encounter with the local UFO enforcement.

dr. ski wampas

Registered Senior Member
the account told hereafter, was dictated to me, by good friends, who have over the past couple years been observing the UFO activity in the small town of springville... that isnt to say that anything alien is going on, but it is the belief of a few of us, that the government is behind both the sightings that have taken place by numerous people over the past few decades, and the mysterious drug epidemic, that plagues the town.

Springville, Utah.

three friends (we'll name them A,B, and C) are sitting on a back porch when it is observed by all of them that an ambient music can be heard off in the distance. shortly thereafter, A spots a ufo, hovering near the end of the backyard, observing them.

as this happens, they all notice the music has faded from a gentle ambience, to a low booming, pulsating tone that seems to be throwing them into a trance.

just as A makes the other two aware of the object, it vanishes, with B, and C, only being able to catch a glimpse... the noise shorlty after fades out, but thats not all of it.

A begins breathing rapidly and going into a panic attack, while B, leaps up to further search the sky... C, helps A, into the house, where he appears delusional, and incoherent. from the kitchen he is brought into a bedroom.

for the other two, this expirience doesnt seem to go further than the initial sighting, but A, appears to be suffering an unusual state of psychosis... insisting people are in the back yard and surrounding the house.

B, and C manage to get him on to a bed, where he passes out for the next hour... B lays down, and C puts on some music, and does a few other things to try and calm him down.

from here, the account of A (after this has all happened), is that while all this was all going on, from the time when he makes the sighting, until the whole expirience is over with, he could see shadows of people moving around rapidly, as well as other smaller ufo's racing around (from outside the kitchen window) in what seemed to be a panic of their own.

he says it's not clear in his mind, because he seemed to be falling uncontrolably, into a half dream state, where he felt himself becoming unconscious, in the bedroom. when they laid him down, he said was when he lost control of his own being.

i'm told that in this time, the other two friends appear to be completely oblivious to whats going on, and while A is in the bed, he is being harassed by figures that appear to him as shadows. when he manages to open his eyes, he tells me that he sees smaller black orbs appearing and dissapearing rapidly, like when you spot an insect in the room, and than it flies away.

he says that it was put into his own mind (as if dreaming), that the people doing this to him appear (on an astral level) as what most accounts of similiar expiriences have described as the greys. he says it felt like he was being forced into a lucid dream state, where they could harass his astral body, as well as his physical body, and not appear to his friends, who they seem to have been manipulating in other ways. distinctly, A can remember them seeming to put it into his mind, that they are intentionally threatening him, to get him to stop looking into the local involvement of UFO's

everything C does, around the room seems to somehow play into the design of whats happening to A. everytime the music adjusts, he can identify the low pulsing tones that were heard just outside the house. he also says that words were spoken that he cant recall, and didnt make out at the time. it is also told that as B lay down across the room A can occasionally hear him make comments that when asked about, he doesnt remember.

this goes on for about the next hour or so, and than A gets up out of the bed, only to find that his friends are telling him that he slept the whole time, and that nothing seemed to be happening.

little else is to be told about what happened afterward, but it's my belief that whoever is behind this wanted my friend to think that he was having an encounter with alien beings (the entire basis of the man made UFO coverup, is all the propaganda we currently have to make us think they are in reality covering up extra terestrial involvement). i think the fabled, men in black, may have been trying to do this to my friends because they have been looking a little to deeply into the subject.

You can suggest that if person 'A' had done any forms of hallucigenic drugs that they might have experiences based upon their own paranoia. For instance if they feel when they are straight that the world has a government conspiracy covering up existance of aliens, then the likelihood is they will trip paranoid illusions along the lines of such a conspiracy.

Even if they hadn't actually done a hallucigenic drug that night, if they smoked a little Marijuana there is the likelihood that the certain preportion of brain altered by the previous hallucigenic drug could be excited.

Pyschiatrists usually refer future episodes as "Flashbacks", which is not just about a memory of the past becoming more apparent but also the resemblence of a person being in the state of a drug they might of once used. This makes sense since memories are chemically stored, and such drugs cause chemical changes in the brain to create the results that people enjoy/hate, so those changes get stored too.

Flashbacks can be triggered by other types of drug, alcohol even caffine.

It is possible that A saw shadows, shadows can look like they are moving based upon your own movement. for instance if you had two street lamps during the night, as you walk from one to the other the angle and strength at which the light surrounds you changes, the shadows on the floor dance along the road by your side. If your mind was subconsciously open to being spooked, you could suggest those shadows were chasing you perhaps even suggest that the shadows were aliens or goblins etc.

"ambient music" could be someone was having a party. From where I come from usually during the summer period they have beach parties, I'm guessing in Utah that probably transcends into Desert parties. Such parties usually involve a fire, some music drink probably the afore mentioned drugs and things to occupy the minds of those in that state. Like for instance fireworks or making a plastic bag balloon float into the air etc. Parties like that also usually incur the party goers to potentially be wondering around late at night in a halfcut state to find "other" activities to do, which might even mean encroaching someones property.

As for little black dots, well there is two types one can be called a "floater" which just involves some stuff in your eye "floating" into your viewing area. (see here for more details) the other more radical version is what most of these "ghost hunters" and parapsychologists look for which they call orbs. They will probably give you some crap about it "tapping into another plane of existance".

As for MIB's, their supposed existance wasn't about the coverup of "things" but the investigation of those "things". I would explain more but I only have a theory as to the whole event but I can tell you this it doesn't involve Aliens and the only reason for any coverup would be because of the nature of "The Butterfly effect" if the truth was known. (Of course I would never be able to get my theory verified)
What is it exactly that "A" had discovered, or how was "A" going about doing the discovering that may have been threatening?
1997 report from the Institute for National Security Studies - part of the US Air Force Academy - lists dozens of "nonlethal weapons," many of which are very obscure. Categories include acoustics, biotechnicals, electromagnetics, entanglers, holograms, and reactants.


Take a peek at this information, it is all technology.