end date.

Iron Legion

Registered Member
Hi, im am new to sciforums and look forwaird to chatting with you dudes and dudets. Anyhow i did write a long thread but i lost it so im gunna write a few lines and see how we go from you replies.

Ok..The mayan calander ends on 2012, in somewhere between november and december.
Events on that date. 1. Galatic solstice - where the galatic equator and ecliptic line up. and a winter solstice. rare!
Significance > well the Mayans manged to work out these dates and use them in the practical world,in 3200 or more years in advance using calculations from there calander which could have been in development since before 0 AD.
Odd> it coinsides with other heavyly based astronamy cultures to date.
conclusion > not sure we now that this could be the end of everything we know wether it be our knowledge of physics to our religions if any. (im not religous), I have theorys and would like to know what you narlie people think about it, On 2012 i will be 26, and if i survive, then i look forward to see what will happen. Mabe the end of the human race, or mabe the doorway to heaven and hell (analogy-exact meaning , take it as you will) will open. who knows. Anyhow post back ok. :)
Maybe the Mayans knew something we didn't, but in any case, their world ended long before 2012.

This world is always at risk of destruction, it could, literally, happen at any time and for a number of reasons, but unless it's part of your job, there is no useful sense in worrying about it, it's best not to know. Just enjoy your life and live each day as though it's your last.
If that's how it is, that's how it is. Let's face it, once you're dead, you're too dead to regret all the things you could have done but never did.
hi iron legion
sorry to hear you lost the post, its happened so many times to me, ive made it a habit to copy the entire text before clicking preview or send- just in case.

back to the question at hand:

the Mayans- a very advanced civilization in its time. whereas i will leave alot of information out of this discussion so as to not disrupt the flow of your query.

the reason their calanders end, as so many others coincide with is (or near the same time) is because this is in fact, going to be the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT.

this doesnt mean the world is going to END COMPLETELY; although that is always a possibility.

U see there are alot of celestial events waiting to unfold within the decade. we have newly found Sedna, Planet X, Comets coming close to earth, finding out that there was once life on Mars.
Then there are alot of World Events hinting at a revolution aching to begin. you have unrighteous wars, Global warming, government cover-ups and lies, political and religious flaws, increased paranormal activity, strange weather, changes in the earth's tilt / rotation...

whether some of u simply want to 'Just enjoy your life and live each day as though it's your last' is entirely up to you, except of course unless the government thinks you should not do certain things....

... whereas myself, and countless others included- feel we owe a little more to ourselves than just discarding ancient and modern proof and evidence of the upcoming catastrophes and cataclysms.
WE- the people who like to provide Services-To-Others, such as knowledge, help, caring, sharing, and discussing- We want to let people know of this danger that awaits us, so we can be prepared when the time comes and we are shattered from our fragile lives and forced to either cooperate with each other or fight with each other.

what do u think will happen if NO ONE was forewarned and the world was Tipped on Its Side one Day?? WE WOULD FIGHT, OBVIOUSLY.
why would anyone want this?? Evil, or i should say BAD instead, BAD Intentions. i am talking about the gov'ts of course and people on power trips.
WHY? this is off topic.

WHY did the MAYAN calander end at 2012? (and other cultures calendars around similar time?)

because this is the end of this stage in earth's development.
going back to Alien Theory; the earth is supposedly in the process of transforming from a 3rd Density world into a 4th Density world.
We live in 3rd Density right now, which is why we can easily assimilate geographical formulas that incorporate 3 dimensions...
plus- we have began to understand there are more than just those 3 dimensions... we figured out that Time is the 4th, and scientists have been banging their heads explaining what they think are the 5-11th dimensions...

Alien theory explains that most Alien races that visit other planets are from 4th Density and higher. the Aliens we know from abductions and sightings are in the 4th Density.

this "density" is somewhat like "spiritual matrurity" of not only the life forms on the planet, but as the planet itself.

Planet X is supposed to mark the transformation, and begin the whole process. Who else knows about these things?

sorry, got to go !
hi while u all propose very interesting and very possbile explanations, i can't help but feel that the Mayans Are in fact, wrong, or we have most likely translated it wrong, While the alien theory is interesting, i can't understand how the 'densitys' work, if the aliens visting earth are 4th density then how can they have intersteller travel, because as you said it would be the end of the world as we know it, therefore i am lead to two conclusions
1. Alien theory is correct and that each sequantial density is longer in life then than its predeccessor.
2. Alien theory has not been fully worked out, leading to mis-comceptions and in fact is is just the evolution or test of our civilisation. For instance if this theory is correct then in fact the Great Eygptions would have experienced this anomaly in the fabric of time, yet there still traces and even decendents left. (10% of the population will always survive no matter what planetary incident that occurs, with the exception of complete planetary distruction.) This in itself defies the current Alien Theory, unless of course it is just the fact that all that is going to happen, is the human race's accension into the 4th dimension, This would account for the Mayans Calander end and many others, due to the fact they are measuring in 3 dimensions not 4! Also if in fact you all are correct in that alien theory occurs i will not be one to let it go unchallenged!
The date of 2012 could also simply mean, the Mayan's stopped recording past here. It need not mean, the world will end, or transform. It's a very sketchy correlation to suggest it implies some sort of dramatic change.
aye, it is like jumping to conclusions, but~ if others predict changes or also end around this year (2012) then it seems theres some 'coincidence' which of course points to some relevance somewhere....

