

God is a Chinese Whisper
Valued Senior Member
Where do you think it comes from?

Is it some psychic connection to those around you?
Is it simply a keen sense of human emotions and the human condition and recognizing the acute details of body language, words, voices etc.?

I have been very empathetic since I was a child.
Beyond the point of being affected by other's emotions.
To the point that I am completely controlled by the emotions and thoughts of the people surrounding me (physically or otherwise).
I have an immediate sense about people (and it is very rarely wrong).

I have fine tuned this by studying human behavior and body language. People watching.

I think it has a lot to do with my anti-social behavior, and desire to be alone so ofetn.
It is the only way I can really experience my OWN emotions.

What are your thoughts on it?
You and me are pretty similar in this sense, raven, but your abilities are much in advance of my own. I think its sensing the energy one gives off, and interpreting that energy reading.
You people seem to throw around the word "Energy" far too much in my own opinion.

Anyway I've got to say that this thread strikes me as being particularly odd, as it just seems to me that you are saying you look at someone's body language, and make snap judgements about them. It doesn't seem like a very fair way of dealing with people, if you ask me. Be sure to give people a chance, and usualy they'll surprise you.
We arent tralking about body language, Mystech, we are talking about a sense we get from them.
A feeling which floats to you magically out of the ether, I suppose? Of course, how silly of me to think that one need to be exposed to some sort of actual observable stimulus in order to be able to start drawing conclusions.
Originally posted by Mystech
A feeling which floats to you magically out of the ether, I suppose? Of course, how silly of me to think that one need to be exposed to some sort of actual observable stimulus in order to be able to start drawing conclusions.

I didn't say that.

As a matter of fact I asked:
Is it simply a keen sense of human emotions and the human condition and recognizing the acute details of body language, words, voices etc.?

It just seems like more than that to me, and I was wondering what that MORE might be.

Do you think some people are born with that keen of observational skills?
Or maybe I am just more sensitive to other's emotions than most, and while most people can see it, and simply discount what they see, I can't do that due to how sensitive emotionally I have always been.

I am skeptical about most things, HOWEVER I also have an open mind and don't simple discount something right out of the box either.
I DO know. for a fact (yes, for a fact) that there IS something to psychic connections between people.
I do not, presume to know the hows and whys of it.

And about giving people a chance...
Don't assume you know me, please.
I DO give people a chance.
I have gotten to know MANY people in my life and travels.
There are few things I enjoy more in this world than getting to know people on a personal level.
I don't base my opinions on assumptions, and walk away from people.
I have found out, through my experience, that my first, almost instant, impression about people is MUCH more often correct than not.

Also, you should note that I said:
I have fine tuned this by studying human behavior and body language. People watching.

So, I DO acknowledge the power in body language and personal presentation.
Originally posted by one_raven
I DO know. for a fact (yes, for a fact) that there IS something to psychic connections between people.
I do not, presume to know the hows and whys of it.

Well then, please do go more into this, I'd love to hear it.

Originally posted by one_raven
Don't assume you know me, please.

I didn't say that I did, nor did I make any claim or statement about how you as a person.
You will likely scoff, but fuck it. ;)

My mother has some kind of psychic connection to me, my brother and my brother's son.

My brother had a troubled life.
In and out of jail and psycho wards throughout much of my childhood.

Not all the time, mind you.
He would be out for years at a time, but it happened often.

Every single time my brother got arrested while he was out, just about the same time that it was happening, my mother would be woken by a dream about it.
She didn't know the details of what happened, but it was laways that he was in trouble in some way.
She would come into my room and tell me about the dream, then (usually within an hour or so) we would get the call.
Sometimes the call wouldn't come till the next day, but the time of the dream coincided with the time of the arrest.
Once it was a dream that he was in trouble and needed her, he was calling out to her for help.
The next day he was found in a ditch and brought to the hospital (thankfully in time).
He was mugged, stabbed in the stomach and left there.
She never had a dream like that and he NOT end up getting arrested, or in the hospital, or some other major incident.

When I got older, I got into a little trouble for a little while.
The few times I was arrested, the same thing happened.
She knew what the call was before it came.

When my nephew was about 5, my mother had a dream early in the morning, that he was falling backwards, reaching for my brother's hand, and my brother was reaching for his hand, but the missed and he fell back.

She woke up and called my brother to see if my nephew was OK, but he wasn't home at the time.

When he got home hours later he returned her call and said that he had been in the hospital.
My brother wad bringing my nephew to his mother's house (they were divorced) and my nephew lost his footing on the steps.
My brother turned around and tried to catch him, but missed.
My nephew fell backwards and hit his head on the bottom step.
It happened just about the time that my mother called his house.

(I used to kid around with her and tell her to call me if she had a dream about me getting being in trouble, so I would not do whatever I had planned that night. I would tease her and say if she warned me, I would never had gotten arrested.)

This is far more than just coincidence.
There is SOME sort of psychic empathetic connection there.
I don't know what it is.
But it IS something.
Well I have to admit that it's an interesting anecdote, and certainly just a bit out of the ordinary. As for conclusively proving psychic links, I'm just not convinced.

Even if it were true (and I'm not calling you a liar, I've seen your posts elsewhere, and know that you're generally not a crazy) however I don't feel that I can completely take your word on the direct correspondence between these somewhat traumatic events, and your mothers dreams at the precise time. As you yourself have said it happened several times, and I assume over a span of many years if not decades, and for all I know the memories could be embellished, or there may even be certain instances in which such events took place, yet were not accompanied by your mother having a dream, or even that perhaps your mother just frequently had dreams of traumatic events on a fairly regular basis, regardless of what was really going on, or perhaps before such events, such as the arrests there was special reason for her to worry about you or your brother, and as such had nightmares involving some sort of danger.

