ethical or unethical that's the question


many leagues under the sea.
Valued Senior Member
I seen this post...

The moment you can objectively define "ethical" or "unethical" is the moment that your question will have an answer.

And I got to thinking how do you define ethical and unethical? And how do you describe ethical and unethical? What makes it ethical?

Does religion, culture, or law make it ethical or otherwise?
To paraphrase Sam Harris: "That which is ethical and good is that which does the most good to the most people and the least harm to the fewest people. That which is unethical is that which does the most harm to the most people and the least good to the fewest people. As our abilities increase, so increases our obligation to the same."

Looking for easy definitions, clear wording or fixed rules is lazy. There is no such thing. The universe doesn't care what we do. There is no god to help us out of our own messes. We're here. Whether we live or die; remain extant or go extinct is completely in our hands. Seeking some collection of magical or powerful words that forever define exactly what good is and what evil is is the very root of intellectual laziness. We must ALWAYS be analyzing and asking ourselves what is good and what is bad.

Hold each situation up to the litmus test of doing the most good and doing the least harm is a good starting point. But there is no fixed definitions. We aren't owed that. Each situation has to be judged on its own.
