equal rights to being punched in the face

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People that are punched in the face many times just are knocked out and are unconscious so therefor cannot strike back. :eek:
because its ot fair, if i punch a guy in the face i expect it back, if they are able to knock me out then so be it, none of this its not right for a man to hit a woman
If a woman punched a man in the face he should hit her back. Being smaller and lighter doesn't give her the right to beat the crap out of him.
Feminists aren't necessarily sexist. Hell, I would consider myself a feminist. It's just that the man-hating idiots give feminism a bad name.
im sorry but im with ABS on this one
feminists see one gender as more important there for they are sexist
I would class myself as a humanitarian, ie someone who is for TRUE equality not onesided equality

For example why when they report civilan deaths in war zone do they say
x number of civilans were killed
y number of WOMEN and children
why are women more important than men?
why is it that male civilians being killed is less important than females in the millartry?
why is it that the fed goverment created a new center to treat and surport women with gynalogical cancer when the medication to treat prostate cancer wasnt even on the PBS?
Why is it that every product in a supermarket is raising money for breast cancer when mens health issues are ignored?
why is it that there are female only scolorships for engernering but no male only scolorships for teaching and nursing
why is it that FGM is outlawed as a human rights abuse but MALE circumcision is still practiced
Feminists aren't necessarily sexist. Hell, I would consider myself a feminist. It's just that the man-hating idiots give feminism a bad name.

Must have just been the man-hating idiots that got the VAWA passed, right?

The story about gender differences and bias, however, has a good side to it. Since 1971, girls have made definite strides in terms of graduating from high school and attending and graduating college. For instance, in 1971, only about 78% of girls finished high school compared to almost 90% of boys. By 1996, this figure had essentially reversed. Also, in 1971, less than 40% of women had completed one year of college and less than 20% had graduated. In comparison, over 60% of men had completed one year and 30% had graduated. In 1996, almost 70% of women were going to college, compared to 50% of men.


Just more of your 'man-hating idiots' celebrating the bias forced into the education system, right?
oh and why are fathers always always treated as less important than fathers when it comes to children

im sorry but im with ABS on this one
feminists see one gender as more important there for they are sexist
I would class myself as a humanitarian, ie someone who is for TRUE equality not onesided equality

For example why when they report civilan deaths in war zone do they say
x number of civilans were killed
y number of WOMEN and children
why are women more important than men?
why is it that male civilians being killed is less important than females in the millartry?
why is it that the fed goverment created a new center to treat and surport women with gynalogical cancer when the medication to treat prostate cancer wasnt even on the PBS?
Why is it that every product in a supermarket is raising money for breast cancer when mens health issues are ignored?
why is it that there are female only scolorships for engernering but no male only scolorships for teaching and nursing
why is it that FGM is outlawed as a human rights abuse but MALE circumcision is still practiced

Ya know, I'm pleasantly surprised for two reasons.

1. You understood what abs was driving at.

2. You making very valid observations.

Do you remember that advertising campaign: "Violence against women, Australia says NO!"

Don't you ever wonder why they simply didn't say "Violence, Australia says No!" After all, men are more often victims of violence than women, and suffer from just as much domestic abuse as women.
I suppose because most women are smaller so most woman's punches aren't going to do as much damage as most men's punches are.

If I ever punched a man, I think the most damage I'd do is a bloody lip. I've been punched by a man and it dang near knocked me unconscious. The kick to the head finally did what he intended.
OH yea i rember that quite well, My partner walks around saying "to violence against women, australia says no, to violence against men australia says meh"

My opinion was that it should have said "australia says no to demostic violence" period. Yes only 1:10 cases of domostic violence is a women atacking a man (i think thats the statistic) but its still wrong. So is domestic vilonce in Gay and lesbian relationship.

The same goes for sexual assult where the goverment is being ESPECIALLY counterproductive. Male sexual assult is VERY rarly reported so what does the goverment say? sexual assult against women is wrong and here is a hot line you can call if your abusing a women or if you are an abused women

I only found out that there was a mens help line for male depression (apart from lifeline) by a pure acident
Orleander you ever hit a man in the balls? you dont think women can do more damage and inflict more pain by accuracy than a man can by brute strength

It really doesnt matter wether you think you can inflict pain or not. Common law Assult doesnt even require pain or damage to be inflicted. It just requires the threat of unwanted invasion of personal space to be established
I suppose because most women are smaller so most woman's punches aren't going to do as much damage as most men's punches are.