It's interesting, but not convincing enough for me.

Heh, and thanks for sending me the private message, I know I should have posted on this, but was feeling lazy around 1:30 and didn’t wanna’ bother, sometimes I just need someone to light a fire under my ass.
i have always been able to INSTANTLY put myself into someone elses shoes without any effort, like people can sink into a song (which i can ALSO do easerly)

problem is i cant stop it, and its pushed me into deep depression more than once:(
Originally posted by Mystech
for all I know the memories could be embellished, or there may even be certain instances in which such events took place, yet were not accompanied by your mother having a dream, or even that perhaps your mother just frequently had dreams of traumatic events on a fairly regular basis, regardless of what was really going on, or perhaps before such events, such as the arrests there was special reason for her to worry about you or your brother, and as such had nightmares involving some sort of danger.

I can definately see wher you are coming from.
And I conceed that as young as I was with an impressionable mind, that could have played a part in it.

But I still think it is too much to be cast off as coincidence.

Originally posted by Mystech
Heh, and thanks for sending me the private message, I know I should have posted on this, but was feeling lazy around 1:30 and didn’t wanna’ bother, sometimes I just need someone to light a fire under my ass.

No problem.
I did it because judging from YOUR other posts you seem like a grounded intelligent person, and although I DO want some input from people who believe in psychic phenomena, I would like a balanced view of it, and that may be hard to find in this particular forum.
heh mystech is a funny person to me. I'm not saying I like him LOL but I like his attitude he very grounded and not so amendable beyond his own beliefs which is strong character but can also be weak. I have no clue why you even read the forums here, or why you call yourself Mystic+technology are you trying to find the middle path between it all

I look at the forums here, because I often have time to kill, and I actually find arguing to be entertaining and therapeutic. Also I'd note that I post on more forums than just parapsychology and pseudoscience, so it's not ALL trying my best not to laugh at wild ideas, as I come up with some spiteful post trying to debunk ideas, sometimes it's conversation that I genuinely try to take seriously.

I thank you for participating in this wonderful game!
No, I don't think I would. Mostly because the term is far to vague. You're clearly not using it in it's classical meaning, wherein a skeptic doesn't believe in anything, and by anything, I do mean anything, skepticism is (Or, I guess I should say was) a philosophy not so different from nihilism, all the world is an illusion and all that. In that sense, no I definitely am not a skeptic, but as I said, I don’t believe that this as what you meant to ask.

Your own particular definition, which I can discern only from the context I’ve heard used on this bored by yourself and others, is far too inclusive and broad. It seems to imply that I don’t believe, but then it doesn’t set forward any grounds for what exactly I don’t believe in, so I can’t answer that I think of myself as a skeptic. I don’t believe that I should be narrowed into some sort of vague undefined category of believing or unbelieving, especially when no clear topic is implied, it’s just silliness.

Being that I most certainly am a critical thinker, I do like to take things case by case. If you were to ask me if I were skeptical toward any certain topic, then I could probably answer you. But then skeptic may still not be the best term, as it also seems to go along with a certain vagueness of reason. If I believe in something or do not believe in something I always like to have a definite reasoning and logic behind that, and as such simply saying ‘skeptic’ or ‘not a skeptic’ still wouldn’t exactly fit exactly right, as again it implies a sort of blindness or lack of reason.
Mystec- from a cpompletely scientific perspective, the electrical pulses and chemical reactions that go on in our body give off or are comprised of energy, right? Food is turned into usable energy, which is used to creat body matter, or nuerons fire, and make our arms move, etc. nothing exciting there, simple biology.

Have you ever taken a flourecent bulb and stood under a set of high tension electrical wires? the bulb lights up about 5% of maximum luminesence, without being plugged into anything. why? because electrons passing through any sort of medium creates an electromagnetic feild. This feild canbe strong enough to power the light bulb. Again, nothing amazing, simple physics.

So why do we assume that the electrical impulses in our bodies do not create an electromagnetic feild?

Some animals have small amounts of metal in their brains, and use this metal as a compass magnet, basing their migration pathways on the magnetic feild of the earth (geese, sting rays, etc). Yet again, nothing amazing, simple biology.

So what if there were people who had a slightly higher consentration of metal ions in the chemical makeup of their brains? If a person had a higher consentration of these metal ions, they may very well be more receptive to the EM readiation given off by another person, similar to how some animals pick up on the magnetic feild of the planet. If this metal ion individual were to train themselves over years, they may be able to learn how to sense patterns in those EM feilds, and be able to tell what emotions or general thoughts the other person was having.

Not an explination of Psycic abilities, but a description of how psycic ability can fit nicely into purely scientific world.
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That idea is completely out there, though, its got no grounding at all. The ability to sense these minute energies would be completely blinded by the sheer amount of other electromagnetic signals such as radio waves, or even light and ultra violate rays from the sun.

As it stands humans can barely sense a relatively strong electromagnetic field like that emitted from a television, or computer monitor.

What you are suggesting would be akin to trying to feel the gravity of a quarter, a task which would likely be imposable even in a complete void without any other background energies to distract you, and certainly completely out of the question while standing on a huge mass, like our own planet.

Humans have many many MANY ways of communicating emotion non-verbally "energy" fields are not among them.
how does a radio pick up a specific radio station amidst the cosmic background radiation?

Why assume that humans are only picking up generalized EM radiation through this metal ion consentration?

Our eyes pick up radiation, but only a small window of it- the visable spectrum. We are able to take this restricted amount of information apart, and construct a world out of the information, without even thinking about it.
Exactly, that is because we have specialized sensory organs which are designed spacificaly for this task.

We do not, however have sensory organs for picking up most of the electromagnetic spectrum, let alone any sensitive enough to detect the minute feilds emited by another person.