End times


Registered Senior Member
Theres alot of talk more then ever about the end times. What are the end times? How will it be like? well i wanna chat with yall on how you think about them.

Well i compiled some stuff from preachers.

First thing the end times are supposed to be like in the days of abraham and lot. So how were those times?
Well first off, people worshiped many gods. They made idols of stone, brass, wood, and stone. Right now, more and more people are starting to beleive in these new pseudo-religions in where tenets from different religions are being shared. In the days of abraham and lot, homosexuality, beastality, and other odd sexual practices were commonly practiced. Now days these practices are becoming more and more a part of our society. In some countries gay's can be married. And of course, there is much more pornogrpahy in the world than there ever was.

The prosecution of chrsitians. jesus telll's about future prosecutions, and almost a global crusade against chrsitianity.
even though chrsitians arent being prosecuted, people are starting to go agasint christianity calling it "intolerant". It's obvious that global society is starting to desecuralize. no more school prayer, even the leaders of the world want tnothing to do with religion. Some people are taking such exterme action that they dont want to say the pledge of alliegence beacuse it mentions "god". In britan, parliment banned bakers from have an
"x" on their pastries because it llooked too much like the cross. churches are more and more empty as teenager's intereest in religion is dwindling. and remember, the children of today hold the key's to the future.

In the book of revelation, it mentions alot about babylon. babylon was the city where the tower "babel" was built, an act of defiance against god. Spritual babylon is the same. As our techonology gets more advanced, as people make more discovieres they thinkt that they dont need god because it is "primitive" and a thing of the past. They outright defy god,and his commandments, thinking them self superior. Pride is the deadliest sin of all. Pride destroyed lucifer, one time an arch angel. He said "no" to god and tried to revolt with some angels. They got cast down to earth. Then, humans also sinned by pride. Satan said to adam and eve that they would be like god if they ate the apple. They wanted to be proud that they were like god.

Well here's some stuff i heard and read from the bible. It would be nice and cool if some of you posted some stuff (athiests..............just dont say anything. I dont want to debate where god exists or not, i want to see the view's of some fellow christians.
Originally posted by edgar
(athiests..............just dont say anything. I dont want to debate where god exists or not, i want to see the view's of some fellow christians.

What about agnostics that think teh Christian religion sucks?

If you solely want feedback from other members of the flock then you should REALLY not waste your time here.
Go to a Christian forum.
Right now, more and more people are starting to beleive in these new pseudo-religions i

how are they any more pseudo than the "real" religions?

Now days these practices are becoming more and more a part of our society. In some countries gay's can be married.

weren't the greeks or romans or something like that big on that? that was a while ago.

people are starting to go agasint christianity calling it "intolerant"

way off there, eh? they aren't intolerant they just don't like it when people are different.

athiests..............just dont say anything

yes sir. I'm not saying anything about god. lets talk bible. have ya read the damn thing? Revelations is full of so many "prophecies" that at any time in history you could probably find a bunch of things that seem to fit one of them. especially given how nonspecific they are. lots of them are some thing like "there will be a tower and a city and a beast, and a number, 6, or maybe 8, and that will be the sign of the end of days"

there's always going to be some city that's supposed to be the "sodom" and some evil guy that's the "beast" or something like that.

is there anything specific in the bible about the end of days?
Originally posted by edgar
Well here's some stuff i heard and read from the bible. It would be nice and cool if some of you posted some stuff (athiests..............just dont say anything. I dont want to debate where god exists or not, i want to see the view's of some fellow christians.

What relevance do you think the bible has on our life? Do you really think that God wrote it? Even if that were the case, the world has changed over the last couple of thousand years, the world is dynamic, and an ultimate truth is normally rewritten because it has to in order to survive. Science can change, the bible is supposed to be perfect, but it is outdated.

Why do read what people did thousands of years ago and apply it to our modern world? Are you a total nut?

Learn to spell! I counted like 30 errors.

dude i spell how i wanna spell. i can spell good if i wanted to. this isnt grammar class so i dont care. i only spell and follow za rules IF it is for a paper etc, etc.
What was that last Message that Jesus said? "As it was in the days of Sodom..." Just before the--the Gentile world was burn up--the fire. There was a bunch of people, lukewarm church members like Lot and his group down in Sodom. There was another man that had already come out of it. He wasn't in it to begin with. That was Abraham, the one that had a promise of a coming son.
And now, just before the climax of the destruction came, God appeared to Abraham in many forms, but this time He appeared as a Man. He was a Man. And he come up to God...
Now, you say, "It wasn't a man; it--it was God in the man." Abraham called Him Elohim. It was a Man.
And look, He set down with His back turned to the tent, and He said, "Where's Sarah, your wife?"
He said, "She's in the tent behind You."
Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life, that I made you a promise." And Sarah laughed. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" See?
Now, that's what was going on in that day. Just to show the last sign that Abraham saw, the elected group pulled out away from Sodom (Now, don't miss this parable whatever you do.), the group that had been pulled out that wasn't in Sodom to begin with. But two of the angels went down into Sodom, and when they got down there, we find Lot, and he found him in a backslidden condition: all homosexuals and perversions; you know the story. But there's One that stayed with Abraham, was Elohim. They preached the Word down there; preaching the Word smited them blind, and they couldn't find the door. That's what it is today.
But the One that was with the group that was pulled out done a miracle before Abraham to show that Who He was, and was with Abraham.
He said, "Why did Sarah laugh (concerning this baby)?" And Sarah come forth and said she didn't. He said, "But you did." And He would've killed her right there if she wasn't a part of Abraham. So would God slay us if we wasn't a part of Christ. The mercy of Christ's all holds us together--doubters and perversions in the Word.
But notice. Notice what happened. Jesus turned back around now and said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the end time when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself." See?
Son of man always in the Bible is a prophet. See, He come in three sons' names: Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. See? And He pronounced His name Son of man, because that's the work He done--of a Prophet, Seer. And He said, "In the days like it was in Noah, when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself, that will be the time of the end."
In the days of abraham and lot, homosexuality, beastality, and other odd sexual practices were commonly practiced. Now days these practices are becoming more and more a part of our society.

Homosexuality is practiced by 10% of the population. I'd hardly call it odd.
In some countries gay's can be married
I blame all those prudish fundies that condemn sex outside marriage.
jesus telll's about future prosecutions, and almost a global crusade against chrsitianity.
They're going to take him to court? Oh man, that's not cool. A crusade against christianity? That is sort of like punching yourself in the face.
I have felt as a "fellow Christian" as Edgar put it that the end of times are coming, and are indeed not far into the future. Now, don't get me wrong I won't be yelling about the AntiChrist coming anytime soon so go and sleep in the Churches I merely wish to debate this idea. According to what I've read the world will be united under one government, one religion, one currecny, one well everything. What about this new euro and a European community? I've also heard that after the present Pope in the Vatican dies then the world will only see two more, after that, well I guess it's over.

Only things that I have heard over the course of my time here but well it does make one wonder...

(haha crusades against Christianity, funny choice of wording there as someone pointed out...)