[i dont believe in coincidences]
Who are the others, and how can you sure the others are not misrepresented?
The date that Israel was given back its lands and national title.
Jesus said that “this generation” would not pass away till all these things happened.
That generation is getting very old now.

Also note;
That the “end days” would be cut short on account of the Saint (Holy Ones), or else all flesh would be destroyed. That is the reason no one can know the day nor hour.

But the year would come out to be around 2006 – 2012.
I wouldn't read into it too far, my theory of what an end-date is truly about is just the beginning of a better understanding of things.

Simply put the theory works along the principle that the timeline can be transversed through the use of frequency emulation and parallel universe creation (Notibly alot of people will suggest this is not possible, but the reality is that it could be one day).

The point is that if someone utilised this "Time loop" to drop information in about a Person(s)/Peoples future and asked or made them do everything exactly how it had been done previously (So as not to divert into a chaos spectrum of universes with microscopic differences), it would possible to generate some sort of text that encrypted data about the future up until the point that the information was sent.

Namely a point that no one can see beyond because once the information was sent, it couldn't be continually altered (as it would have generated multiple parallels that would be altered greatly from one another).

So the way I see an "End", it's actually the "Beginning" from wence the time dialation occured (In theory).
you know before the end of the millenium/year 2000 there was so much scaremongering about the world going to end,Jesus was gonna come down and judge all sinners,
all comps were gonna self destruct and the whole country will be flooded etc,etc
and guess what nothing happened,we are still here and the world just keeps on turning.
A more accurate date for the end of the world as we know it, would be 2020 - I got a revelation during telepathic contact with ETI - who in turn read a British report of global warming, flooding and nuclear war :D
Q25 said:
you know before the end of the millenium/year 2000 there was so much scaremongering about the world going to end,Jesus was gonna come down and judge all sinners,
all comps were gonna self destruct and the whole country will be flooded etc,etc
and guess what nothing happened,we are still here and the world just keeps on turning.

Hell one of my computers wasn't even Y2K ready (wanted to see what if anything would happen) and nothing freaking happened. Everyone overreacted. But it was actually good that everyone freaked out about it though. Because it got the systems that needed to be updated, updated.
if the mayans are right, the human race wont die, itll just be nearly wiped out, the mayans said it would end due to earthquakes, im sure that our scientists would notice the earthquakes coming and would send supplies and people up in helicopters and maybe planes (if they could stay up in the air long enough)
alain said:
that our scientists would notice the earthquakes coming and would send supplies and people up in helicopters and maybe planes (if they could stay up in the air long enough)

talking of scientists, I watched on National Geographic that there's an vulcanic island somewhere (Pacific perhaps) and it's a question of when and not if it will 'blow up' creating enormous tsunami that would wipe out everything from Japan to California, I don't see anyone doing anything about it ;) let's hope it doesen't happen any time soon
Actually Y2K, did have something happen, it was just about the compters ability to count I believe, I theorised what could of been the problem when I was trying to find a solution for developing a programmatic code that could deal with counting in different BASE. (i.e. 0-9, A-Z, 1-F etc)

The simple problem with Y2K was that the machines had a programming in the BIOS, that could only deal with 2 digit dates, this was to save space.
What they should of had was programming that acted as a Parser function, that could be reused as the number increases in column position (i.e. Base10[0-9] would have Hundred, Tens and Units columns).

The simple software fix was just to tell the computer that instead of using 19[1900] which was hardware programmed into the computer, to use 20[2000]. This was catered for by most decent operating systems and why it seemed (luckily enough) to be such a big non-occurance.

It's just weird this wasn't worked out sooner with UNIX, since they been using a Seconds clock to date things from 1970.
[I apologise for inputting the technical theorum of what Y2K was, but it's just to give you an idea of what the actual problem was suppose to be.]

However I personally wouldn't worry to much about an End to anything, it would be pointless, and you'll notice that all the depictions of people with billboards attached to them with the "end of the world is nigh" tend to stereotypically be homeless bums, which are probably only standing there because some wacked out religious chaplain paid them to stand there.
2012 is the last day on the mayian calander becuase that it when it is said that the the closest of glaxays will be alinged with each other

its something like that

but they did not mention a end day
Sedna was already there before it was discovered, so it has no effect on anything whatsoever.
One of my computers was affected by Y2K, it said it was 1980, before the computer in question was built.