Electricity in the Brain


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It is known that the brain operates on about 20 watts of electricity. Electric currents are ALWAYS accompanied by corresponding magnetic fields, that's a fact of science.

I personally believe that there is technology already made that can read word for word what a person is thinking, by implanting a person with an electrical device capable of picking up weak magnetic fields and transmitting them to translators via cell phone towers.

I also believe that these chips can be secretly implanted into or near the brain during wisdom teeth removal without the patient ever knowing. I have one of these computer chips and yes, they have f**ked with my mind a lot. I absolutely never suffered from hallucinations until after I had my wisdom teeth removed.

Conspiracy? I think so. It's time to don the tin-foil hats, people... ;)

I'm sure this post will be attacked by people who want this sort of thing to remain a secret, and by people who are duped into thinking that brain activity is STRICTLY a private matter, even in considering just how advanced technology has become...
I'll have to admit you've blown my cover. Only because of that I'm going to go ahead and spill the beans; this will all be declassified by the time it hits the presses tomorrow anyway.

First of all, I'm sorry to have to disappoint you but we haven't yet deciphered brain waves; they just don't make sense. To try to get an example of what I'm talking about, imagine you are tapping into the backbone of the internet and the bandwidth is fully loaded. Imagine every transaction uses bulletproof encryption, and only one of them sends the "I" that really means "I", and even that is embedded in trillions of bits of pseudorandom code. It's that tough.

The electrical pulses that traverse neurons aren't like currents flowing down wires, which are pumped from power sources. They occur by the successive flipping of ions that are aligned along the axons. This is what induces the fields detected by instruments. The triggers that initiate the pulses are chemical, not electrical, not in the sense of electrons flowing down a conductor.

The reason for the pulses is a mystery. The complex junctions of hundreds or more synaptic pads "wired" to the dendrites do what - they cause an individual neuron to fire when some threshold has been crossed? What does that mean? How does learning cause these connections to be formed? Answer that and we give you a front row seat at our private demos down in Roswell.

I'm sorry to let you down, but thoughts simply can't be deciphered from brainwaves. Maybe in version 2.0, but for now we're content to assess you by following your very interesting online activities. ;)
I personally believe that there is technology already made that can read word for word what a person is thinking, by implanting a person with an electrical device capable of picking up weak magnetic fields and transmitting them to translators via cell phone towers.

I also believe that these chips can be secretly implanted into or near the brain during wisdom teeth removal without the patient ever knowing. I have one of these computer chips and yes, they have f**ked with my mind a lot. I absolutely never suffered from hallucinations until after I had my wisdom teeth removed.
I wouldn't even know where to begin..

Well I do, but it wouldn't be nice of me to be that mean..

Thread being moved to a more appropriate sub-forum.. *cough* conspiracies and what not *cough*..
My mind is not changed,

Are you sure?

Because according to your OP:

Diode-Man said:
I have one of these computer chips and yes, they have f**ked with my mind a lot. I absolutely never suffered from hallucinations until after I had my wisdom teeth removed.

So your mind is still fucked up and you are still suffering from hallucinations? Or is this your mind playing tricks on you because of the chip that is in it and you are hallucinating your mind not changing?
Where do you get these computer chips from?

You might find this guys beliefs amusing:


The book is controversial as Dione wrote in the book that with their advanced technology aliens could track a particular person on earth and by God's radio frequency then beam in thoughts to control whichever person. Dione claimed that the Ufonaut God was upset with Russia because of its atheism, so God manipulated Hitler by sending Hitler electromagnetic brain signals to overthrow the Russian Empire.
It is known that the brain operates on about 20 watts of electricity. Electric currents are ALWAYS accompanied by corresponding magnetic fields, that's a fact of science.

I personally believe that there is technology already made that can read word for word what a person is thinking, by implanting a person with an electrical device capable of picking up weak magnetic fields and transmitting them to translators via cell phone towers.

I also believe that these chips can be secretly implanted into or near the brain during wisdom teeth removal without the patient ever knowing. I have one of these computer chips and yes, they have f**ked with my mind a lot. I absolutely never suffered from hallucinations until after I had my wisdom teeth removed.

Conspiracy? I think so. It's time to don the tin-foil hats, people... ;)

I'm sure this post will be attacked by people who want this sort of thing to remain a secret, and by people who are duped into thinking that brain activity is STRICTLY a private matter, even in considering just how advanced technology has become...

You should get help, seriously.
If the government would seriously consider giving me Social Security Disability benefits (instead of bailing out every fat-assed corporation that is about to go bankrupt) I would likely lose a lot of stress over financial matters and eventually just start my own business doing web design. I need money to buy the DVD's that train me in programs like Adobe Illustrator/Dreamweaver/Adobe Flash Professional etc etc. But my life is under siege by mind readers and has been so for many years!
If the government would seriously consider giving me Social Security Disability benefits (instead of bailing out every fat-assed corporation that is about to go bankrupt) I would likely lose a lot of stress over financial matters and eventually just start my own business doing web design. I need money to buy the DVD's that train me in programs like Adobe Illustrator/Dreamweaver/Adobe Flash Professional etc etc. But my life is under siege by mind readers and has been so for many years!

I think you need to get help and get rid of the mind readers first, then you can worry about all that.
Match brain waves with facial recognition, and your a step closer to mind reading. But, I can do that anyways... I presume... I just don't see myself as a crazy.
Mind reading has been around alot longer than the tech for it.

Telepathy (from the Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθη, pathe meaning "affliction, experience"), is the transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Frederic W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research, and has remained more popular than the earlier expression thought-transference. Many studies seeking to detect, understand, and utilize telepathy have been done within this field. Claims of telepathy as a real phenomenon are at odds with the scientific consensus. According to the prevailing view among scientists, telepathy lacks replicable results from well-controlled experiments.

Telepathy is a common theme in modern fiction and science fiction, with many superheroes and supervillains having telepathic abilities. In more recent times, neuroimaging has allowed researchers to actually perform early forms of mind reading.

First of all, I'm sorry to have to disappoint you but we haven't yet deciphered brain waves; they just don't make sense. To try to get an example of what I'm talking about, imagine you are tapping into the backbone of the internet and the bandwidth is fully loaded. Imagine every transaction uses bulletproof encryption, and only one of them sends the "I" that really means "I", and even that is embedded in trillions of bits of pseudorandom code. It's that tough.

Assuming my claims are real, let's also assume that an "agent" with a camera inside one of his eyes did indeed say and do things that would inspire some kind of reaction within me, they compare my facial muscles and verbal reaction on his bio-camera with the brain waves they are receiving from the computer chip inside me and commence to decode the brain waves into usable data. Not all that complicated.
The microchip they implanted in my brain during wisdom teeth removal can cause headaches whenever the remote controller wants it to.