Employers Preying On Female Immigrants


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Just a quick rant...
NORTH HAVEN, Conn. - Shortly after immigrating from Mexico, the four Mota sisters landed jobs at a large bakery here that paid well above minimum wage, convincing them that they were on their quest for the American dream.

But their hopes soon turned sour, according to sexual harassment lawsuits that three of the sisters filed on Jan. 17. They accused half a dozen managers of egregious harassment, ranging from grabbing and groping them to threatening to fire them unless they agreed to have sex.
The company's lawyers took a firmer line, denying that any sexual harassment or illegal anti-union actions had occurred. (Full text here - free registration required)
Whether it occured in this particular case or not, sexual harassment happens.

Am I the only guy in America who wonders why no men have EVER, to my knowledge, stood up and said, "yeah, we did this, we acted like jerks because the rest of the jerks were egging us on, and management looked the other way, and we're sorry and deeply ashamed of ourselves. We appologize to these women, and to our wives and mothers and daughters and our fellow men who don't act like dickwads."

I wonder what would happen? I wonder what would happen if some of us reacted as if these women were women in our own families, and marched down to there and smacked these shits down?

:m: Peace.
I think I need sleep - I saw "Employers preying on female ants".

Carry on.