Enough Already


Registered Senior Member
To All Christians:

We have had so many threads about wheather or not God exists. I want one good reason why he exists and ou cannot use the bible it has been discredited many times.
Dude, I like the fact that you want a solid answer from one of these people, but you kind of left yourself open for anything but that by saying "The Bible has been discredited many times." Becuase it never has.

Most of the places in the Bible are real, the events are in question, but nobody has ever been able to "discredit" them.
Originally posted by JDawg
Most of the places in the Bible are real, the events are in question, but nobody has ever been able to "discredit" them.
Bullpuckie! :D Do you consider the global flood, the exodus, the virgin birth, and the resurrection credible? On what basis?
i second jdawg.
atheist, the basis they are credible is the fact that even man couldn't have dreamed them up - and then expect u to believe it.
Originally posted by firingseeds
the basis they are credible is the fact that even man couldn't have dreamed them up - and then expect u to believe it.

The more outrageous and unbeleivable a story is, the more likely it is to be true?

Ohhhhhhh. I get it now.

Thanks for the clarification!
Well imagine the following:

Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey 2001 appears in 12th century. (That would be suppernatural) The priests in a Kloster read that and then the Kroster is burned out accidentally. Now the priests do not have the book anymore, but they can retell it from the memory. Can you imagine what allegories they would use to describe rockets or computer misfunction? I think one can look at bible in a similair way: as a retelling of a no more existing source. (before discarding its significance one should try to understand it first)

to me the bible was like school. u see, i finished conventional school at about twelve, so i found the bible a good basis for education. i found it opened my eyes up to different cultures and faiths - instead of suppressing them - and also i found it taught me more about liberilism.
so, just for educational purposes alone, i would highly reccomend it. but each to his own, i guess.

hi, enjoyed ya post. yeah, i'll accept that.
the bibles the hardest path thats why we are the strongest. not on principle, nor truth, but on faith in jesus christ. that is the only real, solid, requirement that i know of. this faith is an unwritten faith, too. between u and your lord, jesus christ. that's it. that's the proper foundation anyway. takes a long time to learn that tho...hardest path. but this is just one drop in the bucket.
the bible probably take a lifetime but most people want the quick-fix, easy cure, which could work for all i know?
The bible contradicts itself so many times it can't be anykind of proof and men have thought-up many more outrageous things than are in the bible.

It was a noble effort. Why don't you set the parameters as "explain the existence of god without using the bible," regardless of that book's validity.
Originally posted by Free Cycle
It was a noble effort. Why don't you set the parameters as "explain the existence of god without using the bible," regardless of that book's validity.

Thats basically what I said, but in a more blow the bible out of your ass kind of way.
Here is your proof of existance of god

How do you describe motion in humans:

How do you describe chemical reactions in the human body

How do you describe body functions

Many Many disciplines are used to scientifically describe ourselves and our earth. Each one of those disciplines have equations made up of parameters. All of these equations describe forces.

We don't have any understanding of the combining forces that combine the deciplines, yet we know that for us humans or even for little ants to function, the forces are all working together in harmony. So what is the combining force in nature that is:

Keeping the earth in perfect motion.
The planets and stars in their designated orbits

I'd like to call the combining force of the universe god......It is not a unicorn or invisible elephant or a Jesus or a whatever, it's beyond our comprehension.

What is so unscientific about that.?
Re: Here is your proof of existance of god

Originally posted by Flores
How do you describe motion in humans:

How do you describe chemical reactions in the human body

How do you describe body functions

Many Many disciplines are used to scientifically describe ourselves and our earth. Each one of those disciplines have equations made up of parameters. All of these equations describe forces.

We don't have any understanding of the combining forces that combine the deciplines, yet we know that for us humans or even for little ants to function, the forces are all working together in harmony. So what is the combining force in nature that is:

Keeping the earth in perfect motion.
The planets and stars in their designated orbits

I'd like to call the combining force of the universe god......It is not a unicorn or invisible elephant or a Jesus or a whatever, it's beyond our comprehension.

What is so unscientific about that.?

All you did was help prove there is no god. Scientists know how solor systems are created and how stars are born. Physics has to do with gravity, gravity depends on mass. The designated orbits are decided by how big the star is to how big the planet is and their pull on each other. Chemical reactions and body function are in the same category and did you ever take biology in school? it explain how and why everything works. Science and god are the two biggest contradictions ever. How could you possibly think that what you stated could prove gods existence.

Now will someone please give me a good reason why god exists?
Originally posted by Increan
To All Christians:

We have had so many threads about wheather or not God exists. I want one good reason why he exists

there isn't one;)
Prove that there is mathematics:

we have a perception of multicity of objects - we translate them in numbers and so create an abstract system such as mathematics. This system is not composed of only the numbers but also of many rules/relations which allow abstract constructions which can be reconstacted and when applied to reality they are true in what they state (cq the pythagoras rule) Did Pythagoras construct his rule: no he "discovered it" He discovered an infinite rule about beahviour of numbers.

The prove that there is god:

there are mental objects such as "creation", "infinity", "god" which also compose a sytem which is comparable to mathematics, cq it has logic, (eg we know that an infinite line is possible - by reasoning thus infinity is possible and infinity is beyond full understanding of the human mind thus conceptually there is something which overeaches our thinking capacity) Religion is the "mathematics of complete understanding of being" this logic leads to system that requires beyond human capacity to be fully understood it requires god. Being human requires god to be able to happen fully as being/understandig the world which we can understand only within a system which requires god to give sense to all which we cannot grasp but which experince as life in an universe. God is then a rquired element in human thinking about the world to make it fully understood. You can chose not to accept the god as creator, but then you start to open a chain of abbyses of ignorance where about most fundamental questions of the universe (eg. what is time ) you must say I do not know...while believer will say Time is Gods creation...
Originally posted by ProCop
Prove that there is mathematics:

we have a perception of multicity of objects - we translate them in numbers and so create an abstract system such as mathematics. This system is not composed of only the numbers but also of many rules/relations which allow abstract constructions which can be reconstacted and when applied to reality they are true in what they state (cq the pythagoras rule) Did Pythagoras construct his rule: no he "discovered it" He discovered an infinite rule about beahviour of numbers.

The prove that there is god:

there are mental objects such as "creation", "infinity", "god" which also compose a sytem which is comparable to mathematics, cq it has logic, (eg we know that an infinite line is possible - by reasoning thus infinity is possible and infinity is beyond full understanding of the human mind thus conceptually there is something which overeaches our thinking capacity) Religion is the "mathematics of complete understanding of being" this logic leads to system that requires beyond human capacity to be fully understood it requires god. Being human requires god to be able to happen fully as being/understandig the world which we can understand only within a system which requires god to give sense to all which we cannot grasp but which experince as life in an universe. God is then a rquired element in human thinking about the world to make it fully understood. You can chose not to accept the god as creator, but then you start to open a chain of abbyses of ignorance where about most fundamental questions of the universe (eg. what is time ) you must say I do not know...while believer will say Time is Gods creation...

That was a waste of my time to read. By the way time doesn't exist.