1. That's not strictly true. Many women are bigger than me, and some can punch better.

2. If a big strong man was punched in the face by a weedy guy, I doubt you'd feel sympathy if the weedy guy got punched back.

The solution to the dilemma is simple: Don't punch someone stronger than you, and you won't get hit back harder.
Why so much discrimination?

There's no discrimination. Hitting a person of either sex in the face is illegal.

because its ot fair, if i punch a guy in the face i expect it back, if they are able to knock me out then so be it, none of this its not right for a man to hit a woman

If a woman punched a man in the face he should hit her back. Being smaller and lighter doesn't give her the right to beat the crap out of him.

How often do you see news stories of women "beating the crap out of" men?

Domestic violence, for example, is overwhelmingly about men beating women, not the other way around.

I wish someone could explain that concept to the feminists and other sexists.

Spoken like a young boy who doesn't know what a feminist is.

im sorry but im with ABS on this one
feminists see one gender as more important there for they are sexist

Another one with misconceptions.

Feminism is primarily about equal rights for women, such as equal pay for equal work, the right to financial independence that men have, the right to vote the same as men, the right to advance in the workplace on the basis of merit rather than sex, etc. etc.

Nothing in feminism claims that women are "more important" than men.

Men who are against feminism (and it is invariably men, of course) generally feel threatened by it. They fear having to compete with women on a level playing field. They have nameless fears about women "controlling" them. Fundamentally, they are immature little boys.

For example why when they report civilan deaths in war zone do they say
x number of civilans were killed
y number of WOMEN and children

Because largely, women and children are noncombatants, and are obviously therefore not legitimate military targets.

why is it that the fed goverment created a new center to treat and surport women with gynalogical cancer when the medication to treat prostate cancer wasnt even on the PBS?
Why is it that every product in a supermarket is raising money for breast cancer when mens health issues are ignored?

Women are better at caring for their health?

why is it that there are female only scolorships for engernering but no male only scolorships for teaching and nursing

What do you think is the reason?

why is it that FGM is outlawed as a human rights abuse but MALE circumcision is still practiced

The practices are very different. Are you aware of what FGM involves, and what long-term effects it has?

Do you remember that advertising campaign: "Violence against women, Australia says NO!"

Don't you ever wonder why they simply didn't say "Violence, Australia says No!" After all, men are more often victims of violence than women, and suffer from just as much domestic abuse as women.

Men do not suffer "just as much domestic abuse" as women. Overwhelmingly, women are the victims of domestic violence.
james im sorry i dissagree with you

I am not threatened by women. I am all for TRUE equality, unfortunatly i am yet to actually see it.

"Because largely, women and children are noncombatants, and are obviously therefore not legitimate military targets."

James that is just wrong. Look at the way the mascar in youclasavia was reported. They were ALL inocent civilans, there is no reason that women should be concided special.

"Women are better at caring for their health?"
That just proves that the goverment should be putting more resorces into mens health. Make it in anyway valid for a drug that is commonly used to treat breast cancer to be on the PBS but the SAME drug, which is the ONLY treatment for advanced prostate cancer to be NOT on the PBS for men.

"why is it that there are female only scolorships for engernering but no male only scolorships for teaching and nursing ”

"What do you think is the reason?"

dont even see your point with this one, sociaty wants more male teachers (especially, but also nursers) but a feminist group kicked up a stink when the goverment concided providing male only scholorships, claiming they were descriminating but NO ONE has ever complained about female only scolorships in maths and science where females are under represented

"The practices are very different. Are you aware of what FGM involves, and what long-term effects it has?"

I am VERY aware of it, but would kindly suguest you read this
http://www.nocirc.org/un/writtensubmission.php which is a submission to the international human rights commision

and this one which is from the queensland law council and it SPECIFICALLY says that the fact that male cirucision is not illegal where as FGM is, consitutes sexual discrimination

On domestic vilonce you are right it happens more to women (although at the same % in lesbian relationships you know) but where is does happen to men they are MUCH less likly to report it. Do you think that campain improved that?
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