Ethics of the Catholic Church


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Other Dioceses Open Up About Abuse
Wed Mar 6, 2:35 PM ET

By RACHEL ZOLL, AP Religion Writer

Pressure from the pedophilia scandal in the Archdiocese of Boston has led to an unprecedented openness among American bishops about abuse allegations in their own dioceses.

While many key details remain secret — and critics say much more information should be released — rank-and-file Roman Catholics have been learning more than ever about sexual molestation by clergy. (full text here).
So according to this, the Catholic Church has axed 26 priests, and is undergoing some sort of "housecleaning". It seems to me that the Catholic bureaucracy might have a big backlog of evidence concerning child abuse by it's own membership. By and large, however effective their internal purge, they are NOT turning the evidence over to police or prosecutors: they are just letting them go as quietly as they can. And they are picking and choosing what information they release.

So, can someone please explain to me their moral justification for withholding evidence of criminal activity from the authorities. I can see the public relations reasons for doing it, and even the legal ones (they don't want to acknowledge any more liability than is pried out of them). But surely this issue must have been discussed at a pretty high level within the church, and being the moralizing types they are, I would think they've come up with some kind of justification for it. What could it be? What comforting (if not comfortable) moral blanket have they cast over themselves?


Hi there,

This topic is one that I want to think about a lot before I make a hasty reply. I will say that it angers me greatly that so many have suffered at the hands of those pious clergy who only now are being revealed.

I'm going to read the full text and come back, (I have to log off now and I've only just seen this topic) But before I go I wonder if there are any clergy who are members of this forum who are game enough to volunteer some insight.

Good topic,
talk to you soon
haven' t you noticed!:eek: . ask Sir Loone:D

but seriously, I think tht priests should be judged in court as everyone else for child abuse.

I would sincerely be very surprised if Sir Loony and any of his bible bashing friends pop into this thread in defence of these offenders.

Before I jump on my soapbox I'm going to do a little research on the web about the clergy and pedophiles. I agree prosecution should be hard and fast for them. It really is time that they answer for their actions.

But I also like to be open minded and fair before making unjust allegations, so I'll do a bit of reading to make sure I don't vilify anyone who doesn't deserve it.

What is continually going through my mind is the suffering of the victims - the children now, and the adults who have lived with it for so long.

As Arnold says -
"I'll be back"!