


Tantra divides foods into three main groups according to the dominant guna (attribute):

1. Sattvik (sentient) foods are defined as foods that are beneficial for mental and physical well-being. These include all grains, legumes, fruits, roots and vegetables except onions, garlic and mushrooms; all milk products; all varieties of spices except very hot spices. Apple cider vinegar is the only vinegar that is customarily attributed to this category; all other vinegars belong to rajasik category. Deer meat is the only flesh that is considered beneficial to the body but is not eaten by yogis for reason of nonviolence. (A few obscure items are also excluded from this category but they are unlikely to be encountered in Western food stores.)

2. Rajasik (mutative) foods are defined as foods that are beneficial to the body but are neutral to the mind, or vice versa. Generally, any food or drink containing caffeine or other stimulants, most prescription drugs (such as aspirin) and very hot spices belong to this category. Flesh of most fish and birds that do not eat other fish or birds are also considered rajasik. Well-cooked or fried onions are considered by some yogis to be in this category but there seems to be no consensus on this issue. (In the footsteps of my Master, I consider onion tamasik in any form.)

3. Tamasik (static) foods are defined as foods that are harmful to the body or the mind. Stale, moldy or rotten foods; eggs; the flesh of the large animals such as beef, pork, lamb; onions, garlic and mushrooms; toxic prescription drugs; all types of intoxicants (including alcohol and tobacco products) and illicit drugs (narcotics) belong to this category. Food cooked by an evil person or sold with the sole intention of profit is also considered tamasik. Finally, overeating even the most wholesome food will have tamasik effect on the mind and body.

How does this classification apply to a tantrik practitioner? Those who are on the spiritual path are trying to develop more sattvik (harmonious) qualities of the mind that help a yogi remain aware, focused, calm and flexible. Eating foods that are only of a sattvik quality (the first group) can significantly help with developing such sentient, spiritual nature within yourself. When people come to me complaining that their meditation does not work or is disturbed, that they cannot concentrate or think well, or that their emotions seem to be unruly, I always ask them about the nature of their diet. In most cases, even if they are vegetarians, they consume onion, garlic and mushroom, drink coffee or overeat—all of which are detrimental for peace of mind and, thus, successful meditation practice. In our tradition, being a sattvik vegetarian is mandatory for most advanced lessons of meditation and for most advanced asanas.

By now the reader might ask: "Why are onion, garlic and mushrooms bad?" As a matter of fact, onion and garlic are good for the body. They are bad for the mind. All three irritate and heat lower chakras (psychospiritual centers) and, thus, tend to make a person more irritable, distracted and sexually indiscriminant. Onions can be safely replaced with asafetida (hing)—a condiment derived from a certain tree resin used in Indian and Iranian cooking. When added to food, it tastes like onion but without the ill effects. In fact, Asafetida has calming and grounding qualities. It is readily available in the spice section of health food stores. Garlic is a good medicine: its antibacterial and blood purifying qualities have been known for centuries. Ginger has similar qualities without the negative mental effects (and bad smell) of garlic. In moderation, ginger is also balancing for all doshas (bodily humors) while the same is not true for garlic. Mushrooms generally grow on dead matter and are toxic in varying degrees to both body and mind.

Leaving onion, garlic and mushroom out of your diet is likely to help your spiritual path. Many people cannot meditate properly if their diet includes even a trace of onion, garlic and mushrooms. Onion, garlic and mushrooms are addictive substances and you will have withdrawal symptoms such as cravings when you quit eating them. So much for this terrible threesome.

While taking a meal, a tantrik should pay particular attention to the inner and outer environment and to the source of the food. Eating in a hurry or when emotionally disturbed or angry may turn even the best sattvik food into rajasik or, in an extreme case, tamasik substance and should be avoided as much as possible. Eating in restaurants where the motive is profit rather than love of food and people may also have a tamasik effect. In addition, if an immoral or angry person offers you a meal, remember that his or her energy will be transmitted to you through food.

