ,which say, could include 10 ufo incidents.

Then everyone vote for the incident you would like to debate, then once a incident is chosen, the skeptics and people for the ufo argument will have to research and gather as much evidence as possible and then have a huge civilised debate

A waste of time Star one, although if you want, you can start the topic. These pseudo skeptics are not interested in the truth, they are only interested in dismissing it. It's futile trying to talk sense to them.

I think it's proven beyond a reason of doubt, ETI and UFO exists. I think only a fool, despite the insurmountable evidence, would deny that now. What we should be discussing now, is what those implications are on us, what is the face of what is to come. We don't even know what this faceless shadow government wants to do with us and what they are capable of.
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