Ethics & Love


Lounge Act
Registered Senior Member
So what are the ethical rules in love?

Is it 'Alls fair in love and war' or is it more complex?

Situation 1:
Now say I fall for a guy, and I beleive this guy has feelings for me.
Now say I'm bestest friends with said guys recent ex.

What should one do in this situation?
What rules of engagement exist if any?

Situation 2:
Unresolved Ex's
Mine and/or theirs.

What should be done?

Basically? What do you guys all beleive is fair in love and war.
Is it a more traditional battle approach (marching smartly into battle and getting shot down with great honour) or the concept of total war (bomb the mofo's!!!)?
Incidently did that American engagement rule (it is American isn't it) apply when they shot and missiled the British in the last gulf war?? They did quite a bit of that and a vehicle also ran over some British troops (I think). :mad: Fucking idiots!
Originally posted by cyberia

Is it a more traditional battle approach (marching smartly into battle and getting shot down with great honour) or

I tend to like the approach where I don't get shot
Yeah me too!

I think some women have a hatred towards men and they will use their mouths to retaliate! This is why people should be quite wary of them! Even now I see women who can't keep secrets and they take their anger out on males by telling every fucker any secret they are told! :mad: :)
The ethical rules of love are pretty simple in theory, but can be very difficult to follow in practice. In my opinion there aren't so much rules, but there is bad form - which you should try to avoid.

With respect to situation 1:
In other words you want to date your best friend's ex. Doing this could potentially hurt your friend, but not pursuing it could deny you a good relationship.
1. Consider whether the guy is really worth pursuing in the first place. Are your friend's feelings an issue for him too? Are they completely over? Are you being played?
2. If you decide you want to go for it, tell your friend. This may be difficult, but it's better than having her find out you're sneaking around behind her back. Listen to her feelings on the issue. You don't need her "permission," but asking for her blessing is a sign of respect.
3. Tell the guy that this is an issue for you. You may want to keep things discrete and slow at first - even to the point of agreeing on a mutual interest, but waiting a few weeks before you try to do anything about it.

With respect to situation 2:
"Unresolved ex's" is a little vague, but I assume that you're asking about what to do when there are other people in the picture. In order to be fair and respectful make sure that everyone involved knows the score and that you're not creating an illusion of exclusivity when it's not really there. Also if you want to be exclusively dating someone, it's not unfair to ask for it. That may be something that person is not willing to give, but at least you'll know that and can then decide if he or she is worth pursuing.

In the end, the ethics of relationships are all based on respect. If you treat everyone with respect, you'll generally be treated the same way back. (Although never forget that there are no shortages of dumasses in the world.)
it's kind of an unspoken rule that you don't go out with your friend's ex's. but if she's completely over him and moved on there's no reason you shouldn't be allowed to go out with him. careful, if she's still hung up on him there could be trouble.
The one and only rule still applies.
All is fair, in love (very more so) and war.

You could lose the person you were ment for.
Hi cyberia- is it you?
"So what are the ethical rules in love?

Is it 'Alls fair in love and war' or is it more complex?

Situation 1:
Now say I fall for a guy, and I beleive this guy has feelings for me.
Now say I'm bestest friends with said guys recent ex.

What should one do in this situation?
What rules of engagement exist if any?"

One should discuss with ones friend what one is feeling in a calm and non-threatening way, perhaps over dinner you cook her or him at home, while wine is around.

You have a duty to tell the friend if you want to try to take things further with the guy. You dont have a responsibility not to take things further with the guy, but it is worth thinking about why they broke up, and how they interacted and his role in their breakup.

Your aim is to have her/his blesing to try but to maintain your chance at friendship if he/she doesnt give her/his blessing, by making her /him understand you are driven, perhaps in the same way they were.

Rules for talking to the guy are the same as they normally would be I guess. of course there is some uncertainty if you dont know if he is interested, but you are not going to find out unless you two do some stuff together, probably without the partner.

One other question for you to consider is is the partnership over and is it for the best it is over? Is there a possibility you were always a third angle to their relationship and may a threeway relationship be something you might all want?

the real ele
"Situation 2:
Unresolved Ex's
Mine and/or theirs.

What should be done?"

Be brave, get them to confront their ex if it isnt resolved and let them go if they want to return, same with you. If it isnt a matter of either of oyu longing for an ex that isnt there, then forget them and dont sallow their demands or whatever t intrude on your life. Move somewhere that they dont know your phone no or address so that they cant interfere with the relationship. If kids are involved you could arrange an internmediary meeting place.

"Basically? What do you guys all beleive is fair in love and war.
Is it a more traditional battle approach (marching smartly into battle and getting shot down with great honour) or the concept of total war (bomb the mofo's!!!)?"

Love is th ebest path, even if it ends in sorrow.