Ending death penalty could save US millions: study

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
Ending death penalty could save US millions: study
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Even when executions are not carried out, the death penalty costs US states hundreds of millions of dollars a year, depleting budgets in the midst of economic crisis, a study released Tuesday found.
"It is doubtful in today's economic climate that any legislature would introduce the death penalty if faced with the reality that each execution would cost taxpayers 25 million dollars, or that the state might spend more than 100 million dollars over several years and produce few or no executions," argued Richard Dieter, director of the Death Penalty Information Center and the report's author.
"Surely there are more pressing needs deserving funding," he wrote, noting that execution was rated among the least effective crime deterrents.
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This is an admission that the Death penalty was a gambit to subsidize the private legal industry providing lawyers with much lucrative legal court work which spanned out many years of appeals for each capital case. The Death penalty never stopped murder, it never was an effective deterrent against murder it just terminated people’s lives.