Ethics of the US candidates from an Australian perspective

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Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
(tiassa if you want to move this to politics feel free)

I was listening to an ABC radio national program called LNL on the ethics of the US presidential candidates from an Australian perspective

Ethics of US presidential candidates

Peter Singer
Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at the University Center for Human Values, Princetown University.

It was quite an interesting show (sorry cant find the transcript but this is the whole interview in audio format)

It went through the differences between the different candidates.

The most interesting part of the whole interview was on 3 things

The first was on the reason Hillery Clinton seemed so despised going back to her trying to introduce universal health care which here is a non issue even for the right of politics. As he said "even under 11 years of a conservative government no attempt was made to revoke universal health care"

The second issue was on the ethics of the candidates and there consistency on policy. It was quite interesting to see that McCain was a supporter of Rov v Wade but that in order to become a candidate for the conservatives he reneged on this. Mr Singer seemed quite hopeful that now he HAD the candidacy he would go back on this issue

The last was a question on Atheism in politics, he was quite disappointed that he thought there would not be an athiast president in our lifetime

So i thought that a good topic for debate would be what NON US citizen's thought about the current round of candidates
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