Eliminating Anti-Matter at Particle Accelerators


Registered Member
Hello to all.

I and a group of beings who are not living on earth have been annihilating anti-protons and positrons using orientations of dark matter and energies created by souls in the astral planes. We will in effect, be limiting anti matter from being used by any particle accelerators. People working at the Fermilab Tevatron or other particle accelerators may find that their anti-matter will seem to suddenly annihilate at times at which we act. It will seem unexpected and strange to these scientists. I hope this message gets to them.
Though few know this, Pbar (anti-protons)and positrons create energies that are harmful for human souls. Also, pbar and positrons , in balanced area of the universe are much harder to create. There are energies created by manipulative soul patterns that allow for anti-matter to be possible to be farmed by particle colliders at all. Without manipulative intent, scientists, would never have seen anti-protons or positrons nor could they be created using the methods physicists use to create them.
I want to say again that I have found creating and storing anti-protons or positrons is very dangerous to the well-fare of many souls.
Since many scientists don’t necessarily believe that we live as souls, and others may think I have religious motivations for posting this- I am going to tell you information I discovered from my out of physical body experiences. (It’s by no ways a complete science. But it’s in many ways closer to the real way reality works) I am not a mathematical physicists, but experience along with some diverse areas of study have lead me to this point.
For starters, a 3-D physical volume is held together by the fabric of space time, and this fabric has a total 1131 layers of orientations, that come in groups of 3. So fabric layers (1000, 1001, 1002) as do fabric layers (1,2,3) are subsets of the fabric, so one could say that there are 377 patterned layers in the fabric space-time too. Dark matter has 6 unique orientations, that come in opposite pairs which prefer one of the 3 classes of strands. All 6 orientations of dark matter can come together to form one electron neutrino( or in another way as an anti electron neutrino (which is not harmful to a soul)). Dark matter itself is necessary to keep regular matter going. Dark matter itself moves in and out of the stuff in electrons, protons and neutrons. . Should any area of physical space-time have less than 73% dark matter particles, regular matter would dissolve back into random dark matter and the resonance of dark matter we call the proton or electron would not exist anymore. (Though in practicality this does not happen, ). So in a sense electrons, and protons are more stable resonances of dark matter within the fabric. I should also say there is a reverse sense in which protons, electrons keep the fabric of space-time stable too.
I want to mention that reality itself exists in a 26 dimensional structure. This is absolute space to me. While the 3-D physical universe exists as atoms and the 1131 strands of space-time fabric, there are other outside types of constructs that keep the physical fabric of space-time going, but for this discussion I’m going to focus on stuff near the atoms that exist within the 1131 strands. I want to mention that there is a really small type of energy that I’ll call absolute space light energy. As opposed the physical light that occurs on the physical plane. I’ll mention that there are over 10^63 fundamental absolute light particles in one dark matter particle. I’ll also say that one electron is formed of more than 4 * 10^17 dark matter particles of the 6 various forms.( The pattern of the absolute light energies that form the fabric of space-time occur in a 10- dimensional pattern within the 26 dimensional absolute space. )
Let me bring up something that I have seen. We have these things called globular clusters that move around galaxies in odd fashions. And we have these mysterious events from Super Massive black holes called blazers or something else. I have seen that Super Massive black holes can emit large quantities of hydrogen. This is what a blazer event is. It is a violent eruption of hydrogen gas from within a black hole. Billions of years after an eruption of hydrogen- this hydrogen gas will collect together to form thousands of stars together that orbit around in odd angles to a galactic plane.

Around bose-einstein condensates, the thickness of the 1131 strands that construct the fabric of space-time weakens until one gets within the bose-einstein condensate, where the 1131 strands have lost their individuality and turned into a blob of stuff. Also around the edge, of a black hole, this fabric of space-time weakens too to such a degree where all the 1131 strands that make up the fabric of space-time, form into a blob which is no longer really the strands of space-time.

