Elemantal Life Energy


Registered Member
I'm not really asking anything, I just want some opinions. It's just an idea of mine, but I think theat everyone has life energy. Well I know everyone has life energy but I mean more like elemental energy. Each person correlates with a different elemental life energy. i.e. Fire Water Earth Air and each energy has a different influence over human nature. I have my own opinions on what each element influences I was just wondering if anyone else ever thought about things like this.
Hmm hope you don't think you were the first to think this up. Many video games, anime series and sci fictions books used similar ideas. I also hope you realize that they made this up as well, seeing that there is no possible way worldly elements can be transformed into life energy. Although we are dependant on these elements, whatever life energies we may have is caused by corresponding organs within our bodies, not elemental factors.

Can you think of any way we could test what kind of life energy a person has, or how different kinds of life energy influence people in particular ways?

If not, I don't think its a very useful concept.
Obviously this idea comes from too many hours watching tv, playing video games, and book reading. Likewise I know there is no possible way to test for it, just like there is no proven way to test for a human spirit, telepathy, or even a more realistic topic of nature vs. nurture. It does not mean that a person can't have the right to believe in it. I'm not saying it is true and I am not saying that anyone else has to believe in it. I realize that it is a fun concept (or else it wouldn't be present in so many video games, books, ect.) and brought it up merely because i wanted to discuss the idea. If anyone wishes to debate about the existance of elemental energy I suggest starting another thread.

Next time I post I'll be sure to include wether or not I'm discussing a topic or debating the existance of said topic.

In summary I could care less about the existance of something physically if it can be discussed, to me it exists.
Originally posted by James R:
Can you think of any way we could test what kind of life energy a person has, or how different kinds of life energy influence people in particular ways?

If not, I don't think its a very useful concept.
(i personally would like to relate life energy (elemental) to the human energy, as i think that the two types of energies are related)

#1 - if you are referring to auras (which is the "magnetic field" of a human, also known as the human energy field), there are tests/experiments that have been done to prove its existence. not only do certain people see them, but the energy has been actually detected with certain instruments: using a modified from of an electromyogram, the frequencies of the human energy field run around 250 cps to above 900 cps (some frequencies detected go past 200,00 cps). of course, the frequencies correlate to the amount of energy a person has in their energy field (if you are not referring to auras, i still believe that the energy in auras are, in fact, related to the elements, as i believe that the elements have different amounts of energy/different frequency). so there's proof of the existence of life energy.

#2 - here's a question: why wouldn't a person's life energy affect another person in a certain way? i can be just as annoying. ;) all types of energies (except potential energy) affect someone/something in some way - even if it's not detectable.

#3 - do you believe that concepts are only useful if they are proven (through physical means alone) to exist? some of the greatest theories now are still based on presumption of a certain condition or certain properties.

#4 - you might ask, "why can't i see the human energy field then?" it's is all perception-based. many people cannot see their energies because 50% of what we "see" is based on what the physical world should look like rather than what it does look like. our brain fills in gaps to look like what the world is supposed to look like. plus, the energies are of different frequencies that we are not used to detecting (however, we are capable).

Originally posted by Votorx:
I also hope you realize that they made this up as well, seeing that there is no possible way worldly elements can be transformed into life energy. Although we are dependant on these elements, whatever life energies we may have is caused by corresponding organs within our bodies, not elemental factors.
#1- why can't worldly elements be transformed into life energy, you ask? well, do the elements even need to be transformed? ... why can't there be a type of life energy with aspects of the elements already present in it?

#2 - badluck was just asking us for our opinions/ideas of the possible correlations between life energy and elements. this is all theoretical... all theories concerning life energy cannot be 'proven'. but no proof of existence is not necessarily proof of non-existence. why can't you be more open-minded to the idea? i can just as easily believe in the life energy's potential as i can see the reasons for its non-existence. broaden your ideas.

#3 - votorx, why would you only believe that the life energies a person may possess only correspond to parts of our physical body? why leave other bodies out of the picture? do you personally believe in the existence of aura, or do you not believe in it because you cannot physically see it?

anyway, to my dear badluck :) : yes, i do believe that there is a correlation between life energy and the elements. but i also believe that there is another correlation between life energy/elements and the human energy field. i think that the frequencies of the aura are directly related to the amounts of each element in the life energy.
slivered roots said:
anyway, to my dear badluck :) : yes, i do believe that there is a correlation between life energy and the elements. but i also believe that there is another correlation between life energy/elements and the human energy field. i think that the frequencies of the aura are directly related to the amounts of each element in the life energy.

are the frequencies of the aura related at all to light or sound freqeuncies, because that would suggest that there is a corallation to colors and sounds as well. also which elements would have higher/lower frequencies.
Originally posted by BadLuck:
are the frequencies of the aura related at all to light or sound freqeuncies, because that would suggest that there is a corallation to colors and sounds as well. also which elements would have higher/lower frequencies.

i would like to believe so, because all forms of energy (sound, light, etc.) are all similar because they share frequencies. i am a person who believe in frequencies... (wave/frequency interference interests me as well)

i think that sound is, in fact, related to life energy. i am a fan of plato's concept of musica humana. here is the definition:
musica humana (human music) which is man's expression of his own natural harmony, a reflection of his moral nature

another concept of musica humana is that a human's natural 'song' is either dissonant, melodic, etc... i find this interesting because there are various forms of musica humana, so different 'energies' are taking place in them. this implies that there is frequency, whether the frequency is detectable to our humans ears or not, it is still a form of energy (either way, it has a frequency). if this special form of frequency varies from one human to another, it is probable that it could correlate with their own life energy.

i believe that a human's natural harmony either affects or is affected by his/her life energy.

