Energy exists - whether you believe it or not


I felt sorry for you guys. Plus, James is a lying fool and needs to be exposed as such.

This is a quote from a man who practices martial arts. I would guess that liar James would say this man is making this all up. Before the liar James says this, he might want to think about the fact that 100's of people read this man in kung fu forums.

James. You are a loser. Come out from behind that desk where you play God, and learn about the real world. I even forgive you for banning me. You are a droid programmed by the government. You cannot help yourself.

Hello Everyone,

Just came back from seeing my teacher in China. Some of you may be interested in my experience.

I haven't see my teacher, $$$$$$$ for a couple of years. Normally everytime I see him, he throws me around in a big open space, and I just "fly" with it and we always had a lot of fun doing it.

However, this time round we were having classes in a relatively small space. Knowing how far Old Man (a respectful way in Chinese to address and older person) normally throws me, when he decided to demonstrate some of the energetics on me I was a bit worried. So I was being most uncoorporative and doing my best NOT to be thrown, for fear of running into walls, chairs, tables and sharp corners.

Old Man asked me to push him, so I pushed him VERY softly so he can't "borrow" my power. Yet the power that went through me was tremendous. All his throws were done with the lightest physical touch yet I felt I was being hit by a tsunami, with the power coming from around everywhere but not his hands. The contact point at all times, remained soft.

Old Man spun me around a few times, that was good because I just had to keep spinning to dissipate the power.

He did an An, I tried to redirect but the power followed and I had no choice but just to collapse onto the ground. The closest I can describe is that I felt as if I was carrying 500kg bucket of moving water on my shoulders, so I cannot balance and cannot contain the weight, so I had no choice but fall flat on the ground.

Another interesting one Old Man did was a Ji he issued. As I was flying towards a table (I was already a few meters away from him) I did everything I did to root down before I hit it. Yet after I stopped physically I felt as if the power was still going through me. I had to continue to stay rooted and dissipitate for another 2 sec. before the power was completely gone before I could stand up properly. By then I felt sick in my stomach and had difficulty breathing for about 15 sec.

It seems the older and physically weaker Old Man gets, the more powerful he became. I had never felt so much power ever from a person yet the physical touch was so light it was almost imperceivable. I think he was kind of testing me as well to see how much I could handle.

It was most interesting.
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I've no doubt that you experienced energy - but it's just normal, everyday Newtonian mechanics combined with a "mental attitude" of perceiving it. So in the final analysis, it's NOT the "Kind" of energy you think it is.

Feel free to call me a liar too. It will neither bother me nor change the fact that you are just dismissing the ordinary physical laws of motion.
Reality said:
I even forgive you for banning me. You are a droid programmed by the government. You cannot help yourself.
playing the victim will not earn you any points with those of us that know why you were banned
you frikken desrved it. why james didn't permanently ban you is a mystery
you never learned your lesson did you.
you are still the vain arrogant fool you ever was.
was you telling everyone that sciforums put you on a government blocklist?
I felt sorry for you guys. Plus, James is a lying fool and needs to be exposed as such.

Are you talking about me?

I guess not, since I don't know you.

But you're making me paranoid! ;)

Who is this "James" you refer to?

Anyway, to the topic of the thread. Who has ever said energy doesn't exist?
Ahh! Wait a moment. You're Happeh.

I have banned your new sock puppet, Happeh. Your temporary ban is now over, so you are, for the moment, free to post under your "Happeh" handle.

Have you learnt anything from your temporary ban?
James R said:
Ahh! Wait a moment. You're Happeh.

I have banned your new sock puppet, Happeh. Your temporary ban is now over, so you are, for the moment, free to post under your "Happeh" handle.

Have you learnt anything from your temporary ban?

lol. There is almost a tinge of sarcasm in this post. Most rhetorical.
Reality said:
I felt sorry for you guys. Plus, James is a lying fool and needs to be exposed as such.

