Something that already exists is not a dream. But I take it that your premise is that it is a dream to consider it a solution to some of the technology problems in our oil addicted society.
Obviously the bias one has on the subject, one way or the other, is engendered by the education one has been exposed to which sets the basis for one's cognition.
Since 1973 and the oil embargo with those long lines at U.S. gas stations, the mantra of BP (big petroleum) has been "it can't be done overnight", which was just repeated by Senator Kerry when he revealed his new energy legislation a few days ago.
With the education we have in this nation, coupled with the severe addiction to oil, "overnight" currently means 30-40 years or longer.
Addicts are commonly overcome with "we can't" which replaces their pre-addiction attitude of "we can".
This is looking like a debate about psychology rather than a debate about technical ability to produce a new technical reality.
Obviously the bias one has on the subject, one way or the other, is engendered by the education one has been exposed to which sets the basis for one's cognition.
Since 1973 and the oil embargo with those long lines at U.S. gas stations, the mantra of BP (big petroleum) has been "it can't be done overnight", which was just repeated by Senator Kerry when he revealed his new energy legislation a few days ago.
With the education we have in this nation, coupled with the severe addiction to oil, "overnight" currently means 30-40 years or longer.
Addicts are commonly overcome with "we can't" which replaces their pre-addiction attitude of "we can".
This is looking like a debate about psychology rather than a debate about technical ability to produce a new technical reality.