

I had got it with all the humans. I care not for these humans and this planet,

I am powerful than all of you combined.

As if you were not one of them.

Its not like I hate humans

That shows…

No seriously, its just they give me these stares and than occasionally I hear a silent, “That's him” as they pass me by. And now today I was totally ignored by a team I wanted to join. WHAT IS GOING ON?

Well cant tell you what exactly is going on, Remember I am you and you are me, even though I am a more logical you. The only reasonable explanation, despite the phenomena occurring, I would say you got a paranoia and seriously need to reconcile with yourself and understand that you are not the center of the universe.

I guess you are right. But…

You tried to commit suicide so many times, what do you expect seriously, your psychology as strong as it is, created this paranoia. I advise talking about this with someone…

Someone… I have noone to talk to except my mom and I had bothered her enough with all the shit on my mind especially my dreams, she is so nice I don't want to make her feel like she raised a schizophrenic.

Allright then. As I was saying, …talk to someone like on a psychology forum or a general forum. For all you know they might help.

Thank You me.

No need to thank me. Thank yourself, wait…this might go on forever, since you are me and I am you…Go on with the questions to the forum

Hello people my name’s ......... I am new to this forum. I am not sure this is the right place to discuss this. Can anyone help me understand some weird things I am experiencing lately?. Like I hear people talking behind my back and saying, “That's him in the black shirt”. Also I get stares of disgust and today I got totally ignored in a group. What is going on? Do I have a paranoia or something?

Tell them what happened exactly, in details. You know this will help

I’ll tell them, only if they ask, or if anyone cares for that matter…

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Dont worry: you have absolutely standart paranoya, just like me before - itsnot dangerous for psychic, and it shall ends sooner or later...
P.S. MAYBE!!! woah-ha-ha-ha!!!
Have you been doing weird things infront of people recently? Or getting an odd reputation, Dragon?
Have you been doing weird things infront of people recently? Or getting an odd reputation, Dragon?

James the point of the thread was not the issue but the presentation of the communication technique. The issue is long gone as I have figured it out and its not a problem now.