light seems to be more applicable to life energy. i think that both visible and invisible light play a role in life energy (invisible, of course, being a matter of light detection, as it does exist... it's just a higher vibrational state than we can detect). but i believe that life energy is composed of both visible and invisible light.

as far as elements go, i would speculate that from highest energy to lowest energy, it goes from fire to wind to earth to water. the reasoning i like to think of this order is due to heat energy... although i believe that all of the elements are present in the the life energy, i think that it's a matter of elemental dominance. therefore, higher frequencies of the aura (higher than 900 cps) would suggest a fire dominance. the lowest frequencies of the aura (around the 250 cps range) would have a water dominance.

but i also think that two element can be in co dominance. these i think have special qualities. i'm thinking that in the case of co dominance, there is frequency interference or a criss-cross pattern that results from certain frequencies combining.
Hey slivered roots, since u seem to wanna list so will I:

#1. As explained in my thread I was simply stating the fact that many FICTIONAL authors use this same kind of idea.

#2. How could elements be found in our life energy? All these things are matter, although they can be changed into energy, it doesn't correspond and is simply illogical to think that our "spirit" is made out of these materials. First of all, what makes you think we even have life energy or a spirit?

#3 - votorx, why would you only believe that the life energies a person may possess only correspond to parts of our physical body? why leave other bodies out of the picture? do you personally believe in the existence of aura, or do you not believe in it because you cannot physically see it?

#3. Ohh hmm...wow...I kinda forgot I wrote that in my post. Oh way a second I didn't! :D. I never said Life energies possess only correspondent to parts of our physical body. In fact I don't even remember saying that I even believed with the idea of Life energy. I was simply stating that the closest thing we can come to life energy is corresponding organs in our body.

why can't you be more open-minded to the idea?

Oh well once I find and idea worth being open minded to then I will be the first to agree with it, don't worry about that

... why can't there be a type of life energy with aspects of the elements already present in it?

What aspects does water, soil, fire and wind have? Ok water can break up glucose, soil (fertile) can feed seeds, fire is combustion of atoms and wind is uneven atmospheric heating. What aspects can possible be found in these actions which would be found in our "life energies". What, can someone with the elemental earth in their life energy grow corn out of their arm just by watering a seed on it? I doubt it. Also, how would this benefit us? Correct me if im wrong but our natural evolution has rid unecessary aspects of our existence. So what use is having elemantal life energy?
votorx, oh how i missed speaking with you... i'm so glad that we are back on speaking terms. :D
Originally posted by Votorx:
First of all, what makes you think we even have life energy or a spirit?
life energy and the spirit could be very separate, as far as existence is concerned.

if you are not a believer in the existence of the spirit, then you aren't a believer. assuming this, i would not be able to convince you otherwise. anything that i could say concerning the spirit (assuming that i believe in the existence of the spirit) would not affect a person if she/he does not believe in the spirit.

Originally posted by Votorx:
What aspects does water, soil, fire and wind have? Ok water can break up glucose, soil (fertile) can feed seeds, fire is combustion of atoms and wind is uneven atmospheric heating. What aspects can possible be found in these actions which would be found in our "life energies". What, can someone with the elemental earth in their life energy grow corn out of their arm just by watering a seed on it? I doubt it. Also, how would this benefit us? Correct me if im wrong but our natural evolution has rid unecessary aspects of our existence. So what use is having elemantal life energy?
you are very much centered towards only the physical aspects of the elements. maybe it is this reason why you questioned how i could think that we have a life energy... do you have a hard time grasping un-physical concepts? i'm almost possitive that this is not the case... are you just being disagreeable for the sake of being disagreeable?

all four elements have specific characterisitcs beyond the physical realm.
All atoms vibrate at different frequencies. To find the frequencies that certain diseases have, like cancer, we could use a way to destroy the diseases with their own frequencies just at higher or lower amplitudes or modulations. These frequencies could also be in the lightwave variety which can also be used to destroy certain other diseases. We do have a life energy for we are electrically charged, for thats how our minds as well as bodies operate. Signals are sent through nerves using this electrical energy to convey messages throghout or entire body.
votorx, oh how i missed speaking with you... i'm so glad that we are back on speaking terms

Well yeah, I guess I got bored of our last thread and haven't posted on there for a while (Sorry I can get bored very easily).

Anyways. These elements you say have characteristics that can be formed within our life energy isn't logical. Why these 4 elements? Maybe you can explain to me what characteristics these elements have and why don't they include other substances such as electricity? Plasma? Gravity? and more?

You still haven't answered my questions, or do u just not know what the answers are? As for the spirit, we are just brainwaves being passed between neutrons within our brain. We have no spirit since we are just the result of synapsis.
accupuncture and accupresure are all sciences to do with managing life energies.

Chakras, kundalinni, crytaline energies, are all aspects of life force energies.

Some will suggest that the intesity of these energies are way to weak to be detected by anything other than our senses and in the main our intuitive senses.

Lifeforce energy is in essence the colour white ( astral Light ) and the body polarises this energy in to the different colours that are seen as an aura or halo.

More than half the worlds population believe in some way that crystaline energies exist. amd there are many alternative medical therapies that are based on it.

The elements you refer to are very much of the stronger intensities that we normally deal with consciously in the "physical " world but also have less intensities asociated with them that are more intuitive in nature.

These video games etc are successful because they tap in to what we already know intuitively. if they didn't they would fail as entertainment.
Science is quick to point out the existence of a quantuum physical "innanimate" world or universe, Well the life energies refered to are just a quantuum form of physics for and of living "Animated" organisms.

A clay brick has a quantum world. So to does a butterfly.