However, large quantities, of matter fall into black holes.. Sometimes the matter will stay together. And there will be only 900 strands that act between this matter around black holes. Black holes often dissolve matter down in dark matter and even further back into fundamental light energy which eventually will find its way back into the structure of the fabric of space-time itself.

When Black Holes get to about 16 billion solar masses they become “Full Super Massive Black Holes” , and astronomers may just be noticing that there are no super massive black holes with 30 billion solar masses. That’s because in some sense that I don’t understand, the higher dimensional energies that come from the dissolving of matter into black holes , can reach the higher dimensional center of the universe. At this point the flux of energy flowing in and out of black holes change so that the black hole does not eat as much matter. Furthermore ,some of the matter that enters these full black holes, finds its way to the deeper parts of other Super Massive black holes. Right inside the edge of the black hole, a semi-physical plane is created that stores H+ ions. I call it a magma H+ matter plane. This H+ magma plane exists parallel to the physical plane and the H+ will tunnel itself towards the center of another galaxy where every so often it will be emitted in violent eruptions called blazers.
I have not yet tied this in to why anti-matter that is used in particle colliders is very dangerous. Its difficult to explain.
I will say that ,as humans, reality is not meant to be experienced as we now experience it. About 467 million years ago there was a head on collision between 2 Super Massive Black Holes at a distance from earth of about 140 Million( physical plane) Light Years. This event coincided with the Permian Mass extinction that scientist put at 252 million years ago.(The decay rate of unstable atoms have increased so our long term measure of time based on unstable nuclei is incorrect, due to the increase in the flow of dark matter to earth. I’ve been told by the astral beings, and other beings I work with that the odds of a direct collision of any two Super Massive Black Holes is greater than one in every 10^18. Since galaxies merge so infrequently ,its extremely unlikely that this event should have happened.

In any event, it did happen. The direct collision of 2 super massive black Holes have created problems that persist on earth to this day.( normally two super massive black holes will orbit around each other before merging) The conscious energy strands that work through atoms and all things in the 26 dimensional existence, were messed up for a distance of about 500 million Light Years equivalent across. It lead indirectly to us have an Ego, feeling pain, needing to sleep, itching, yawning, sneezing, and the loss of awareness of conscious energy.

Manipulative energies grew off of the soul bodies that were damaged in the collision. They evolved and now they stop us from seeing that all laser light should be entangled with its stimulating couple. They absorb blows that LIGO might detect as gravity waves. They interfere with cold fusion experiments. They work around psychics. They help alter the DNA of plants and creatures.( Cows being the best example) There is a reality to such things as entity possession, ufos and ufo abduction, Near death experiences., (experiences of heavens, hells, crop circles, cattle mutilations,). It affects every moment of our lives.

The best way to solve the problem is to meditate. The deep letting go mediations are the best. Detached present moment awareness. Mindfulness, Zen, concentration meditations will get you close. When you reach the deepest states of meditation such as that described as bliss, jhanas, oneness, your state of being heals existence. Your soul grows, and the fabric of reality heals.

I am attaching this message to the fact that we are trying to stop particle accelerators from using positrons or PBar in their collisions. There is an undiscovered opposite charge created from dark matter that helps keep anti-protons, positrons stable. Manipulative energy that is conscious is doing this to manipulate souls and control them.

I’ll add a few notes. Gravity and entanglement seem to be light energy that works along straight paths in a 26 dimensional space. I by no ways understand this completely I’m hoping to reach some scientists and we can explore this further.
Take care,

Hank (hjanszen@sbcglobal.net)
I by no ways understand this*
It would have been much quicker, and much more accurate, if you'd simply posted the above...
Pseudosci here we come...
One more crackpot for the menagerie.

* It may have been even more accurate if you'd written "anything" instead of "this".
Ah no, if it's the cesspool it'll get locked.
There's probably some amusement to be had out this one. ;)
Wow! I get to talk to extraterrestrials at last. This has made my day.

Hello to all.

Welcome to Earth.

