Electric People?


Registered Senior Member
A few years ago I was having really strange experiences with electricity: I would walk under a street light and it would go off, I kept blowing loads of lights when i turned them on and off, if I got really angry sometimes the computer would turn off. I thought it was just coincidence at first because surely there was no way that somehow I could be controlling all these electrical things.
But then I read about "electric people" and how there were lots of people having the same problem.

Anyone got any theories or does anyone know anything about this? I find it really interesting.
A few years ago I was having really strange experiences with electricity: I would walk under a street light and it would go off, I kept blowing loads of lights when i turned them on and off, if I got really angry sometimes the computer would turn off. I thought it was just coincidence at first because surely there was no way that somehow I could be controlling all these electrical things.
But then I read about "electric people" and how there were lots of people having the same problem.

Anyone got any theories or does anyone know anything about this? I find it really interesting.

Actually the term usually attributed to such people that cause lights to blow when they walk under them are called "Sliders". It's possible that if this only happens in one place like your place of residence or work that it's actually down to bad electrical wiring. It might be a good idea to get an Electrician to take a look otherwise you might risk having an electrical fire.

There is of course a more in depth theory for those that have sound wiring, as electricity generates electromagnetic fluctuations, those fluctuations are actually distorted spacetime. What happens with "Sliders" is if they are being used by various types of government (or private research) surveillance equipment, the type of radiology used can distort the EM levels enough to cause Bulbs to break their filaments or surges in power levels.

There's not much a person can do when such clandestine usage is occurring since obviously the "psychologically disturbed" card tends to get played to cover up whats actually going on.
Yeah it was probably just the wiring that was the problem. It hasn't happened for a good few years now.
Thanks though :)
A few years ago I was having really strange experiences with electricity: I would walk under a street light and it would go off,

This is a common experience, because street lights often flicker. A street light might, for example, switch itself on and off in a roughly 10-30 minute cycle, or more or less at random. If you happen to be walking under one that is cycling like this and it switches off it's a surprising experience. Lots of people jump to the conclusion that somehow they caused it.

If you really want to test this, next time it happens to you just stand around and keep an eye on the same light for a while. It may take anywhere up to half an hour, but chances are that you'll see the light come back on again. Keep waiting and you'll see it go off again after a while. And you'll realise it has nothing to do with you.
This is a common experience, because street lights often flicker. A street light might, for example, switch itself on and off in a roughly 10-30 minute cycle, or more or less at random. If you happen to be walking under one that is cycling like this and it switches off it's a surprising experience. Lots of people jump to the conclusion that somehow they caused it.

If you really want to test this, next time it happens to you just stand around and keep an eye on the same light for a while. It may take anywhere up to half an hour, but chances are that you'll see the light come back on again. Keep waiting and you'll see it go off again after a while. And you'll realise it has nothing to do with you.

I'm open to every suggestion. I'm not pinpointing that it's anything supernatural or unexplainable I was just saying that it was quite strange because the number of times it happens.
Doesn't happen anymore anyway :)
me too!

You described exactly what has been happening to me for years now. I just sent you an invite to be a friend on windows live.
A few years ago I was having really strange experiences with electricity: I would walk under a street light and it would go off, I kept blowing loads of lights when i turned them on and off, if I got really angry sometimes the computer would turn off. I thought it was just coincidence at first because surely there was no way that somehow I could be controlling all these electrical things.
But then I read about "electric people" and how there were lots of people having the same problem.

Anyone got any theories or does anyone know anything about this? I find it really interesting.

I've burned out 2 computers by static shock. Every time I step out of my parents car I receive a good shock, while they get shocked only once in a while.

If I ever go to the gas station, I'll have to be careful for sure.

BTW, Catherine looks kinda hot in that photo of hers :D
My grandma can't wear watches because of some electrical something or other. They always break apparently.
There is a fair difference between "Sliding" (wikipedia) and a charge that is built up by a person either through static or just their own Bioelectromagnetism. Obviously the latter are explained, the sliding apparently isn't, which is why people can only offer theories or speculation based upon what they have observed or been involved in. (ergo, my previous explaination.)
Actually human and other animals body generate tiny amount of electric current to get the body functionable. Without those current our body will be dead. Our brains neurons utilising electric current to transmit information to other parts of the body. Our body do emit tiny amount of electric and magnetic field .Perhaps a person with strong electric field may interrupt the surrounding electrical appliances is possible but our science still not advanced enough to gauge the difference.

Perhaps I can do more study in this topic in my laboratory to find out other application such as how the electric current can cure the disease, generate extra energy to the human brains in order to have higher intelligence level and alertness, recover tireness of the body, ascertain the side effect of electrical appliances in the surrounding to our body's function, the effect of the high tension cable and cell-phone to our health because of the disturbance or interference of the electric field between the living organism and the electrical appliances.

I had done the experiment long time ago using a strong magnet placing under pillow and sleep at night. You will feel tired when you wake up and have nightmare. Perhaps the strong magnetic force disturb the magnetic and electrical field of our brain and mess up your brain's signal. You can try out my experiment using a strong magnet placing under your pilliow. I bet you will feel the difference. Enjoy doing your experiment and tell me your experience.
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My grandma can't wear watches because of some electrical something or other. They always break apparently.

Someone mentioned that on cash in the attic last week actually.
The creationist and occult alchemist Isaac Newton, the poster boy for modern pseudoscience, correctly said that people are electric.

"And now we might add something concerning a certain most subtle spirit which pervades and lies hid in all gross bodies; by the force and action of which spirit the particles of bodies attract one another at near distances, and cohere, if contiguous; and electric bodies operate to greater distances, as well repelling as attracting the neighboring corpuscles; and light is emitted, reflected, refracted, inflected, and heats bodies; and all sensation is excited, and the members of animal bodies move at the command of the will, namely, by the vibrations of this spirit, mutually propagated along the solid filaments of the nerves, from the outward organs of sense to the brain, and from the brain into the muscles. But these are things that cannot be explained in few words, nor are we furnished with that sufficiency of experiments which is required to an accurate determination and demonstration of the laws by which this electric and elastic spirit operates." -- Isaac Newton, mathematician, 1686
I doubt there is such thing as electric people mainly because the amount of electricity to create a sizeable EM field that could shatter lights and cause effects near electronics would be more than enough to fry every cell in your body medium rare

It is probably just coincidence.
Some street lights turn off by themselves often. There is one in front of our local library that does it all the time. At first I thought it was due to car headlights. That didn't seem to pan out. But I see the light turn on and off if the car is near the light or not. Went through quite a bulb once. Switched brands and that problem went away. Static shocks in cars are more common in dry weather when static charges don't disperse as well. Your clothing affects the static charge build up.