Elderly Down's Syndrome People?


Registered Senior Member
As a quick thought as I leave work for the night I wondered if anyone has ever seen a person with Down's Syndrome that was elderly, old? Over 50 or 60? In my 43 years I have not. Why? I know there are physical problems but what are they?

Also goes for people with dwarfism, midgets. I have never seen a person with dwarfism that was old. Wrinkled and with a white beard? Never. Why? Any medical whizzes in SFLand?

Till Thursday night:)
I think most people with downs syndrome die before 40. I could be talking shit, but yeah..
I think most people with downs syndrome die before 40. I could be talking shit, but yeah..
That's what I thought but I wonder why and what physical ailments shorten their lives. Should people with Downs Syndrome or dwarfism breed?
49yrs old

see web article

The World's No.1 Science & Technology News Service

Down's syndrome lifespan doubles

Emma Young

The life expectancy of people with Down's syndrome has doubled in 15 years from 25 to 49 years, a new analysis of US data reveals. The research also shows people with the syndrome are much less likely to die from a range of cancers.

"A better understanding of the causes of death in Down's syndrome will lead to longer and healthier lives for people with this condition, and may improve our understanding of how various genes contribute to cancer," says Sonja Rasmussen of the US National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Atlanta, who was involved in the research.

Rasmussen's team looked at a random 25 per cent sample of all US deaths between 1983 and 1997. They then compared age at death and cause of death with data on all people with Down's syndrome who died during this period.

There are several reasons for the dramatic increase in life expectancy, Rasmussen says. Almost half of all babies born with the syndrome have congenital heart defects, and many of these are severe. Medical treatments for these defects have improved in recent years, she says.

"Also, people with the condition may have been institutionalised in the past. Today, most live in group homes or other facilities in the community," she says.

Tumour suppression
About one in 800 of live-born babies have Down's syndrome. The condition is caused by the duplication of chromosome 21, resulting in cells with three copies instead of the usual two. Some genes important to normal heart development are located on chromosome 21 - which could explain the high incidence of heart defects in sufferers, Rasmussen says.

But her team found much lower rates of death from many cancers in people with Down's syndrome. Cancers other than leukaemia and testicular cancer were listed as the cause of death one tenth as often as on death certificates of the general population. "
Thanks for this. I was just curious. That Little People Big World show on TLC channel is a reality scenario following the lives of a family of dwarves/midgets. Knowingly passing this genetic trait onto offspring, whom not all contract but certainly carry, is an ethical/moral question.

from web:


"Dwarfism is a medical condition that results in the underdevelopment of the body. It is the result of a developmental anomaly, of nutritional or hormone deficiencies, or of other diseases. A dwarf in adulthood may be as small as 2½ feet tall. The proportions of body to head and limbs may be normal or abnormal. The dwarf may also be deformed, and may suffer from mental retardation, depending on the cause of the condition.

Achondroplasia, by far the most common form of dwarfism, occurs in one in every 20,000 births in the United States. It is a developmental anomaly that affects the growth of the bones. The patient's trunk is usually normal, but the head is unusually large and the arms and legs unusually small. Those who reach adulthood do not suffer any lessening of their mental or sexual abilities, and may have unusual muscular strength. Achondroplasia does not significantly shorten life span.

There are more than 320 medical conditions known as dwarfism. A detailed study of dwarfism is outside the scope of this Web site. There are several good sites that address this medical condition"
Awesome. What I wanted to know.
I think if I were passed by this genetic trait I would never have kids. To knowingly bring a person into the world that will be hobbled/physically limited/mentally limited is immoral. The expense of all the surgeries and doctors, care and medication would be another heavy factor.
I've nothing against little people or Downs Syndrome folk but I wonder how it could be celebrated and bred into the future, as on the www.tlc.com show "Little People Big World."
Are they even fertile?
Yes. At least dwarves are. You've never seen Downs Syndrome or dwarf kids? It's a genetic trait that skips here & there but comes originally from a carrier with the features of one or the other condition. Never seen the relentless previews of the TLC midget show?? One of their 3 kids is not a dwarf, but he will likely pass it on to his own kids.
Dwarves are different than those with Down Syndrome.
Down Syndrome's caused by pieces of, or a complete, extra 21st chromosome.
Dwarfism has multiple causes, including hormonal, diet and genetic disorders.
Don't such people have to go for genetic counselling these days? I think that informs them about the possibility of passing on genetic problems, but ultimately the choice is up to them.