Essene the Christians predating Christianity


Registered Senior Member
The Koran uses Isa for the name of Jesus. It is derived from Esse which is Arabic for Jesus. The Jewish sect of Essene from the greek Essaios were then followers of Jesus who they referred to as Teacher of Rightiousness. The problem is that this sect predates the eleged birth of modern Christianity's Jesus by at least centuries and really a lot more as their earliest of the dead sea scrolls date back to a couple of hundred years BC. The Koran places the time of Jesus birth squarely in the time of Exodus. In fact it says that the mother of Jesus was the Marium sister of Aaron. Several other references to Jesus in the Koran specifically coincide with references to Moses. The Talmud written in the first five centuries AD confesses that the Jewish preists and scribes were responsible for the death of Jesus, but it also places Jesus in that time as it says more specifically that the preist Pinhas had killed him. Pinhas was the grandson of Aaron. It also says that Jesus was the sun of Pandira. Now get this, Pandira is derived from Pa-neter-Ra, the god Ra. But recal what I have been saying all along. It was Horus that inherited Ra's throne! Tut, Joshua made himself out to be Horus giving rise to the first Christian sect, the Essene. The fact that the Essene were Christians before Christianity is what led to the greatest scandal of the twentieth century werein the dead sea scrolls fell into the control of a small group of orthodox preists playing scientist that kept them from public view as long as possible until finaly their translations were released half a century later with interpretations inserted between the text every other line. On the bright side, one of the preists had the sence to leave the preisthood and marry after reading what they said. What does that tell you?

The closest thing I have yet to historical evidence of Jesus placed in the time of Herod Antipas is the circumstantial evidence that Josephus did make reference to a John the Baptist put to death at Herod's command. Horus was baptised by lord Anup, Yo-Anup, Yo-an John which when taken with the astroligical signs and the correspondence of Herod antipas's father, to Herrut might be taken as prophetic. If anyone has more evidence on either the existence or nonexistence of the biblical John the Baptist I would like to see it.
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Trilairian, I opened this thread only to find two solid blocks of unreadable text staring back at me. Can you possibly format your posts so they are actually readable? You can still do it to this one--use the edit button. Put some paragraphs in there!
Trilairian said:
The Koran uses Isa for the name of Jesus. It is derived from Esse which is Arabic for Jesus. The Jewish sect of Essene from the greek Essaios were then followers of Jesus who they referred to as Teacher of Rightiousness. The problem is that this sect predates the eleged birth of modern Christianity's Jesus by at least centuries and really a lot more as their earliest of the dead sea scrolls date back to a couple of hundred years BC. The Koran places the time of Jesus birth squarely in the time of Exodus. In fact it says that the mother of Jesus was the Marium sister of Aaron. Several other references to Jesus in the Koran specifically coincide with references to Moses. The Talmud written in the first five centuries AD confesses that the Jewish preists and scribes were responsible for the death of Jesus, but it also places Jesus in that time as it says more specifically that the preist Pinhas had killed him. Pinhas was the grandson of Aaron. It also says that Jesus was the sun of Pandira. Now get this, Pandira is derived from Pa-neter-Ra, the god Ra. But recal what I have been saying all along. It was Horus that inherited Ra's throne! Tut, Joshua made himself out to be Horus giving rise to the first Christian sect, the Essene. The fact that the Essene were Christians before Christianity is what leg to the greatest scandal of the twentieth century werein the dead sea scrolls fell into the control of a small group of orthodox preists playing scientist that kept them from public view as long as possible until finaly their translations were released half a century later with interpretations inserted between the text every other line. On the bright side, one of the preists had the sence to leave the preisthood and marry after reading what they said. What does that tell you?

The closest thing I have yet to historical evidence of Jesus placed in the time of Herod Antipas is the circumstantial evidence that Josephus did make reference to a John the Baptist put to death at Herod's command. Horus was baptised by lord Anup, Yo-Anup, Yo-an John which when taken with the astroligical signs and the correspondence of Herod antipas's father, to Herrut might be taken as prophetic. If anyone has more evidence on either the existence or nonexistence of the biblical John the Baptist I would like to see it.
M*W: I've read the same things, but I don't think the Jesus not the JtB of the NT were actual living beings. However, it appears that over some millenia these characters may have reappeared under different guises (i.e. Horus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Elijah, Mithras, Ra, etc.). Who knows?

The names of Meri/Mary/Mariam, etc., probably have shown up several times in ancient literature. I've read about Pandera, and that is a new take on it. The Jews also talk about a man named Julius Tiberius Abdes Pandera who either raped or had a love affair with Jesus's mother Mary. Ultimately, the origination of the name Mary comes from Mer (life-giving waters). Is it any wonder in the story of Moses, his mother/sister was Mariam who placed him in the basket in the water. Mo-ses means taken from the water. It's an interesting subject. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

~ Medicine*Woman
In the Talmud it says :" Pinhas, son of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest " - quite right Pinhas IS grandson of Aaron and contemporary of Moses .....

Pinhas kills only ONE person in all the scriptures : numbers 25,14 : The name of the israelite who was killed, was Zimri son of Salu, chieftain of a Simeonite ancestral house .

Pinhas has NEVER been mentioned in connection with Jesus, Pandira(Pandera) or Ben Stada - except in the free fiction of Ahmed Osman .....

For the Jesus/Pandira/Ben Stada connection in the Talmud see: (it takes a little time to load) :

Jesus/Pandira/Ben Stada are NOT contemporary with Moses.....
Jesus/Pandira/Ben Stada are NOT contemporary with Pinhas.....

I simply wonder how Ahmed Osman makes up these stories ?????????

