Eliminate Tax Exemption for Churches?


Since many people claim that Obama would be a more secular president, can we assume that tax exemption for wealthy institutions like religion will finally go out the window? What are your thoughts on this "special treatment?"
Since many people claim that Obama would be a more secular president, can we assume that tax exemption for wealthy institutions like religion will finally go out the window? What are your thoughts on this "special treatment?"
M*W: I don't like it. I think they should pay taxes like everybody else.
Since many people claim that Obama would be a more secular president, can we assume that tax exemption for wealthy institutions like religion will finally go out the window? What are your thoughts on this "special treatment?"

While I think they should pay taxes especially if they become political, it is not going to happen. They still have a lot of poltical influence.
No non-profit organisation or religious institution should pay tax on its non-profit operations (which they do not, in the US). The rule in the US is further that taxes are paid by NPOs and churches (directly or indirectly) on activities not significantly related to their purpose, like gift shops, quid-quo-pro contributions, the leasing of office space and car parks, etc. Employees of these organisations still pay normal taxes. The only thing not-taxed, therefore, are direct private contributions to these groups for purposes of their primary religious or non-profit activity. It seems fair enough.
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But the should pay taxes on all funds used to advance political causes or in support of political causes.
But the should pay taxes on all funds used to advance political causes or in support of political causes.

It is already forbidden. Being politically active, lobbying, endorsing candidates, etc, are all explicit causes that can get a religious institution's tax-exempt status revoked. If you know of any religious institution doing this, report them to the IRS.
I know, but you have a few religious leaders who are protesting it. And when the IRS gets involved the close down and reopen under a new charter.
Hey everyone, you too can become a minister and have tax exempt status...

"You are about to become an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. For information regarding the legal aspects of this in your state or province, view the FAQ page on the site.

Before proceeding with your information, please make sure you have complied with the following instructions:

Please only put your true and legal name (*nicknames will invalidate your ordination).
Please use only factual information in this serious religious rite.
Please double check your name and email address.
Please capitalize where appropriate, as this is how our records will show your ordination.
Your privacy is carefully guarded. We maintain this information only for our own uses and for legal reasons."

It is already forbidden. Being politically active, lobbying, endorsing candidates, etc, are all explicit causes that can get a religious institution's tax-exempt status revoked. If you know of any religious institution doing this, report them to the IRS.
Not really. Generally when a non-profit group spends money on lobbying etc, it only causes the money that they spent specifically on the lobbying to become taxable. So if a church made $1 million and spent $100k on lobbying, $900k of their income would still be tax-exempt. It's possible for a non-profit group to loose its tax exempt status entirely if it spends more than a certain fraction of its budget on lobbying for more than a specified period of time, but usually non-profits are careful not to go over the line.
Sadly, only the money that you spend on things directly related to your activities as a minister will be tax exempt.

But my home, car and everything else I own would be used to reach out to online congregation. ;)
The real question each of us should be asking ourselves not how to get the government to stop exempting institutions from taxes. We should be asking how we can legally structure ourselves as a businesses to qualify for tax exemption so that we never have to pay taxes to our oppressors again.
The real question each of us should be asking ourselves not how to get the government to stop exempting institutions from taxes. We should be asking how we can legally structure ourselves as a businesses to qualify for tax exemption so that we never have to pay taxes to our oppressors again.

Since many people claim that Obama would be a more secular president, can we assume that tax exemption for wealthy institutions like religion will finally go out the window? What are your thoughts on this "special treatment?"
A religious org. should not be tax exempt. I don't know if it is a problem separating religious organizations out from non-profits that can also get tax exempt status, but whatever criteria an NPO must fulfil shoul d be fulfilled by any religious org that wants tax free status.

And for Chritian organizations....

Jesus said render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.........