Ethics & God


Isvara.... . 1S Evil_Lau
Registered Senior Member
Assuming all religions are real but still unprovable, Is it ethical to allow the "Real God" Allah to promote terrorism to christians and other religions?

My thoughts of a Supreme Personality like Krshna in control of everything MUST be ethical?
Assuming all religions (and their gods) are real, then the only ethical course of action is to pit them against each other in a battle to the death so that all of the confusion and conflict between their various ideals can be eliminated. I think CROM the MIGHTY will win and we will then all worship the MIGHTY CROM!!!!

...what like your goddess?

I like girls and stuff...but worshiping one...emmm, no. plus your "goddess" has got horns on her, so when you ask for a fellatio, it'll be hard to get one
I thought the holy book of the Allah followers didn't say anything about killing non-Muslims.

In fact, all major religions I know of that have ascended beyond cult status preach that violence and killing is wrong. And the "Golden Rule" is present in one form of another. And since all religions formed for pretty much the same reason, would it not follow that all their ethics are essentially the same?

And if the rules of religions define sets of ethics, and there is conflict, how would you decide which set of ethics is ultimately correct?

Also, all RELIGIONS are real; it's the various concepts and "beings" they're based on that are up for debate.

See, this is why I don't believe in any sort of religion.