End of the world-final warning


The end of the world, as I see it.

This comes from the Word of the Bible and from my reasoning and proofs which I have found in my 44 years of doing nothing but searching for the truth and for God.

In a nutshell, here was will happen from this point until eternity.
1) The human race will be wiped off the face of the earth with the exception of the Elect. (The 144,000 who love God and have kept his commandments.
2)Satan will be bound in chains and cast into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years.
3)The dead who believed in christ will sleep for the thousand years.
4)Christ will reign on earth with the Elect for the thousand years.
5)After the thousand years, the dead will be awakened and the Satan will be loosed for a short time.
6)Then Satan and his followers and those who believed but did not love God and chose their own way instead of Gods way will be cast into outer darkness and into the lake of fire where they will burn
alive for eternity.
7)Those who loved God will enter the kingdom of heaven and spend eternity as children in his kingdom.

What concerns us is what is happening now. God said he would Judge the nations and would make the
places which are an abomination desolate. The U.S. is the most powerful nation in the world and
is where Gods judgement begins. New Oleans was his first judgement. Take note that few people
were killed in these tragedies which means God is trying to tell us to repent and choose God.
You all know that you are children of the Devil. His blood, through Cain has tainted the blood
of nearly all humans on earth. If you do not choose God, you will be Satans because it is in
your genes to be like your father.

God said this last generation would be like the generation in the days of Noah. God hated that
generation of people so much that he drowned everyone within 40 days except Noah and his family.
Believe me, he hates this generation just as much. This brings us to the first lie which the
entire world believes. That God loves everyone. God said that he chastises those whom he loves.
This is proof that there are many whom he does not love and does not chastise.

Jesus said: if you are not with me, you are against me. So, if you do not choose God, then you go
with the Devil and you are his servants. This is not a wise decision to or not to make for the
following reason. Satan saw himself that he was so magnificent he thought he could create a kingdom
better than Gods. Little did he know that, first, it is impossible for something created to
be better than that which created it. Second, God gave all his creation freedom of choice, not
freeedom of action. Nothing happens without God doing it. All we have is choice. If we choose
God then God does good through us and with us and purifies us to make us good. If we do not choose
God then God does with us and through us that which he wishes and that which goes along with the
choice that we did or did not make.

So, everything does Gods will. Whether it chooses to or not. Even Satan himself does nothing which
God did not put in him to do.

God made New Orleans desolate. This was the sleeziest and most wicked city in the country. Full
of Voodoo, Sex, Vampirism, homosexuality, and all other forms of wickedness. What city will be next?
God will not stop until the entire country has been judged. Why do you think there are earthquake
rumblings in california, LosAngels, Hollywood.

You people think you are good and do not deserve judgement. Let me point something out to you. Each
of you is a mass murderer. You pay your taxes which pay farmers not to grow food which should have
been used to feed the tens of thousands of poor in the world which die every day. Not only that
No one loves God, most don't even believe in him. You serve your selves. You worship instant
gratification, comfort, vanity, money, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. All of these things
are those that the devil has supplied for you in his kingdom. The devils kingdom here is
temporary just as your lives are temporary here.

Another lie which the whole world believes is that if you are "saved" , you are going to heaven.
Jesus promised that whosoever believes on him shall not perish but will have eternal life.
He did not say where you would spend your eternal life however. Many will spend it in Hellfire
and torment in outer darkness. This because they believed in him, but did not love him, nor
did they even care what he wanted or wanted you to do. You just believed and kept on worshipping

Everyone has to go through the purification "fire" in order to burn fathers (Satans) wickedness
and evil out of our souls. No one here wants to go through the fire, so God will put you
through it as he judges and destroys the world in his wrath. Those who choose God through
this hell on earth will make it to heaven in the end. Most will curse God through it
and will end up in hell forvever.

I'm not preaching to you. I'm just telling you how it is and what is going to happen pretty much
immediately now that you have been informed and warned.

Those who do not believe (the spiritually dead) will probably get to die and be dead with no
fear of going to hell or heaven.
i'm still trying to figure out why you aren't giving your warning somewhere more prominent. say, the streets of LA?
This comes from the Word of the Bible and from my reasoning and proofs which I have found in my 44 years of doing nothing but searching for the truth and for God.

Oh dear. What if you've wasted your entire life?

In a nutshell, here was will happen from this point until eternity.
1) The human race will be wiped off the face of the earth with the exception of the Elect. (The 144,000 who love God and have kept his commandments.

