End of the World. Yesterday? Discuss.

Captain Kremmen

All aboard, me Hearties!
Valued Senior Member
Damn it, I forgot all about the end of the World,
which was yesterday April 17th 2008 according to End time prophet Ronald Weinman.

It was just the first sound of the trumpet though
and should have caused only partial devastation,
ie, a nuclear attack on the US.

His latest entry on his blog doesn't seem phased by the fact that nothing happened,
and now he has announced the second end time prophet- His wife Laura.

Anyone notice anything happening yesterday which might be attributable
to the first trumpet? I had some milk which unnaccountably curdled.
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I had a pit in my pitted olives, it's a sign,..Oh! and all the native forest suddenly died and millions of fish were floating on the ocean.
My view is much improved and I can swim again without all those godforsaken fish rooting around me.
I had a pit in my pitted olives, it's a sign,..Oh! and all the native forest suddenly died and millions of fish were floating on the ocean.
My view is much improved and I can swim again without all those godforsaken fish rooting around me.
Those DTs can be awful.
Wasn't it Tax time? Probably the end of the world for some.
Damn it, I forgot all about the end of the World,
which was yesterday April 17th 2008 according to End time prophet Ronald Weinman.

It was just the first sound of the trumpet though
and should have caused only partial devastation,
ie, a nuclear attack on the US.

His latest entry on his blog doesn't seem phased by the fact that nothing happened,
and now he has announced the second end time prophet- His wife Laura.

Anyone notice anything happening yesterday which might be attributable
to the first trumpet? I had some milk which unnaccountably curdled.

Shh! You'll make them notice. Let's all just creep away quietly from the date, and then when the Zargons or whatever show up to fill the Council order, we'll just lounge in the door with a cig hanging from our mouths.

"In-ter-gal-ac-tic 'ighway? Noffin' bloody doin', mate. You see tha' calendar there? Ben over a year you 'aven't been in to fix it up. Previous tennant's buggered off to Surrey, so we won't be 'aving none of this. You tell Council should have bloody seen to last year when the pipes were leakin'! Baby's sleepin' now an' I won't 'ave you wakin' 'im with yer plan-e-tary dem-o-lit-ions and whatnot, so off w' the lot of you before I ring the constable. Right?"

Then we just slam the door in their faces and bob's your mother's brother.