This is a quote from a man who practices martial arts. I would guess that liar James would say this man is making this all up. Before the liar James says this, he might want to think about the fact that 100's of people read this man in kung fu forums.

James. You are a loser. Come out from behind that desk where you play God, and learn about the real world. I even forgive you for banning me. You are a droid programmed by the government. You cannot help yourself.

Hello Everyone,

Just came back from seeing my teacher in China. Some of you may be interested in my experience.

I haven't see my teacher, $$$$$$$ for a couple of years. Normally everytime I see him, he throws me around in a big open space, and I just "fly" with it and we always had a lot of fun doing it.

However, this time round we were having classes in a relatively small space. Knowing how far Old Man (a respectful way in Chinese to address and older person) normally throws me, when he decided to demonstrate some of the energetics on me I was a bit worried. So I was being most uncoorporative and doing my best NOT to be thrown, for fear of running into walls, chairs, tables and sharp corners.

Old Man asked me to push him, so I pushed him VERY softly so he can't "borrow" my power. Yet the power that went through me was tremendous. All his throws were done with the lightest physical touch yet I felt I was being hit by a tsunami, with the power coming from around everywhere but not his hands. The contact point at all times, remained soft.

Old Man spun me around a few times, that was good because I just had to keep spinning to dissipate the power.

He did an An, I tried to redirect but the power followed and I had no choice but just to collapse onto the ground. The closest I can describe is that I felt as if I was carrying 500kg bucket of moving water on my shoulders, so I cannot balance and cannot contain the weight, so I had no choice but fall flat on the ground.

Another interesting one Old Man did was a Ji he issued. As I was flying towards a table (I was already a few meters away from him) I did everything I did to root down before I hit it. Yet after I stopped physically I felt as if the power was still going through me. I had to continue to stay rooted and dissipitate for another 2 sec. before the power was completely gone before I could stand up properly. By then I felt sick in my stomach and had difficulty breathing for about 15 sec.

It seems the older and physically weaker Old Man gets, the more powerful he became. I had never felt so much power ever from a person yet the physical touch was so light it was almost imperceivable. I think he was kind of testing me as well to see how much I could handle.

It was most interesting.

your master should have taught you some respect also, that is not the way you should address people, i am going to be alot harsher than usual here because you are a martial artist you should know better than that, i am shaolin you branch fromt he shaolin temple with your chinese art, you are brother of mine and equal, but you dont talk to people that way if he does not believe in Qi energy then so be it, dont call people names because they dont believe in what you have experience in, they have not beent aught like you, they do not know about it more than reading or on TV, it is fake to them, if you want to express your opiniont hen do it with respect and honour, not cheap trashtalk,

you also could have gave better examples on why Qi eergy exists within martial arts, you should explain more indepth aout healing and Qi gong methods, the things you spoke of do have small amounts of fajin and Qi energy involved but Qi energy in fighting makes hardly any difference, Qi is for life and healing, not for moving objects and fightring, thats what your physical hands and legs are for, it is body mech and correct range of movement and posture, (rooting) that you get martial strength from, your Qi will give you better power through your breath control though, with qi gong, but stick to healing with Qi not trying to fight with it,

fajin is the fighting energy, the explosive power that comes not from the muscle but the bones and the tendons, Qi runs through all life, yes you can manipulate it, but its very limited, and not magical atal, i wqould compare it to a weak magnetic or bio field, thats all

and phlogistician, 90% of your posts are just sarcastic comments/insults, you are as rude as grasshopper who started this thread,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
and phlogistician, 90% of your posts are just sarcastic comments/insults, you are as rude as grasshopper who started this thread,

You talk about respect, but obviously didn't repect the law when you broke it, ending up in jail, and still don't and claim to own an illegal firearm.

I'll let you struggle with your own hypocrisy.
phlogistician said:
You talk about respect, but obviously didn't repect the law when you broke it, ending up in jail, and still don't and claim to own an illegal firearm.