Are you a Mormon, then?

How many Mormons are there these days? Many more than 144,000, right? Which ones get the nod from God?

Jesus said: if you are not with me, you are against me.

Where did he say that? Do you have a reference? Doesn't sound like him.

God made New Orleans desolate.

I thought it was a hurricane - a natural disaster.

This was the sleeziest and most wicked city in the country. Full
of Voodoo, Sex, Vampirism, homosexuality, and all other forms of wickedness.

Really? Can you give us a ranking of your list of cities from most to least wicked for us? Thanks.

Why do you think there are earthquake rumblings in california, LosAngels, Hollywood.

Er... because they are near the San Andreas fault line?

You people think you are good and do not deserve judgement. Let me point something out to you. Each of you is a mass murderer. You pay your taxes which pay farmers not to grow food which should have been used to feed the tens of thousands of poor in the world which die every day.

What gave you that idea?

No one loves God, most don't even believe in him.

On the contrary, the vast majority of Americans say they believe in God.

You serve your selves. You worship instant gratification, comfort, vanity, money, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

Wait. Don't tell me. You do none of those things, right? You're special.

I'm not preaching to you.

I think you are.

Those who do not believe (the spiritually dead) will probably get to die and be dead with no fear of going to hell or heaven.

Those who do not believe what? You? Why am I not surprised?

I guess you're number 1 on the list of people God will save. Am I right?
witnessjudgejury said:
The end of the world, as I see it.

:p Darn I still rem after 9/11 this forum was full of religions nutz. Its always nice to see one or two still around. :D
This comes from the Word of the Bible and from my reasoning and proofs which I have found in my 44 years of doing nothing but searching for the truth and for God.

Wow, 44 years down the drain. I've spent 21 years wondering how it is possible for such rank stupidity to exist in any person, as you can see I've also wasted the entirety of my life.
As I was reading I was wondering if it was a big fat joke, because it is truly unbelievable that someone could really believe all that with a straight face.
Children, please keep your fingers away from the lunatic's cage, lest you lose your fingers as he has lost his mind.
No worries, WJJ is just the latest nik for a dude who`s been hanging around this board for about 10 years. Same stuff. 10 out of 10 for persistance.
stretched said:
No worries, WJJ is just the latest nik for a dude who`s been hanging around this board for about 10 years. Same stuff. 10 out of 10 for persistance.

just keeps going and going and going..... .. . . .
wjj said:
Jesus promised that whosoever believes on him shall not perish but will have eternal life.

WJJ - this is a message of HOPE! To believe in him does not mean to acknowledge His existence, it means to believe in all that He is and to love all that He is and to love all that He represents and to take hope from the resurection because now that you love the truth, you ARE saved.

Why are you sooo obsessed with hell and damnation and punishment? Is it not written also that His mercy is greater than His anger?


well thats one way to spend 44 years

Jesus said: if you are not with me, you are against me.

Aren't you confusing Jesus with George Bush? :D
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Those who love God love the lost wjj.

Also i believe your sequence of events is wrong. Have a read of Revelation chapter 20 and come back and look at your sequence. It just does not line up with scripture.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"Those who do not believe (the spiritually dead) will probably get to die and be dead with no fear of going to hell or heaven."

Cool! That's what I was planning on anyway. Might be crazed but thanks for the confirmation!
actually there is a verse where Jesus says 'if you are not with me you are against me' or something to that end.

there is also one where he says 'those who are not against me are for me.'

i love the bible and its silly little contradictions.
that's quite the contradiction, unless taken strictly in its literal sense.

see, there is a position that is not taken into consideration: that of neutrality. if i do not care, then i am neither with nor for somebody. 'if you are not for me you are against me' implies that the neutral are in opposition. 'if you are not against me you are for me' implies that the neutral are in support.

these two ideas are in direct opposition to each other. please demonstrate how it is not a contradiction.
Who really gives a fawk what religious nuts believe? When they preach, they're just seeking affirmation for themselves. It's all about hidden self-doubts. Screw 'em, there are more productive things to do in life than waste time on tripe like this.
i want him in the streets of a major city preaching. he'll be locked up faster that way.
"Also i believe your sequence of events is wrong. Have a read of Revelation chapter 20 and come back and look at your sequence. It just does not line up with scripture."

* You Christian dudes don`t agree on much. Heh.