Entanglement - the Bio-Process of The Future


I'll make this quick and simple.

Remember Dolly the Sheep who was cloned?

Why doyou thik this is possible? Indeed why is any cloning possible?

If youtake an egg during gestation, it is analagous to a quantum entanglement....

Two photos produced from the same source are found to be identical, and yet not, as they share oscillated factors, much like a right and left hem. part of the brain constantly move in sinusoidial movements...

... Now... IT SHOULD be possible and morally correct to clone human's, IF we can use the same analogous descriptions.

p.s. Thanks mods... I've returned/ - I'll let you figure out why for yourselves. ;)

Reiku :m:
Why clone when we can use stem cells to make anything we want from our

own bodies now?
Why doyou thik this is possible?

Cloning a whole animal from a somatic cell is possible by using a technique known as nuclear transfer.

Indeed why is any cloning possible?

Nuclear transfer.

If you take an egg during gestation,

Eggs (ie. ova) don’t gestate. (I’m ignoring parthenogenesis for the moment.) Embryos and foetuses gestate.

it is analagous to a quantum entanglement....

No it isn’t. There is no meaningful analogy there.

Two photos produced from the same source are found to be identical, and yet not, as they share oscillated factors, much like a right and left hem. part of the brain constantly move in sinusoidial movements...

Sorry, but that’s just gobbledegook. It has no meaning to biology.

... Now... IT SHOULD be possible and morally correct to clone human's, IF we can use the same analogous descriptions.

Tortured attempts to link “quantum entanglement” to cloning will not benefit the public’s understanding or opinions of the topic in any way. In fact, it will do the opposite.
Cloning a whole animal from a somatic cell is possible by using a technique known as nuclear transfer.

Nuclear transfer.

Eggs (ie. ova) don’t gestate. (I’m ignoring parthenogenesis for the moment.) Embryos and foetuses gestate.

No it isn’t. There is no meaningful analogy there.

Sorry, but that’s just gobbledegook. It has no meaning to biology.

Tortured attempts to link “quantum entanglement” to cloning will not benefit the public’s understanding or opinions of the topic in any way. In fact, it will do the opposite.

O'k.... let's break this down...

1. ''
Cloning a whole animal from a somatic cell is possible by using a technique known as nuclear transfer.

Nuclear transfer.''


2. ''Eggs (ie. ova) don’t gestate. (I’m ignoring parthenogenesis for the moment.) Embryos and foetuses gestate.''

That is only your own prerogative... not my place to argue...???

3. ''Sorry, but that’s just gobbledegook. It has no meaning to biology. ''

All Biology is built up on tiny quantum systems which MUST come out of a vacuum that are entangled... so i would have to disagree. This is where the Copenhagen Interpretation has it slightly wrong.

4. ''Tortured attempts to link “quantum entanglement” to cloning will not benefit the public’s understanding or opinions of the topic in any way. In fact, it will do the opposite.''

Sorry, but disagree.
It's my understanding that biological systems do not depend on quantum scale phenomenon. It's all bigger than that.
You are right... When Bohr created his interpretaton, he never gave a mathematical explanation to how biological systems depended on quantum fluctua. If one looks to themost fudamental of all things, they give the macroscopic scales a reason to entangle:

For intance, mind entanglement... or two twins, born of the same egg ect ect.
But two twins born from the same DNA aren't "entangled". They don't share anything more than the DNA that builds their bodies.
They NEED to be, because they are borne from the same particle, which extrapolates into the egg... do you get what i mean>???????

DNA are like tiny little computers which tell the cells of the body how to operate. No more, no less.
They might be identical in configuration, but they are not the same molecules. Sometimes there are copying errors.
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Copying errors are called ''genetic mistakes,'' which can be explained through (believe it or not), tiny quantum entanglements.

Herc... Possibly. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
Maybe DNA is a miniature black hole. I cna prove my theory thusly:
(DNA=D2N2A2)=IC (w+e)(i-n)-e*r*+s
Mmmmmmm..... yes.... yes.... just as much as we can call the electron a black hole... and here is something for us to think about... imagine a smaller radii of 10^-15 product/white hole inside the electron, allowing the the electron to be an extremal object.