ethnic facial features


Registered Member
Where can I learn more about the differences in facial features between ethnic groups? So much I've found is pseudoscience with blatant white supremicist undertones.
The terms ethnicity and ethnic group are derived from the Greek word ἔθνος ethnos, normally translated as "nation".[5] The terms refer currently to people thought to have common ancestry who share a distinctive culture.

Herodotus is the first who stated the main characteristics of ethnicity in the 5th century BC, with his famous account of what defines Greek identity, where he lists kinship (Greek: ὅμαιμον - homaimon, "of the same blood"), language (Greek: ὁμόγλωσσον - homoglōsson, "speaking the same language"), cults and customs (Greek: ὁμότροπον - homotropon, "of the same habits or life").

The term "ethnic" and related forms from the 14th through the middle of the 19th century were used in English in the meaning of "pagan, heathen", as ethnikos (Greek: ἐθνικός, literally "national") was used as the LXX translation of Hebrew goyim "the nations, non-Hebrews, non-Jews".

The recent meaning emerged in the mid 19th century and expresses the notion of "a people" or "a nation". The term ethnicity is of 20th century coinage, attested from the 1950s. The term nationality depending on context may either be used synonymously with ethnicity, or synonymously with citizenship (in a sovereign state).

The modern usage of "ethnic group" further came to reflect the different kinds of encounters industrialised states have had with external groups, such as immigrants and indigenous peoples; "ethnic" thus came to stand in opposition to "national", to refer to people with distinct cultural identities who, through migration or conquest, had become subject to a state or "nation" with a different cultural mainstream with the first usage of the term ethnic group in 1935, and entering the Oxford English Dictionary in 1972.
You could try forensic medicine or anthropology (books, i would guess, rather than websites) because ethnicity is crucial to the identification of skeletal remains.
Welcome deirdre2,
What I would do is visit my lybrary. There are tons of material to "research" this. Enjoy your time with sciforums.
the science section is where I might start at. But asking a librarian may get closer...

I just thought I would add police forensics, mortuary's, stuff may help as well...