I remember a story that illustrates this phenomenon: A rajah (king) accepted an offering of high quality wheat flour from a merchant. A local saintly yogi who was also the rajah’s friend participated in the meal that included rotis (bread) made of that flour. After the meal, as was the custom of the rajah, he offered the yogi to take a rest on king’s bed. Yogi did so. When he woke up, he noticed a beautiful necklace on the queen’s night table. The yogi put it in his pocket and, after farewells, left for his forest hut. There he buried the necklace in the ground and sat for meditation. In meditation he thought: "Uh-oh! I have never stolen anything in my life! Why would I take a necklace? I will not wear it and have no place to sell it. Besides, the king supports me well, so I have no use for the money." So he dug out the accursed necklace and went back to the palace. By that time, the queen was looking for her piece of jewelry. The yogi asked the court to gather and requested that the merchant also be called. He confronted the merchant about the origin of the flour. It turned out to have been stolen. Then the yogi apologized and returned the necklace to the queen. Since the yogi was known to the rajah for a long time, no one questioned his integrity…

What is the moral of this story? Know the source of any food substance you eat. Who handled it? Was it purchased with honestly earned money? Was it offered with an open heart? A tantrik practitioner needs to keep careful watch on the nature of all energies that enter his or her inner and outer environment.

And these energies are by no means limited to foodstuff. We absorb the energy of our own thoughts and that of others. We are influenced by the environment of our home, friends, work and our country. Sattvik food, however, is one of the most important ways we can cultivate the sentient energy necessary for spiritual practice (and a happy, fulfilling life).

The Tantrik view on vegetarianism. Any thoughts? Personally, I aim to be a vegetarian the instant I get away from the evil breath of my stupid parents. They meddle with my eating, which is very annoying.
You are hilarious, what the hell is Ermmmm???????. You owe me an answer, don't escape.

You defined reality as this world and I gave you perfect logic that you're wrong. Let me repeat my logic.

- To a dead person, this life is a non existance or fantacy.
- To a living person, death is an absolute reality that noone can escape.
- Then this life is a fantacy.

Come on now, show your atheistic muscles.
Spook my man, how are you doing????
You gotta go to the other site where zero started something he couldn't finish, then went Ermmmm???? on me and started babling about food and stuff...I was being a royal pain in his butt...You on the other hand, seem to enjoy my pain a great deal.........It's hilarious.
Originally posted by heflores
I gave you perfect logic that you're wrong. Let me repeat my logic.

- To a dead person, this life is a non existance or fantacy.

Don't tell me you believe dead people have opinions...

Keep it up and you'll get first prize.
Originally posted by heflores
You on the other hand, seem to enjoy my pain a great deal.........It's hilarious.
Therapy may help the pain. I thought you promised to leave and focus on turning your kids into morons.
Originally posted by Vienna
Don't tell me you believe dead people have opinions...

Keep it up and you'll get first prize.

Keep yourself out of this Vienna, Chris is not here to save your butt, and I had a feeling you went to bed mad last night. I think it's way intellectual for you. You may give it a crack though. I improved the logic more.

- Life is a non existance or fantacy to the dead people.
- Life is a reality to the living, Death is also a reality for the living.
- Life is then a (quasi reality) to the living.
- Death is also a (quasi reality) for the dead and the living.
- Judgement must be a phasiatic stage to transform a person from quasi reality to absolute reality.
Originally posted by Vienna
Don't tell me you believe dead people have opinions...

If I was a dead person I'd still have an opinion about what I'm reading. I can't believe this has jumped threads.
You're ignoring RDoubt's comment, heffalump. Read my reply if you think I'm ignoring you. At least you're not stuck on the caps lock, I appreciate that.
Originally posted by Zero
and stop hijacking my thread! :mad: :mad:

*spanks heflores and throws outside the plane window*

You are suddently becoming a cute athiest in my eyes. I wonder if that is a fantacy or a reality.:eek: :) ;)
Spookz, you're a fucking babe. You're ever in Naples, look me up.

And what the fuck are you people talking about?
<font color="red">Please keep to the topic, people. This is a religion forum, not a pickup joint. - Moderator</font>