
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch

Branding Germans nazis eh?

Perhaps I should put a smiley instead.

They do look like nazis though. If Oliver Khan puts on a nazis unifom, he can play any nazis character in Hollywood.
Perhaps I should put a smiley instead.

They do look like nazis though. If Oliver Khan puts on a nazis unifom, he can play any nazis character in Hollywood.

he he, just foolin around. :D
Welcome to sciforums, Harsesis.

I am not a follower of soccer so I do not share your let down. I do sympthize though. I gather these are the final playoff days. As is echoed thoughout the sports world, maybe next year...
Hehehe. The England team deserves it, I say! :) I was laughing out of all the sports mad people here in Leicester... :)
Hey, any time the limies get their asses kicked I am happy.

If is ne scottish is crrrap!
How about the Irish?!:(
Our inspirational captain, Roy Keane who wins our games for us on his own walked out before the tournament started and we fought on only to be knocked out on penaltys in the second round.
The whole country was crying as when Ireland are playing every man woman and child's a soccer fan and we're all traumatised as a result.
The world cup is useless now though coz all the exciting teams like Argentina and Portugual are gone and we're left with boring bloody germany.(C'mon brazil)
Northwind, Shame on you.

Personally I don't give a rats asse about the footy, but that whole "You got your asse kick and I'm happy" kind of attitude needs a Ship hull dropped on it.

(Perhaps the re-enactment of the launch of Ironclad)
Northwind is from Texas, and so hasn't had to put up with the whole horror that is England doing well in the World Cup.

For the past few weeks we Scots have been subjected to an ever-increasing barrage of media hype in all formats. Entire newspapers and news programmes consisting of past players and managers inferring that England are destined (because it's their game!) to win.

England have a magnificent young side and I have no doubt that they will go on to win major events again, but I can't help feeling more relief than sadness that they have been knocked out.

As a Brit I'd love to be able to support them but Engerlund must face up to the fact that their media have again ensured that the world is rooting against them.

Oh, and football's going home (to Brazil)
Originally posted by Northwind
Hey, any time the limies get their asses kicked I am happy.

If is ne scottish is crrrap!


I am english and thank god it's all over, i hate the bloody game. it's fifty to sixty pricks watching twenty two wise men kick a ball up and down a field for ninty mins and getting paid a fortune for it. thank god it's over.