Elitism within the legal system.


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I have recently written a legal document regarding the conduct of a professional within the legal system. However, in the reply I was informed that as the person in question was of such high professional standing it was "highly improbable" that I could be telling the truth.

This is clearly Elitist but what is the legal position in relation to Elitism? Is it acceptable for the legal system to ignore evidence in favor of just someone's perceived Social and Professional standing?
Well, it sounds to me as if you've made an accusation about someone without any shred of proof or evidence. If you had proof or evidence to back up your accusation, then it would be a different matter altogether.

Let me ask you ......should anyone be allowed to accuse anyone of anything without evidence or proof of the accusation?

Baron Max
Without a doubt I have all the evidence I need on this one. The evidence has been ignored because its the easy option and they have wrongly thought that I would drop my claim. I'm currently about to take the issue to higher powers but I wondered what the official line on elitism was.
Without a doubt I have all the evidence I need on this one. The evidence has been ignored because its the easy option and they have wrongly thought that I would drop my claim. I'm currently about to take the issue to higher powers but I wondered what the official line on elitism was.

Well, seeing as how I don't have the evidence or the accusation, I can't honestly say. But I've been in a similar situation, and I found it difficult to beleive the accusations weren't more of a personal grudge than an honest, legal accusation.

That being said, I have to side with those who reviewed your accusation.

Baron Max
Why do you have to side with anyone? I was only asking how Elitism is view in the legal system!
The legal system views it like everyone else does. Reputation and respect do stand for something in the real world. If Joe No-Name shows up and claims that President Bush molested him, those who respect Bush are unlikely to believe that claim (Those who do not respect, and who hate, Bush might well be predisposed to believe it.)

Powerful people have some leeway to get away with more than normal people. That's not the legal world, again, that's just the world.