enduring power of guardianship


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
how much power do you want to be able to deligate to another person in order to make sure your desires are carried out in the event you are mentally unable to do it yourself.

also if you did chose to give this power to someone how specific would your instructions be on what they are to do in various situations and how much would you just leave to them to make the decisions themselves.

would you give specific instructions or guiding principles for them?
im surprised that so many people comment on wether we should have a sports forum but no one seems interested in end of life decisions which will eventually effect us all.
well these are the instructions i have put in writing for my medical agent:

  • In cases where I am unconscious but with a reasonable chance of full cognitive recovery I give my Medical power of attorney the right to make whatever medical choices are necessary for this recovery.
  • In the event that I will be left with a severe level of permanent cognitive impairment to the point that I will be unable to function as a competent autonomous person I wish that no life saving measures be attempted
  • However in this situation I grant my Medical power of attorney the right to authorise any medical treatment the medical staff request in regard to facilitating organ transplantation on the proviso that there is NO brain stem function before organ removal occurs
  • In cases where the best case scenario will leave me with physical impairment rather than cognitive impairment, treatment will be given unless this treatment will leave me permanently unable to communicate
  • In the above circumstances I allow my medical power of attorney to authorise the use of morphine and other drugs, even if doing so will hasten death.
  • Further i would like to stress my strong desire to be an organ donor and stress to my medical agent and my next of kin to do all in there power to facilitate this desire
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Regardless of how much power I decide to delegate, I want to be able to delegate ANY or ALL power I would have if not for being unconscious.
My instructions are very specific.
Post #3 is very close to what I want if I am unconscious.
this is actually from a medical power of attoney form rather than the power of guardianship form. this second one actually gives more wide ranging powers to do with lifestyle as well as medical treatment
how much power do you want to be able to deligate to another person in order to make sure your desires are carried out in the event you are mentally unable to do it yourself.

also if you did chose to give this power to someone how specific would your instructions be on what they are to do in various situations and how much would you just leave to them to make the decisions themselves.

would you give specific instructions or guiding principles for them?

i have made a will, that says that my kids are to stay together and that a certain person will look after them, (well definalty the youngest 2)

if i am in an accident that renders me unable to look after myself or my kids, then the same person will look after them while having me in a hospice, i saw a close family die slowly and painfully and it wasnt fair on they're kids to see it, so my kids wont