I'll let you struggle with your own hypocrisy.

why should i respect human made laws just because the government tell me to,

i own guns and so do you, i use them for protection because my area is rough and theres alot of gun crime here, and house raids, my home has been broken into many times by armed people, if i didnt have a gun maybe i wouldent be here today, nor some of my loved ones,

you own a gun to dont be a hypocrite man, just because my laws say i cant own one, and yours say you can, dosent make it right or wrong, i still need it for the same reason you do,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
why should i respect human made laws just because the government tell me to,

Because that is the law. If you choose to disobey it, you are showing disrespect for your community, which agrees that certain things should be prohibited.

i own guns and so do you,

I don't own any illegal firearms. I have a selection of legal AIRGUNS for sporting purposes. I used to shoot real guns, but we lost that privilege years ago.

i use them for protection because my area is rough and theres alot of gun crime here,

Gun crime? Being perpetrated by Gangstas with illegal firearms? What makes you better than them? Nothing. You are a criminal, they are criminals. No difference.

and house raids, my home has been broken into many times by armed people, if i didnt have a gun maybe i wouldent be here today, nor some of my loved ones,

I don't believe you. I think you are a liar. You always claim to be involved in such drama. Streetfights, witnessing stabbings and shootings, now the victim of crime, saved by your gun. I think it's all self aggrandisement and horseshit. I think you are a sad fantasist.

you own a gun to dont be a hypocrite man,

Used to own one, legally, now own other legal items. See the difference?

just because my laws say i cant own one, and yours say you can, dosent make it right or wrong, i still need it for the same reason you do,

No, the laws were in place to prevent people like you, criminals, from getting hold of firearms. The same laws apply to all of us. Those laws were abused, and now law abiding people such as myself have lost the privilege to own guns. You dont have a gun for the same reason others owned them either. Others owned them legally for sporting purposes, you, on the other hand, have one because you are a coward, and a fantasist.

Anyway, hypocrite, stop talking about respect, when clearly, you have NONE.
i do NOT agree wid guns. but hatehypocrisy just as much. caus IT is pne of main causes of the shituation in soceity

Phlo assumes he is a 'law biding citizen'...? never trust noone who says that? it means...what they is saying , is:i am a CONFORMist

conformity, which is adherence to authoritarianism, is a very dangerous thing, and involves guns, big guns, and worse than big guns
You can't win Phlog. You are a dirty, patriarchal materialist. Duendy has your number, and it is irrational! ;)
duendy said:
i do NOT agree wid guns. but hatehypocrisy just as much. caus IT is pne of main causes of the shituation in soceity

Phlo assumes he is a 'law biding citizen'...? never trust noone who says that? it means...what they is saying , is:i am a CONFORMist

conformity, which is adherence to authoritarianism, is a very dangerous thing, and involves guns, big guns, and worse than big guns

Duendy, you show your irrationality here. You are so desperate, you support this gun toting criminal, and try and twist the hypocrisy angle!

He talks about respect, but has broken, and continues breaking the law. What's to stop him coming into your house with his gun one day, eh?

When talking about buying an expensive sword right here at Sciforums, he said 'I could get the money'. Strange turn of phrase, don't you think? He didn't say 'earn' or 'I have saved', but 'I could get', and he is a self confessed criminal with a gun. What sort of guy do you think he is?

Everyone loves conformity, if it means you conform to social standards of behaviour, and don't go our robbing, duendy. If you like sleeping at night, be thankful that the great majority DO CONFORM to social standards. If we were all non-conformist, we'd have anarchy, and gun toting gangstas like Empty would be robbing you of everything you have.
Ophiolite said:
You can't win Phlog. You are a dirty, patriarchal materialist. Duendy has your number, and it is irrational! ;)

Yeah, I'll just have to admit that I'm just not as worthy in duendy's eyes as a gun toting criminal, who despite being male too, and probably who got sent to jail for being a material robber, is a better man than I.

I guess duendy's irrational number is e. For two reasons, one, e is also a drug, and she's a drug addled loser, and also, it fits with the idea of a 'log' in the beholders eye!