Esoteric accounts of our origin


Registered Senior Member
To better understand our present situation it may be useful to familiarize ourselves with esoteric accounts of our origin, history, nature and purpose. I offer the accounts of two of my favorite sources - Edgar Cayce and Ken Carey. You can find them on these webpages:

Edgar Cayce

Ken Carey

I think it's quite fascinating to contemplate and compare these two accounts. Basically, both accounts claim that in the beginning we existed as disincarnate spirit entities who later took on material bodies and got entangled in matter (spiritually fell). The spiritual fall was basically a shift of emphasis from a healthy balance between individual ego and the all-encompassing perspective of God, to the ego. It seems that the reasons for this, according to both sources, were our excessive attachment to forms, to matter, and confusion. Carey also speaks of fear of losing one's individuality as a major factor. They seem to differ in that according to the Cayce account our incarnation into material bodies was a mistake, the ultimate result of our spiritual fall (at least that's the impression I get from the account), while Carey writes explicitely that the incarnation was an important, even necessary, part of our evolution although our spiritual fall was an unnecessary mistake.

Also, check out these three songs/videos:

Pink Floyd: High Hopes

Natalie Imbruglia: Beauty on the Fire

Depeche Mode: Precious

I think they marvelously capture the essence of the esoteric accounts.
