Einstein's Hidden Variables Discovered


Registered Senior Member
In a researched paper just released at the General Science Journal, professor Morales has postulated that Einstein's hidden variables exist and that they do not dwell in the realm of physical properties as commonly believed. He has explained the mystery behind QM's wave function collapse and entanglement in the process

Paper: gsjournal.net/ntham/morales.pdf

I find myself reluctant to consider his findings but they are indeed precise. It will be interesting to see how the scientific community evaluates this new way at looking at the universe. :shrug:
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One word: Crackpot.

Precise? There's nothing there but words. Where's the math, where's the physics?

Professor Manuel Morales? He's an adjunct liberal arts instructor at a community college with a bachelors degree in fine arts. He paints commercial art for a living. The "General Sciences Journal" is about as crackpot as journals can get. The wikipedia entry on the journal was deleted because, well, it's crackpot.
I wanted a summary of the paper. "choice, chance, where, when" are not um... great.
You missed the key phrase: The "Test Destiny experiment". So what is this experiment? Some important experiment in quantum physics that addresses the hidden variable problem?

No. The Test Destiny experiment" is that if Manuel Morales paints a commercial billboard that challenges some National Football team to "Test Destiny", then that team will go on to "test destiny" and win the Super Bowl.

This isn't even pseudoscience material. This is cess.
I am not up to speed on a lot of the background regarding that pdf. I just noted that I've seen the logo before from some other spamming wacko.

Really I think the OP should be deleted unless the poster made some attempt for discussion. As it stands, it looks nothing more than an advertisement for some personal agenda.

I'm not about to throw rocks at every passing wacko unless they make it more entertaining.
I am not up to speed on a lot of the background regarding that pdf. I just noted that I've seen the logo before from some other spamming wacko.

Really I think the OP should be deleted unless the poster made some attempt for discussion. As it stands, it looks nothing more than an advertisement for some personal agenda.

I'm not about to throw rocks at every passing wacko unless they make it more entertaining.

OK, how would you like to join me in this experiment while voting for your favorite NFL team in the playoff?

Hers's the link: TemptDestiny.com

If the results are mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive, then how much more precise does the evidence need to be?
Einstein's proposed hidden variables were to be physical attributes, not based on playing dice. To unify Quantum Physics to Physics you basically look at physics deeper.