I and a group of beings who are not living on earth have been annihilating anti-protons and positrons using orientations of dark matter and energies created by souls in the astral planes.


We will in effect, be limiting anti matter from being used by any particle accelerators. People working at the Fermilab Tevatron or other particle accelerators may find that their anti-matter will seem to suddenly annihilate at times at which we act. It will seem unexpected and strange to these scientists. I hope this message gets to them.

I'm sure they'll get the message when their experiments start to go against every theory of physics we have.

But why don't you just contact them directly? Why do things in this roundabout way? And why tell us, people on a small internet science forum? Why did you choose to make us the special recipients of your message? I, for one, am greatly honoured, but also a bit surprised.

Though few know this, Pbar (anti-protons)and positrons create energies that are harmful for human souls.

Oh dear.

It's nice to have confirmation that we have souls, though. There are a few members here who will be very excited to learn that they have been right all along.

Do you know if God exists, too?

There are energies created by manipulative soul patterns that allow for anti-matter to be possible to be farmed by particle colliders at all. Without manipulative intent, scientists, would never have seen anti-protons or positrons nor could they be created using the methods physicists use to create them.

Do you mean some kind of evil intent? I mean, scientists obviously are trying to manipulate things when they do experiments. I don't quite understand your point. But then again, English is probably not your first language, is it?

I want to say again that I have found creating and storing anti-protons or positrons is very dangerous to the well-fare of many souls.

How so?

Since many scientists don’t necessarily believe that we live as souls, and others may think I have religious motivations for posting this- I am going to tell you information I discovered from my out of physical body experiences. (It’s by no ways a complete science. But it’s in many ways closer to the real way reality works) I am not a mathematical physicists, but experience along with some diverse areas of study have lead me to this point.

Sorry, I'm unclear again. Are you human or an alien?

For starters, a 3-D physical volume is held together by the fabric of space time, and this fabric has a total 1131 layers of orientations, that come in groups of 3. So fabric layers (1000, 1001, 1002) as do fabric layers (1,2,3) are subsets of the fabric, so one could say that there are 377 patterned layers in the fabric space-time too. Dark matter has 6 unique orientations, that come in opposite pairs which prefer one of the 3 classes of strands. All 6 orientations of dark matter can come together to form one electron neutrino( or in another way as an anti electron neutrino (which is not harmful to a soul)).

So electrons are made of dark matter, are they? What's all the dark matter that we can't detect directly, then? What form is it in?

Dark matter itself is necessary to keep regular matter going. Dark matter itself moves in and out of the stuff in electrons, protons and neutrons. . Should any area of physical space-time have less than 73% dark matter particles, regular matter would dissolve back into random dark matter and the resonance of dark matter we call the proton or electron would not exist anymore. (Though in practicality this does not happen, ). So in a sense electrons, and protons are more stable resonances of dark matter within the fabric. I should also say there is a reverse sense in which protons, electrons keep the fabric of space-time stable too.

Uh huh.

Can you post the mathematical equations that govern dark matter, please?

I want to mention that there is a really small type of energy that I’ll call absolute space light energy. As opposed the physical light that occurs on the physical plane.

What's the difference between the two?

I’ll mention that there are over 10^63 fundamental absolute light particles in one dark matter particle. I’ll also say that one electron is formed of more than 4 * 10^17 dark matter particles of the 6 various forms.

Ooh, that's a lot of dark matter particles. Impressive!

Let me bring up something that I have seen. We have these things called globular clusters that move around galaxies in odd fashions.

Do they? Why haven't we seen them moving in odd fashions?

And we have these mysterious events from Super Massive black holes called blazers or something else. I have seen that Super Massive black holes can emit large quantities of hydrogen. This is what a blazer event is. It is a violent eruption of hydrogen gas from within a black hole.

How does the hydrogen escape from the hole? What's the specific mechanism?

Around bose-einstein condensates, the thickness of the 1131 strands that construct the fabric of space-time weakens until one gets within the bose-einstein condensate, where the 1131 strands have lost their individuality and turned into a blob of stuff.