According to the biography of Ahmed Osman he started to study law - changed to working as a JOURNALIST and now writes books .......

I read the papers but I do not always belive their stories ........
Paraclete said:
In the Talmud it says :" Pinhas, son of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest " - quite right Pinhas IS grandson of Aaron and contemporary of Moses .....

Pinhas kills only ONE person in all the scriptures : numbers 25,14 : The name of the israelite who was killed, was Zimri son of Salu, chieftain of a Simeonite ancestral house .

Pinhas has NEVER been mentioned in connection with Jesus, Pandira(Pandera) or Ben Stada - except in the free fiction of Ahmed Osman .....
No he also killed Jesus according to the Talmud. What the "scriptures" say he did or didn't mention he did is irrelevent. This particular Pinhas killer of Jesus is the grandson of Aaron.
Ahmed Osama is basically correct. I don't care if he is even a garbage man. What someone does for a living is irrelevent. How well their data can be verified is what matters, and I have verified his.
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Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've read the same things, but I don't think the Jesus not the JtB of the NT were actual living beings. However, it appears that over some millenia these characters may have reappeared under different guises (i.e. Horus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Elijah, Mithras, Ra, etc.). Who knows?

The names of Meri/Mary/Mariam, etc., probably have shown up several times in ancient literature. I've read about Pandera, and that is a new take on it. The Jews also talk about a man named Julius Tiberius Abdes Pandera who either raped or had a love affair with Jesus's mother Mary. Ultimately, the origination of the name Mary comes from Mer (life-giving waters). Is it any wonder in the story of Moses, his mother/sister was Mariam who placed him in the basket in the water. Mo-ses means taken from the water. It's an interesting subject. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

~ Medicine*Woman
That Julius story is basically a fiction created to explain where the name came from after the chronology was forgotten. Ultimately Mariam/Mary is derived from Mehet-Weret which was indeed a water godess. I wonder if the Moses in the river story was an analogy to baptism which were originaly washings/immersion in a river, in a sence being born of the godess.
Trilairian said:
That Julius story is basically a fiction created to explain where the name came from after the chronology was forgotten. Ultimately Mariam/Mary is derived from Mehet-Weret which was indeed a water godess. I wonder if the Moses in the river story was an analogy to baptism which were originaly washings/immersion in a river, in a sence being born of the godess.
M*W: Could be. The original "gods" of ancient humans were the sun, moon, stars and the elements. So, it's no wonder that water gods/goddesses became feared and awed just as the Earth, Air and Fire gods/goddesses were.
So trilairian - please tell me where exactly in Talmud it says, that Pinhas (grandson of Aaron in your first post , and now you also claim that he is grandson of Moses ?) killed Jesus - I sit here with my Torah,Talmud waiting for you to point out exactly where you have read that statement ..........
Or perhaps you only read this statement in Ahmed Osman´s books ????
Tri - have you ever read the Talmud yourself - or are you just quoting somebody, who claims he has read it ??
Paraclete said:
So trilairian - please tell me where exactly in Talmud it says, that Pinhas (grandson of Aaron in your first post , and now you also claim that he is grandson of Moses ?) killed Jesus - I sit here with my Torah,Talmud waiting for you to point out exactly where you have read that statement ..........
Or perhaps you only read this statement in Ahmed Osman´s books ????
No, he is the grandson of Aaron. Where exactly in the Talmud is:
p.344 of the English translation of chapter 11 of the Sanhedrin tract part two Haggada. They refer to him as Balaam of the book of numbers.
No I haven't read the whole Talmud, but I told you I've read enough to verify what he said.
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reference of Jesus as 'bar pandera' meanin 'son ofthe panther. is really referring to his ultimate identity wit the spotted sacred mushroom, amanita is a PUN which has missed censorship, been forgotten. it is of course a pun linking the spotted skin of the panther with the mushroom. Chrestos. Jesus
duendy said:
reference of Jesus as 'bar pandera' meanin 'son ofthe panther. is really referring to his ultimate identity wit the spotted sacred mushroom, amanita is a PUN which has missed censorship, been forgotten. it is of course a pun linking the spotted skin of the panther with the mushroom. Chrestos. Jesus
No it isn't.
what do you mean 'no it isn't'.....what are you saying Jesus is then. what are you sayng mythology is then. words words words? you not think anceint ancetors were in as much awae of psychedelic experience as we are?......tho let me prempt yor reponse that that. you might say people generally aren't that in awae of psychedelic experience. that they 'know' it is 'merely chemical' experienc, ritght?
well the materilstic age driven by the autority of science--not 'God' people WILL be led to discount what before in our history was considered sacred experience. but the peple nowadayts are following a myth like those before

my own tought about --what i term 'patriarchal mysticism' of patriarchal pagans and early Christians, isthat they would build up a mythplogy surrpounding the in its shape appearance--as Allegro reveals in his book The Sacred Mushroom and the CRoss. but unlike the Goddess oriented mythology they appropriated teir symbols and names from, the 'Hod' version is more anti-Nature. it is a FEAR of body and Nature. this fear repression suppression of te Deeep bcomes distorted inottheir mythical character the 'Devil'....and of course they become very anti psychedelic, eventually persecuting 'witches' etc who used various 'psychoactive' herbs and fungi for spritual rituals, etc

so your 'no it isn't' is very un-exploratoryand is saying nowt much. with myth yo have t have--get into an ASSOCIATIVE mode...see patterns. understand the the CRUX is not words, but EXPERIENCE...the actual lving ecstatic feeling of interrelationship it Earth, Universe, Community, matter/energyand cpnsciousness.....