I have some experience in the field of Bose-Einstein condensates myself. What effects should I tell researchers to look for to confirm what you say? I've never noticed any condensing blobs of 1131 strands of spacetime fabric in any condensate I've seen.

However, large quantities, of matter fall into black holes.. Sometimes the matter will stay together. And there will be only 900 strands that act between this matter around black holes. Black holes often dissolve matter down in dark matter and even further back into fundamental light energy which eventually will find its way back into the structure of the fabric of space-time itself.


When Black Holes get to about 16 billion solar masses they become “Full Super Massive Black Holes” , and astronomers may just be noticing that there are no super massive black holes with 30 billion solar masses. That’s because in some sense that I don’t understand, the higher dimensional energies that come from the dissolving of matter into black holes , can reach the higher dimensional center of the universe. At this point the flux of energy flowing in and out of black holes change so that the black hole does not eat as much matter.

There's a flux of energy flowing out of black holes? How does it get out? What kind of energy is it?

( normally two super massive black holes will orbit around each other before merging) The conscious energy strands that work through atoms and all things in the 26 dimensional existence, were messed up for a distance of about 500 million Light Years equivalent across. It lead indirectly to us have an Ego, feeling pain, needing to sleep, itching, yawning, sneezing, and the loss of awareness of conscious energy.

So evolution has nothing to do with any of those things?

Isn't pain, for example, a useful thing to have? You wouldn't want to be injured and not notice it until it had got infected and you were dying of gangrene or something.

Manipulative energies grew off of the soul bodies that were damaged in the collision.

Has this got anything to do with Xenu?

They evolved and now they stop us from seeing that all laser light should be entangled with its stimulating couple. They absorb blows that LIGO might detect as gravity waves. They interfere with cold fusion experiments. They work around psychics. They help alter the DNA of plants and creatures.( Cows being the best example)

How interesting! In what way is the DNA of cows altered? And why cows, in particular? Why not horses or buffalo?

There is a reality to such things as entity possession, ufos and ufo abduction, Near death experiences., (experiences of heavens, hells, crop circles, cattle mutilations,). It affects every moment of our lives.

Do your alien friends abduct people? Why?

The best way to solve the problem is to meditate. The deep letting go mediations are the best. Detached present moment awareness. Mindfulness, Zen, concentration meditations will get you close. When you reach the deepest states of meditation such as that described as bliss, jhanas, oneness, your state of being heals existence. Your soul grows, and the fabric of reality heals.

This is the first time I've known that the fabric of reality needs healing. Is this a problem I ought to worry about? My life seems to be unaffected so far.

I by no ways understand this completely I’m hoping to reach some scientists and we can explore this further.

Why didn't you try emailing scientific organisations?

You also ought to include some details so people can confirm what you say is true.

I know some scientists. If you post some mathematical explanations of the above here, I'll pass them on to the relevant authorities for you. It looks like the guys at CERN need to be warned, for example.

Live long and prosper!
im sure there are lots of men in white suits who would LOVE to meet you:p Just go to the nearest building with a big red cross (though sometimes it can be a blue or green cross and im not quite sure what it is in muslim countries, cresent maybe?) and look for a door which says "Acident and Emergency" or "Casulty" (or equivlant). Just walk in there, walk up to the front desk (to the triage nurse) and tell them your an alien. They will take great care of you:p
This is the best laugh I have had all day! So I'm just going to have some fun to since I am, after all a Prophet of the Covenant.:rolleyes:

To OP:" You dare tamper with the Holy Relics of the Gods! You and all your vermin kind shall burn under the Holy Fire of the Covenant, your worlds shall burn until their surface is but glass! We shall open Holy Portals to your realm and hunt you down like the vermin you are! For your destruction is the will of the Gods, and we... WE are their instrument!"

Ok, know I have had the best laugh in ages. I am sorry, but it was just to much a temptation.:D